Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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30.06.08 20:40

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekro@centwatch

Die ABG Sitzung sollte eigentlich schon diese Woche stattfinden,wurde aber gecancelt da sich ein Teil der Mitglieder (Die pro Inv.Fraktion) ja auf "Reisen" befinden.

Kommt es zu einer Zustimmung des ABGs zu der Landeignerforderung "We want BOC back" so müsste das BCL Dossier als nächstes dem PNG Mining Minister Puku Temu des MRA (Mining Resources Autority)vorgelegt werden da die MRA von Bougainville noch nicht operationell ist (Das Weltbankprogramm dauert bis ende 09,soll aber laut Auskunft von Lawrence keinesfalls nur "Trockenübungen" veranstalten.Nachdem BCL als "Berater" der Weltbank mit an der Ausarbeitung des Trainingsprogramms beteiligt war, ist also davon auszugehen dass dabei schon konkrete "Probleme" bearbeitet werden.

Zwischen PNG und ABG kam es bei dem letzten JSB Meeting schon zu einer unterschriftsreifen Einigung zur Uebertragung der Miningpower sowie zur 50:50 Aufteilung der zu erwartenden Steuereinnahmen.Da PNG wohl lieber kassiert denn alimentiert sollte eine Zustimmung zum Mining,so sie von der Bevölkerung gewünscht ist,im Grunde nur noch eine Formsache sein.

Die Konsequenz müsste dann sein dass BCL in einer Pressemitteilung an die ASX bekannt gibt dass jetzt (endlich) alle an einem Strang ziehen und gemeinsam auf die Wiedereröffnung hin arbeiten ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))  

01.07.08 07:46

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 01.07.08 10:32
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt



01.07.08 08:46

286 Postings, 7200 Tage bergfex58from copra to copper

Nasfund opens B’ville branch

NATIONAL Superannuation Fund Limited (Nasfund) has become the latest company to bring its office closer to its members on Bougainville Island.
The fund opened its doors on Friday but will start effective operation tomorrow when Telikom links them with their new VSAT terminal.
Nasfund’s joint chief executive officer Ian Tarutia said Bougainville had the potential to prosper economically and Nasfund was opening its new branch on Buka as it wanted Bougainvilleans to have the savings culture with what they earned from commodities such as cocoa and copra.
Mr Tarutia also paid tribute to the late President Joseph Kabui and the late administrator Peter Tsimalili who were instrumental in the early stages and eager to see Nasfund open an office in the Autonomous Region of Bou-gainville.
The Bougainville branch becomes the 12th for Nasfund and Mr Tarutia said the fund eyed more offices nationwide.
Mr Tarutia said there were 15 registered employers on Bou-gainville contributing for 630 employees.
He said an advance marketing team in 2005 identified 30 potential employers located on Bougainville which would increase the number of contributing employees to over 1000.
“Bougainville as we all know is a major producer of cocoa and copra and the opportunities are here,” Mr Tarutia said.
“We are here to provide services to these opportunities and we will make sure people here make it into retirement with money in their accounts.”
He said Nasfund was committed to extend its services to other parts of Bougainville such as Arawa and the South Bougainville and he added that the fund was appreciative of the overwhelming support of the local business community.
Bougainville regional MP Fidelis Semoso said the opening of a branch office on Buka was a milestone as more companies were showing an interest to establish offices on Bougainville.
He said the private sector was important to the economic prosperity of Bougainville and he also hinted that when companies opened offices on Bougainville, competition should also be allowed as it was healthy for the local community.
Mr Semoso said the Autonomous Bougainville Government should concentrate on measures to attract more investment instead of allowing its members to be involved in private businesses.  

01.07.08 09:37

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekro#1371

wurde von dem allseits bekannten "Minenexperten" ;-))))))))))))))))) (der seine Geldvernichtungsempfehlung PEM gleich mit 4 Threads beglückt hat,und 70% im Minus ist ) als off topic gemeldet.

Tja,nicht alles was man selbst nicht versteht ist wirklich off topic.

