Just when I get comfortable with my view on Natural Gas, I get a scratchy, reverberating cell phone call from one of the major formations telling me that I’m being way too bullish. Gas won’t bottom at $2. The free fall will continue until it hits $1. National storage will be completely full imminently top out, and when it does, theproducers will have to shut down completely. Since these guys are leveraged up the wazoo, this will trigger a string of bankruptcies, and the majors will fall like dominoes. A hedge fund bust won’t define thisbottom, as these guys are all playing from the short side. UNG can’t step in as a buyer of last resort, as the SEC won’t let it issue morestock, and the current shares are trading at a ridiculous 20% premium.One thing we do agree on is that the bottom will look ugly, whatever the spark is. You often get Armageddon type views near market bottoms,but this guy has been dead on right until now. Well, it takes two to make a market. Conclusion: keep NG nailed to your screen, as the widow maker is where the volatility lives