Der USA Bären-Thread

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neuester Beitrag: 10.09.24 13:25
eröffnet am: 20.02.07 18:45 von: Anti Lemmin. Anzahl Beiträge: 156400
neuester Beitrag: 10.09.24 13:25 von: ARIVA.DE Leser gesamt: 23377917
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25.02.20 10:37

80400 Postings, 7446 Tage Anti LemmingDeckt sich ganz gut mit meiner Analyse

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25.02.20 10:55

12517 Postings, 2762 Tage USBDriverNun auch Corona in Hamburg? Mann eingeliefert

25.02.20 11:20

5080 Postings, 5158 Tage TherionBild?

Bitte nicht Bild zitieren. Da fällt mir nämlich immer der Klassiker ein:
Nach Unfall - Bild sprach zuerst mit dem Toten.  

25.02.20 13:01

79561 Postings, 9098 Tage Kickykaum neue Fälle ausserhalb v.Hubei

Restrictionen weitgeehend aufgehoben. Von den neuen Erkrankungen sind über 90% in Wuhan !
"China on Tuesday reported a total of 508 new cases of coronavirus infections, but only nine of these occurred outside Hubei province signalling the country’s control measures have been effective in containing the disease to within the central Chinese province where the epidemic began.
But the challenges of the outbreak for Asia are escalating. A sudden rise in cases in South Korea has prompted several Chinese cities to step up precautions against South Korean visitors.

Figures from China’s National Health Commission said 499 of the new cases on the mainland were reported in Hubei, of which 464 came from provincial capital Wuhan. The commission said 71 new deaths were reported as of Monday, bringing the total death toll to 2,663. Mainland China reported 77,658 confirmed cases and 27,323 recovered cases since the outbreak started in December.
China will impose coronavirus controls on a county-by-county basis rather than introducing provincewide restrictions to encourage resumption of work and production..."

man muss ja nicht alles in frage stellen, was chinesische Zeitungen posten, mir scheint es glaubhaft, dass die Fallzahlen zurückgehen und sich weitgehend auf den Ausgangsort beschränken...

in Hongkong bleiben dieSchulen bis Anfang April geschlossen  

25.02.20 13:03

79561 Postings, 9098 Tage KickyBestätigung durch WHO
"China’s Wuhan lockdown helped limit global spread of coronavirus, says World Health Organisation
Bruce Aylward said the number of Covid-19 cases was ‘falling and falling because of the actions being taken’..."

25.02.20 13:06

79561 Postings, 9098 Tage Kickyasiatische Märkte weiten ihre Verluste aus

nurKospi steigt

South Korea’s Kospi 180721, +1.18%   rebounded from a steep loss on Monday, adding 0.6%. Shares also rose in Singapore STI, +0.51%   but fell elsewhere in the region.
Overnight on Wall Street, traders sought safety in U.S. government bonds, gold and high-dividend stocks like utilities and real estate. The yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to the lowest level in more than three years..."  

25.02.20 13:11

79561 Postings, 9098 Tage KickyTrump warnt vor Crash am Aktienmarkt

"Every time the stock market has a sizeable downdraft, President Trump blames the Federal Reserve or the Democrats. And with Bernie Sanders' win in Nevada still looming large over the market, and futures struggling to shake off yesterday's brutal drop, the fact that Trump is back at it this morning is hardly a surprise.

In the past, Trump has warned that a Democratic "Clown" president would lead to a "1929"-style crash, coined the slogan "If you want stocks to fall, vote Democrat" and blamed the Dems for market "disruptions"..."
das muss man ja nun wirklich nicht ernst nehmen!

Futures zaghaft im plus  

25.02.20 16:56

12993 Postings, 6270 Tage wawiduUS Bankenindex - kritisches technisches Setting

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25.02.20 17:24

12993 Postings, 6270 Tage wawiduShort auf Tesla? Die Auswahl ist groß

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25.02.20 17:44

16041 Postings, 4232 Tage NikeJoeHeute fällt praktisch alles

... NUR die US-Bondhalter feiern wieder einmal. Da läuft seit 40 Jahren ein Mega-Bullenmarkt.


