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Waseco Resources is an emerging uranium exploration company Having selected and acquired a large and highly prospective uranium land package, management elected to bring in a partner that has both the financial and technical means to effectively develop the potential of the properties. Waseco selected UraMin Inc (UMN-T) as its partner, a new senior player about to join the ranks of the uranium producers. Exploration success should lead to the creation of value and translate into significant share appreciation. [more]
Featured Property: Since early 2005, Waseco has tripled in size of its uranium portfolio to 320 sq km. The lands between Blocks I and II have now been joined to form one contiguous Block. This area has been the primary focus of exploration during the past season. Airborne geophysics, consisting of radiometric and magnetometer surveys, as well as initial ground geochemistry, have confirmed that this area has multiple large zones of surface uranium. A exciting follow-up ground program, to include diamond drilling, is now planned for Block I/II. [more]