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Petaquilla Minerals
Wahrheit ist ein fiktiver Wert, der den Grad der Übereinstimmung einer Aussage mit der objektiven Realität angibt.
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Petaquilla Minerals
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Petaquilla Minerals
Vancouver, B.C., 18. November 2009: Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. (nachstehend
´das Unternehmen´ oder ´Petaquilla´ genannt; TSX:PTQ; WKN: A0D KMR) freut
sich mitteilen zu können, dass die Regierung der Republik Panama den
Antrag, die Molejón Goldmine zur kommerziellen Produktionsstufe zu
entwickeln, genehmigt hat.
In Übereinstimmung mit Vertragsgesetz Nr. 9 vom 26. Februar 1997 hat das
Handels- und Industrieministerium der Regierung Panamas dem Unternehmen ein
Schreiben, datiert vom 18. November 2009, gesandt. Dem Schreiben enthielt
die Genehmigung für Petaquillas Tochtergesellschaft Petaquilla Gold, S.A.,
die kommerzielle Produktion der Molejón Goldmine im Distrikt Donoso,
Provinz Colón, Republik Panama, einleiten zu dürfen.
Die Regierung Panamas betonte erneut, dass Molejón das erste Bergbauprojekt
des Landes in der Moderne ist und ermutigte das Unternehmen, seine höchsten
Ansprüche für einen verantwortungsbewussten Bergbau beizubehalten, da
Petaquilla den Weg für eine sozial- und umweltbewusste Bergbauindustrie in
Panama ebnet.
Die Molejón Goldmine befindet sich derzeit in der finalen Phase der
vollständigen Inbetriebnahme. Seit die ersten Probeläufe der Produktion zum
ersten Goldguss des Unternehmens am 7. April 2009 führten, hat die Mine
insgesamt 25.699 oz Gold produziert.
18.11.2009 Finanznachrichten übermittelt durch die DGAP. Medienarchiv unter www.dgap-medientreff.de und www.dgap.de
Wahrheit ist ein fiktiver Wert, der den Grad der Übereinstimmung einer Aussage mit der objektiven Realität angibt.
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Petaquilla Minerals
Wahrheit ist ein fiktiver Wert, der den Grad der Übereinstimmung einer Aussage mit der objektiven Realität angibt.
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Petaquilla Minerals
gelegt und sieht so aus als war das ein guter zug.
ich werde unter 0,50€ nicht verkaufen.
1€ sind hier locker drin langfristig auch mehr.
und in canada geht heut die post ab.
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Petaquilla Minerals
Wahrheit ist ein fiktiver Wert, der den Grad der Übereinstimmung einer Aussage mit der objektiven Realität angibt.
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Petaquilla Minerals
besonders zu beachten welche mengen teilweise gefunden worden 151.5, 59.8, 58.5, 48.4, 27.7, 19.25, 15.4 gramm pro tonne...nur zur info eine unze hat ca 28gramm und es werden ca 2200tonnen am tag abgebaut
wobei man auch sagen muss es gab auch bohrungen die weniger als ein gramm ergeben haben aber insgesamt sind das super werte

Petaquilla Exploration Update: Significant Gold Mineralization Discovered by Surface Rock Chip Samples
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - December 14, 2009) - Petaquilla Minerals Ltd ("Petaquilla" or the "Company") (TSX: PTQ)(OTCBB: PTQMF)(FRANKFURT: P7Z) announced today that its exploration program has resulted in the discovery of significant gold mineralization by surface rock chip sampling on its Oro Del Norte concession.
Petaquilla holds 100% of the exploration and exploitation rights to 842 square kilometres of concessions surrounding its Molejon Gold Project and Inmet Mining Ltd.'s world class copper project, all located within the Petaquilla Mineral District in Central Panama.
The Company initiated the first phase of its regional exploration field program, which included detailed mapping, soil sampling and rock chip sampling on the Oro Del Norte concession, in the first quarter of calendar 2009. This concession is located twenty-two (22) kilometres north-east from the Molejon gold processing plant. The work initially focused on zones of historical (1990's) soil and rock chip sampling with the primary objective of confirming the initial results and, secondly, extending the areas of mineralization by mapping and surface sampling.