Wer die Inv/BRDC Details kennt wird das Post schon verstanden haben. ;-))))))))))

Wer Details will,ne BM genügt ;-))  

01.07.08 10:35

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 01.07.08 15:48
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: beleidigend



01.07.08 10:47

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroAU RT 1,35 AUD 0,825 € 1,30 USD +3,45% VOL 60.5 K

Nachdem das ASK a 1,35 AUD fast komplett aufgekauft wurde (es haben sich wohl schon einige in Erwartung des für Freitag geplanten Post courier Artikels der PLA positionniert ;-))))) sieht das ASK nun folgendermassen aus

Bitte,dann hier die Quelle ;-))))))

Der Link funktioniert allerdings nur wenn man dort ein Konto hat



Price Quantity

1.350 2,337 1
1.355 7,314 1
1.465 4,971 1
1.470 5,487 1
1.500 25,000 2
1.550 6,000 1
1.630 47,000 2
1.650 7,500 1
1.750 25,000 1
1.895 4,000 1
1.950 15,000 1

Total: Knappe 150K mit einem "kleinen" Widerstand bei 1,63 AUD 1 € 1,57 USD ;-))  

01.07.08 10:54

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroThe Way Forward

Vielleicht sollte man vor dem melden den Text auch bis zum Ende gelesen haben (so man denn auch eng.lesen kann ;-))))))))))))))))

Dort steht gross u. deutlich Peter Taylor Chairman

Tja,manche (oder sollte man nicht besser schreiben EINER ;-))) schnallt es halt nie ;-))))

Peter Taylor's Agenda ;-)))