25.02.20 18:03

79561 Postings, 9098 Tage KickyDie erste Impfung im Versuch von Moderna

Moderna — The drugmaker’s stock was up 17% during extended trading after the Wall Street Journal reported that the company had shipped the first batch of its coronavirus vaccine to U.S. government researchers. Moderna worked with the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Vaccine Research Center to develop the vaccine.  

25.02.20 18:56

60 Postings, 7163 Tage POWWOWAL holt schon einmal den Hammer raus...

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25.02.20 19:24

110561 Postings, 8960 Tage Katjuschamal ein wenig Charttechnik

Sollte man heute im späten Handel nicht nach oben drehen (machen die Amis ja mal ganz gerne) und über der 3220 schließen, könnte der Markt schon wieder die Konsolidierung schnell beenden.
Ich glaube aber eher, dass wir die Chance nutzen und bis zur Unterstützung bei etwa 3070 fallen, wo dann auch die 200TageLinie in den nächsten Tagen verlaufen wird.

the harder we fight the higher the wall
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25.02.20 19:25

79561 Postings, 9098 Tage KickyEU weigert sich Grenzen zu schliessen 322 Fälle

10 Tote  inzwischen in Italien...diese waren über 80 Jahre alt,bzw eine war krebskarnk, einer herzkrank.
in Ligurien ist jetzt ein Hotel in Lockdown
3 neue Fälle im sudlichen Sizilien, verursacht durch einen Touristen aus Bergamo in derLombardei
4 Fälle in Catalonien
auf Teneriffa soll es 60 Fälle in einem Hotel geben,  Quarantäne  der 1000 Gäste. Zuvor war ein Besucher aus Italien positiv auf das neue Virus getestet worden, teilte das spanische Gesundheitsministerium mit. Bei dem Mann handele es sich um einen 69 Jahren alten Arzt aus der Lombardei.

"German officials gave the first hint at what is coming earlier today when they said that closing borders with Italy wouldn't solve the problem (note: this is the same logic they used during the migrant crisis and we all remember how that turned out). Now, European health officials have collectively decided that closing borders would be "ineffective," concluding days of mounting speculation about whether Italy, or its neighbors, would suspend Schengen rules governing the free movement of people across the EU....


25.02.20 19:28

80400 Postings, 7446 Tage Anti Lemmingzu # 714


Die Größenverhältnisse haben sich verändert!
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25.02.20 19:51

80400 Postings, 7446 Tage Anti LemmingStandortbestimmung

Der ganze Bullen-Spuk im Februar (bis vor drei Tagen) war eine riesige Wolken-Kuckucks-Insel.

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25.02.20 19:57

80400 Postings, 7446 Tage Anti Lemming57 Corona-Fälle in USA

Das amerikanische CDC erwägt, die Seuche nunmehr als "Pandemie" zu klassifizieren.

The US has now confirmed 57 cases of coronavirus, US health officials said today.

This is an increase from the 53 reported yesterday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The newly confirmed cases are all passengers evacuated from the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan.

In total, the cases include:

   40 passengers who were aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship
   3 people repatriated from China
   14 US cases

The 14 US cases include eight in California, one in Massachusetts, one in Washington state, one in Arizona, two in Illinois and one in Wisconsin. Among these cases, there  are two instances of person-to-person transmission: one in Illinois and one in California.


25.02.20 20:10

80400 Postings, 7446 Tage Anti LemmingEin Musterbeispiel bullischer Selbstgefälligkeit

Solange es stieg, war das Virus und alle sonstigen Risse im wirtschaftlichen Gebälk irrelevant. Der Aktienmarkt galt als "absturzsicher", weil ja die Fed unendlich viel Geld drucken kann.

Stocks Plunge (or Dip?), Traders Confused: This Wasn’t Supposed to Happen. Complacency Exacts its Toll

“Complacency” (= Selbstgefälligkeit, A.L.)  – brushing off big issues as irrelevant or nonexistent because they don’t fit into the buy-buy-buy scenario – has a way of serving up a surprise tab just when the party is hopping at its wildest.

Today, we’re seeing a little of it. Already on Friday, some fallout had hit stocks, following a mild down-day on Thursday. As of early afternoon today, over those three days, the S&P 500 index has dropped 4.8% and the Nasdaq 5.8%.