This early work has rapidly highlighted a 12 kilometre by 4 kilometre gold in soil anomaly. To date, approximately thirty percent (30%) of this soil anomaly has had detailed mapping and surface rock chip sampling completed within which sixty two (62) rock chips with grades greater than 1g/t Au have been identified. A total of 1054 samples were collected across various zones within this anomaly. Peak gold assay results include: 151.5 g/t, 59.8 g/t, 58.5 g/t, 48.4 g/t, 27.7 g/t, 19.25 g/t and 15.4 g/t Au. A table of results follows.
Source: ALS Chemex Laboratory, North Vancouver, BC Canada
Mr. John Kapetas, P. Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and Vice President Exploration & Resources Development for the Company, has been overseeing the exploration field program. He is ensuring that the appropriate quality assurance protocols are being followed and that the data is being qualified under strict quality controls. He has reviewed and verified the technical mining information contained in this news release.
Follow-up Activity
An aggressive exploration program is planned to follow-up these results. The program will include continued detailed mapping, expansion of the soil sampling grid, rock chip sampling and trenching in order to define drill ready targets, which the Company anticipates drilling in 2010.
Joao C. Manuel, the Company's President and Chief Executive Officer, remarks that, "This primary phase of exploration has returned early success by confirming our geological and exploration models for the Petaquilla Mineral District. The Company is now well positioned to expand its exploration efforts for the year ahead."
Project Geology
Gold mineralization at the Oro Del Norte concession area is associated with a series of northeast and northwest striking quartz veins and alteration. Several zones of quartz veining and alteration have been identified to date and given the size of the soil anomaly highlighted, the Company believes the potential of the concession to host additional gold bearing vein sets is high. The concession geology is dominated by volcanic andesites and lesser intrusive granodiorites.
Petaquilla believes that its 100% owned concessions surrounding its Molejon Gold Project are prospective for intrusive related epithermal gold vein systems and porphyry copper-gold-molybdenum deposits.
Petaquilla is the sole company funding exploration on its 100% owned concessions.
About Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. - Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. is a gold producer operating its gold processing plant at its 100% owned Molejon Gold Project in Panama. The plant utilizes three ball mills and a carbon-in-pulp processing facility. Anticipated throughput for the project during the first year of commercial production is estimated to be 2200 tonnes per day. The Molejon mine site is located in the south central area of the Company's 100% owned 842 square kilometer concession lands, a region known historically for its gold content.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of PETAQUILLA MINERALS LTD.
Joao C. Manuel, President and Chief Executive Officer
No Stock Exchange has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.
Petaquilla Minerals Ltd.
Joao C. Manuel
President and Chief Executive Officer
(604) 694-0021 or Toll-free: 1 (877) 694-0021
(604) 694-0063 (FAX)
This information is provided by RNS
Der 8. Januar wurde als Datum festgelegt, an dem die kommerzielle Produktion begann. Der Erzdurchsatz liegt derzeit bei ca. 1.500 Tonnen, bei voller Leistung werden es 2.200 Tonnen sein.
Vancouver, B.C., 29. Januar 2010: Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. (nachstehend "das Unternehmen" oder "Petaquilla" genannt, TSX: PTQ, WKN A0D KMR) freut sich, heute bekanntgeben zu können, dass - seitdem die kommerzielle Produktion am 8. Januar 2010 in ihrer Molejon-Goldmine in Panama begonnen hat - man eine monatlichen Produktion von 6.000 Unzen Gold erreicht hat Nachdem das Unternehmen seine Arbeitsprozesse laufend verbessert, bewegt es sich stetig auf das angestrebte Ziel einer jährlichen Produktion von 100.000 Unzen Gold zu.