I will now move on to discuss the way forward, and repeat what I said at the outset,
that your directors believe that the company is better positioned now than at any
time in the past nineteen years to make a return to profitable mining on
Bougainville, for the benefit of all stakeholders.
There are many challenges in re-opening the mine, but there is also a confluence
of factors today which the board considers to be favourable.
The Autonomous Bougainville Region needs economic development to underpin
its economy and support service delivery and social advancement.
I believe this view is shared by many Bougainville residents and leaders.
I detect a mood of reconciliation, initiated by the people themselves and promoted
by the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
That is a positive development in looking forward rather than dwelling on the past.
Recent negotiations between the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the
National Government of Papua New Guinea have made significant progress
towards the resolution of political and administrative issues associated with the
future of mining and exploration on Bougainville.
Both Governments have agreed to a fifteen point plan and a timetable to put in
place a definitive and workable mining regime.
Included in this agenda are items which have a direct bearing on your company’s
future, including the drawdown of mining powers, the issues relating to ownership
of mineral resources and renegotiation of the Bougainville Copper Agreement.
The Company is not a party to these negotiations, but has been an observer and
has been kept informed of progress.
The Company enjoys an effective working relationship with all parties.
The next meeting of the Joint Supervisory Board, which is driving the agenda, is
set down for late June.
The Company supports and is prepared to assist this encouraging process where
In talks with various parties on Bougainville, the Company has expressed its desire
to conduct environmental and safety audits in areas previously affected by mining
Specialist consultants will be engaged to conduct these on the ground audits and
to make recommendations on any remedial work considered necessary.
The Company is assisting with the process of reconciliation and consensus,
initiated by landowners and their elected leaders.
Peace, consensus and law and order are pre-requisites to undertaking any activity
on the ground.
The Company acknowledges the efforts of President Kabui and his Government in
patiently and peacefully pursuing these objectives.
There has not been a more favourable time since mine closure to assess the
economic feasibility of re-starting and operating a large copper mine on
World demand for copper, particularly in China, has created an unprecedented
opportunity for Bougainville to kick start its economic growth through mineral
resource development.
No other Company has the knowledge and data to match BCL’s understanding of
the Panguna ore body.
To be in the best possible position to understand the technical and financial
requirements to develop Panguna a rigorous range of studies is required.
We are currently undertaking an “order of magnitude” study.
In broad terms the order of magnitude study will look at the annual production of
the mine in a range of 20 – 50Mt/y and various projected copper and gold prices
This study is being undertaken Rio Tinto Technology and Innovation Group using a
team of internal and selected external experts
The study commenced in April and is projected to be concluded in August 2008
The strengths for a restart are:
• Very low technical risk
• Known ore body and world class production track record
• Ore body only partially mined with large available remaining reserves. In
1989 estimated mill feed was 691Mt at 0.40% Cu and 0.47g/t Au
• Significant infrastructure in place eg. access road and port
• Upside opportunities exist to increase mine life, increase revenue and lower
But there are issues such as:
• Inability to access site makes it difficult to estimate restart costs and
• Viability is very reliant on future metal prices and grade.
• The selection of the tailings disposal method will require significant
stakeholder input and agreement
• and Funding
Beyond the special mining lease, there exists the attractive prospect of renewed
evaluation of our other adjacent tenements.
These remain largely unexplored, and with the lifting of the long-standing embargo
an exploration program is possible.
The right to explore these BCL properties is a desirable outcome of the
renegotiation of the BCA.
In summary the tenement situation is:
• Seven prospecting authorities, total 624 square kilometres
• These tenements have been maintained and are in BCL’s control
• Studies have identify a number of coincident geophysical and geochemical
• They are prospective for significant discoveries of both porphyry coppergold
and epithermal gold mineralisation
• High priority targets have been identified.
When we talk about a return to profitable mining on Bougainville, for the benefit of
all stakeholders, I believe it appropriate to consider the many benefits which
accrued during the previous years of mining activity, insofar as this may point to
similarly beneficial outcomes in the future.
The beneficial outcomes included:
• an era of economic activity
• employment
• educational opportunity
• health advancement and
• social benefit on a scale never seen before or since in Papua New Guinea.
These are achievements this Company and its many employees can be proud of.
Bougainville Copper believes that if it makes a return to profitable mining on the
island, significant benefit will once again flow to the people of Bougainville.
Redevelopment will bring a wide range of local business opportunities and new
infrastructure to support those businesses
Rehabilitation and restoration techniques are now better understood and the local
community will be invited to participate in planning and implementation.
As your chairman I do not speak lightly of the challenges that lie ahead but let us
look again at the positive factors affecting your Company’s activities today:
• the buoyant prices for copper and gold
• the prospective tenements
• the stability of government in Papua New Guinea
• the willingness of all parties to discuss Bougainville issues positively
• and the processes of reconciliation that are underway
Last year your board adopted a comprehensive three year plan for a return to
exploration and profitable mining. We are following that plan, and I believe the
results are satisfactory to date.
• We will continue our technical and social studies
• Pursue the re-negotiation of the BCA
• Fulfil, wherever possible, our obligations on the ground
• Protect our assets
• and assist in the process of reconciliation and consensus
In the coming year the priorities are;
• Complete the order of magnitude study
• Scope further studies
• Agree an exploration program
• Commence the formal review of the BCA
• Complete a safety and environment audit
• Advance the reconciliation process
• Formally engage with landowners
That concludes my presentation.
Thank you.
Peter Taylor

01.07.08 11:19

918 Postings, 6513 Tage Carlchen03Löschung

Zeitpunkt: 01.07.08 15:49
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



01.07.08 12:37

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 01.07.08 15:50
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß



01.07.08 14:18

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 01.07.08 23:53
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



02.07.08 07:16

8 Postings, 6506 Tage arturo070Was Soll das???

Laufen die Moderatoren hier jetzt auch Amok wie bei w.o???  