It’s as if it had suddenly dawned on the hyper-inflated stock market that it is in fact hyper-inflated, and that there are in fact big issues out there that had been known about for many weeks, and some of them for months or even years, but that had been successfully brushed off as irrelevant and had been successfully banished as nonexistent.

Nothing mattered because stocks kept surging higher.<(U>Despite the freight recession that spread across 2019 and is still getting worse, with shipments plunging at the fastest rate since 2009, and with railroads laying off people massively amid dropping revenues and plunging earnings, Union Pacific’s shares, upon the news, hit a new high. These issues predated the coronavirus.

The auto industry in the US has seen declining sales volume, as measured in number of vehicles delivered, since 2016. This is a huge industry. But no big deal. In the largest market in the US, in California, new-vehicle registrations have dropped 5.5% in 2019, bringing the drop since 2016 to 9.5%. Across the US, new vehicles sales have also fallen for the third year in a row, to below year 2000 levels.

Subprime delinquency rates have exploded in auto loans and credit card loans starting two years ago, and now subprime credit-card delinquency rates spiked to an all-time high, and subprime auto-loan delinquency rates spiked to the highest since the peak of the Financial Crisis.

These developments are not new; they just reached a new high. But the market decided that they didn’t matter, that nothing mattered.

The entire US shale-oil-and-gas sector has been getting crushed again, but no problem. Manufacturing output has been declining for most of last year. But no problem.

Brick-and-mortar retail – particularly “mall stores” such as department stores – has been getting wiped out store by store, chain by chain, this time not by problems in the economy but by a structural shift in how Americans shop by switching to ecommerce, which is booming. Thousands of big stores are getting shuttered every year, with big chains, such as Sears Holdings, getting liquidated, along with innumerable smaller ones. But no problem.

Mall properties have declined in value, but not by much, and most mall REITs hung in there, as investors figured that this whole concept of the brick-and-mortar meltdown was overblown and that it would somehow go away.

Sector after sector has run into problems over the past few years, but it didn’t matter because stocks would just go up and up and up, and so who cares if these companies lose money forever, or burn cash forever or are outright doomed. So long as stocks go up….

Now comes the coronavirus outbreak. It’s just the latest issue. It’s a big issue for Corporate America, and it’s a horrible issue for China. This became clear in January. But US stock indices kept wobbling to new highs while the economic and business issues caused by the de-facto economic shutdown of much of China were just blown off as irrelevant because they didn’t matter as long as stocks go up.

Apple reached a new high in mid-February despite the clearer-than-daylight problems in China, with demand for iPhones in China collapsing, with Apple stores closed, with iPhone factories in China shut down. It just didn’t matter — until February 17, when Apple announced what everyone knew already, but had blissfully brushed off: That it had huge problems in China, and that both, demand for iPhones and its supply chain of iPhones in China had collapsed. Since the February 12 high, shares have dropped only 8.6%, including today’s 4.4% drop (as of early afternoon).

And then suddenly it matters at least a little bit, as complacency turns into confusion among stock jockeys. This wasn’t supposed to happen.  Stocks were guaranteed to only rise. That was the deal. Nothing else mattered. And they’re frazzled. How come all this crap suddenly matters? How can Tesla’s ludicrously-priced stock suddenly drop 7.5% out of the blue?

The whole auto sector is getting crushed – component makers and automaker. Here are some samples, as of miday: GM (-5%), Ford  (-3.6%), Honda (-3.9%), Toyota (-3.4%), Delphi Technologies, the former component maker of GM (-3.9%), Visteon, former component maker of Ford (-6.5%), American Axle (-5.8%), Lear Corp (-5.3%), Veoneer, maker of automotive safety and electronic components (-7.4%), Adient, maker of seating and other automotive components (-4.8%), Cooper-Standard Holdings (-3.1%), Modine (-5.5%)….

Auto sales in China, the world’s largest market, have come to a near-standstill due to the coronavirus, after having already plunged 13% in 2018 and 2019 combined. GM sells more vehicles in China than in the US. China is also the manufacturing hub for components used by assembly plants globally. And those components are not being manufactured because the factories have been shut down. This has been known since January.

But it didn’t matter because nothing mattered because stocks always go up. Until they don’t. The sudden turnaround of the stock market is confusing our coddled traders. How could this happen? Didn’t the Fed guarantee that stocks would never fall?

Then there’s QE-4, that $400 billion in liquidity that the Fed threw at the market between mid-September and the end of December. The market kept hyping the certainty that it would last forever. But it suddenly stopped at the end of December. And the Fed’s balance sheet has been essentially flat since then, turning from Big-Fat QE into No-QE:

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25.02.20 20:11

80400 Postings, 7446 Tage Anti LemmingDow geht vertikal

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25.02.20 21:03

79561 Postings, 9098 Tage KickySweeps Down on Global Economy Like a Fat Black Swa

25.02.20 21:05

400 Postings, 4150 Tage tarantelloDer schwarze Schwan singt

Ich glaube, was jetzt kommt ist in unseren Köpfen als Szenario nicht verankert. Wir haben über Jahrzehnte alles tabuisiert, was mit Schwäche und Tod zu tun hat. Wir werden vielleicht jetzt in einem Schnellkurs lernen, wie verwundbar und zerbrechlich unsere Gesellschaften und Prozeduren sind.

Das ist nicht nur schlecht. Unser Starren auf Bildschirme und Kolonnen von Zahlen ist wie ein katatonischer Tanz um ein wie auch immer eingefärbtes Kalb. Diese Wirtschaft tötet, und zwar nicht nur physisch. Sie frißt unsere Herzen und unsere Seelen, und sie ernährt sich von unserer Angst, unserer Gier und unseren Illusionen.

Man sollte mal wieder was lesen.

Boccaccio: Decamerone
Albert Camus: La Peste
Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Die Liebe in Zeiten der Cholera

Oder man stellt sich vor, wie man sterben möchte  

25.02.20 22:03

5080 Postings, 5158 Tage Therionam 20.02.2020

hat der SP500 future daily sein (noch derzeitiges ) AZH erklommen.

Stecken dahinter gar Zahlenmystiker? So ein blindes Virus kann doch die Schönheit eines Datums nicht erkennen. Nein, das ist gar ein vorgeschobener Grund!

Oder sind's Narren, in Vorfreude statt auf die 11.11. auf die 2 zu setzen?

Oder vorgezogener Aschermittwoch und die Börsen haben endlich ausgenüchtert
(Tankard - the morning after).

Oder hat die Wall Street das Metallvorkommen vor Manhattan bemerkt, welcher aus lauter Rettungsankern der Fed besteht?

Man weiß es nicht ...
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25.02.20 22:12

12993 Postings, 6270 Tage wawiduBinnen drei Handelstagen hat der Gesamtmarkt

über 2500 Mrd. $ an Kapitalisierung verloren.  
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25.02.20 22:18

4588 Postings, 2334 Tage walter.eucken#716

das ist eine fehlinterpretation bezüglich teneriffa, alle im hotel wurden getestet, doch die ergebnisse stehen noch aus, positiv tests gibt es erst für 2 personen. von den hotelgästen zeigen über 90% keine krankheitssymptome, die 60 von dir erw¨hnten haben teilweise leichtes fieber, husten oder kopfweh. bestimmt sind auch etliche hyopchonder darunter, welche sich in der aktuellen stresssituation das nur einbilden. die korrekte meldung heisst: bei 60 personen kann eine erkrankung nicht ausgeschlossen werden.

ich wohne zur zeit in der nähe und bin gut informiert. die extrem starke calima (quasi ein sandsturm aus der sahara) von letzten wochenende und der ausfall des karnevals in vielen orten deswegen ist bisher deutlich das wichtigere diskussionsthema der einheimischen...  

25.02.20 22:25

5080 Postings, 5158 Tage TherionChina beliebt zu scherzen

Zitat: "Chinas Volkskongress untersagte am Dienstag den Konsum von und den Handel mit dem Fleisch bestimmter Wildtiere. Der ständige Ausschuss des Volkskongresses habe sich darauf verständigt, „illegalen Wildtierhandel grundsätzlich zu verbieten und die schlechte Angewohnheit, Wildtiere zu essen, zu beseitigen, um die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung zu sichern“, berichteten Staatsmedien am Dienstag."

Hm, also gibt es demnächst legalen Wildtierhandel unter Duldung der KPdSU, Oh, andere Partei.

Ich würde ungern in einem Land leben, in dem "schlechte Angewohnheiten" "beseitigt" werden.



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