02.07.08 08:54

286 Postings, 7200 Tage bergfex58wenns klingelt, nicht aufmachen !

Waigani looks at Invincible project

PAPUA New Guinea’s Parliamen-tary Referral Committee on Minerals and Energy is seriously looking at Bougainville’s controversial Invincible deal, including the Bogenvil Resource Development Corporation Agreement.
Word from Waigani is that they are already looking at a possible exit from the region with the backing of the National Govern-ment.
This special parliamentary committee on gas and energy development first sat in May 22, 2008 led by John Kekeno as the chairman, Sam Basil (deputy) and members Havila Kavo, Francis Potape, Thomas Harokaqveh, Jim Miringtoro, Sali Subam and Peter Iwei.
It has a terms of reference, in consultation with the Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare, ministers responsible for Mining, Petroleum and Energy, Trade and Industry and others.
The Joint Provincial Planning and Budget Priority Committee will have the full powers to introduce a Bill in Parliament on matters relating to the above – including the Invincible and BRDC deals.
They will also come up with a final decision and recommendation which will then be made to Sir Michael, the National Executive Council and Parlia-ment for endorsement.
While this is happening, a big delegation of ABG ministers and leaders, led by Invincible boss Lindsay Semple, is in Europe for the BRDC roadshow and to source/secure more funds for Bougainville.
The group left Bougainville for Europe three days before President Joseph Kabui was finally laid to rest.
Government officials from Waigani told the Post-Courier yesterday these ministers would “face the music” when they come back on Friday and will have to explain to the National Govern-ment in full, the purpose of the trip and for what reasons.
The Government officials from Waigani also said this group would explain why several legal documents advising them against certain issues – the Invincible and BRDC agreement for that matter – went unheard by the leaders of ABG.
This included a letter from top Australian lawyer Peter Reid who had advised Mining Minister Mathias Salas and the ABG President Kabui against getting into the deal with Invincible in 2005 when the initial negotiations was going on.
Mr Reid, a lawyer once ranked top in the world, has more than 30 years experience in the energy and resources sector, having worked for the Commonwealth Government as an Australian diplomat for seven years, Esso Australia Limited as senior counsel upstream for nine years, and as a partner for more than 17 years with national law firms acting exclusively for clients in the energy and resources sectors.  

02.07.08 15:11

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 03.07.08 15:39
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: beleidigend



02.07.08 15:37

1528 Postings, 6509 Tage CCLSC@1388

Na, dann hoffen wir mal, dass Somare sich dieser Sache annimmt und ein wenig Gas gibt.


02.07.08 15:39

1528 Postings, 6509 Tage CCLSCPLA Executive

Wer ist denn Favourit für den neu zu wählenden PLA Executive?  

02.07.08 15:54

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroWeitere Infos dazu habe ich noch nicht.

02.07.08 20:56

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 03.07.08 15:37
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



02.07.08 23:13

1158 Postings, 6513 Tage sumoeyKupfer lernt gerade fliegen

aktuell 4,12 USD  

hat mal jemand die Gewinnrechnung mit den aktuellen Zahlen???


03.07.08 00:17

1528 Postings, 6509 Tage CCLSCLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 03.07.08 10:26
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Namensverunglimpfung



03.07.08 02:47

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 03.07.08 15:37
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



03.07.08 08:27
ja, es ist schon lustig, wie dumm doch manche Menschen sind und in welchen Träumereien Sie so leben....

Ich denke, wir können uns weiter entspannt zurück lehnen, das satte Plus betrachten und abwarten. Kurse unter 0,70 EUR bei den Originalen sind für mich klare Kaufkurse. Damit mache ich mir zwar den Schnitt kaputt, aber was soll es. Nach wie vor gehe ich davon aus, dass es bis 2011 dauert, bis etwas dramatische passiert. Geht es schneller, auch gut. Ich darf gar nicht daran denken, wo der Kupferpreis dann steht....  

03.07.08 10:32

51 Postings, 6122 Tage VirtualNoirmannMonats-Chart Originale


Hmmm, mals sehen wie weit es jetzt wieder abwärts geht :-(


03.07.08 11:48

27 Postings, 6511 Tage The SaintLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 03.07.08 15:39
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



03.07.08 12:38

1158 Postings, 6513 Tage sumoeyliebe Mod's es nervt wirklich!

03.07.08 13:44

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroESBC

Auf wird es in Kürze einen direkten Link zu den ESBC geben.

PNG's Parliamentary Referral Committee in Minerals and Energy is investigatingdeals between the Autonomous Bougainville Governement and mysterious Canadian explorer Invincible Resources....a move welcomed by the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC);-))))))))))))))))))  

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