Das Unternehmen kündigt ferner an - entsprechend der Veröffentlichung vom 4. Januar 2010 bezüglich der Goldgewinnung aus dem Säulen-Auslaugverfahren - dass es in die Phase 2 dieses Projektes eingetreten ist. Die Phase 2 beinhaltet den Ablauf direkt in der Mine und den Einsatz von Säulen mit großen Durchmessern von verschiedenen Erzsorten. Das Unternehmen erwartet den Beginn der Bauarbeiten für große Auslaugebecken im zweiten Quartal 2010.
Zusätzlich treibt das Unternehmen ein aggressives Explorationsprogramm für seine ihm zu 100% gehörende Goldkonzession Oro del Norte voran. Diese Arbeiten enthalten die weitergeführte Sammlung von Gesteins- und Bodenproben und ausführliche Detaillagepläne für die Gebiete, die anliegend an die Areale aus dem Explorationsprogramm des Jahres 2009 mit Anomalien identifiziert wurden. Ein Programm mit Explorationsgräben mit der Zielsetzung, die geochemischen Anomalien zu testen, ist für das erste Quartal dieses Jahres vorgesehen, dabei wird davon ausgegangen, dass man mit Bohrarbeiten dann im zweiten Quartal 2010 beginnen wird.
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Petaquilla Minerals
Apr 13, 2010 12:07 ET Petaquilla Finances the Redemption of its Senior Secured Notes VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 13, 2010) - Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. ("Petaquilla" or the "Company") (TSX TQ)(OTCBB TQMF)(FRANKFURT 7Z) is pleased to announce that it has signed an engagement letter pursuant to which it will work with a leading financial institution to execute a US$70 million gold linked facility under which the Company would be required to deliver 91,710 ounces of gold over a five year term. The terms of this facility are outlined in an indicative financing term sheet, which includes other price participation terms that enable the Company to participate in gold prices up to US$1,250 per ounce for the committed ounces. The transaction is subject to structuring and underwriting fees totaling 4% of the facility amount. No other upfront fees, warrants or interest are to be paid to the financial institution during the term of the facility. This transaction is subject to technical, legal and financial due diligence and the execution of final, legally binding transaction documentation.
The IRR of the facility is 8.5%, assuming that gold prices stay within the agreed limits of the price cap.
The term-sheet includes an "optional early termination" clause whereby the Company has the option to early repay the outstanding balance of the gold facility in the event gold prices move upwards and beyond the level of US$1,250 per ounce. This optional early termination clause is subject to a 5% premium payment calculated on the early repayment amount.
The terms of the engagement letter incorporate, inter alia, the possibility of a simultaneous or subsequent participation of one or several leading Panamanian banks which have expressed their interest in funding up to US$35 million of the total US$70 million financing requirement. In such event, the gold facility would then be reduced by the amount equivalent to the Panamanian banks' participation. No early termination premium of 5% is to be payable in case the Panamanian banks' participation is to occur subsequent to the closing of the initial US$70 million facility.
The amount of 91,710 ounces that would be committed to the gold facility represents approximately 8.5% of the Company's total gold resources or 4.2% if the facility is to be reduced to US$35 million as a result of the above mentioned participation by Panamanian banks.
The proceeds of the facility will be used principally to redeem all of the Company's outstanding senior secured notes, in the combined amount of US$69.6 million in principal, plus any accrued interest up to the date of redemption. These senior secured notes would otherwise mature at various dates during the next 12 months.
The five year term of the gold facility, coupled with an attractive embedded cost of capital, will substantially strengthen the financial profile of the Company, providing additional liquidity to further develop its production capabilities and exploration potential.
Mr. Joao Manuel, Petaquilla's President and CEO commented, "We are very pleased to have signed this engagement letter with such a reputable leading player in the global commodities market. This gold facility will enhance the Company's balance-sheet, by reducing the financial risk implicit in the outstanding high-yield senior secured notes, while extending the repayment of the credit facility to five years. Furthermore, the flexibility of this instrument ensures that the Company's shareholders will preserve their ability to benefit from the upside value of eventually higher gold prices in the future."
The Company further announces that it will now focus its efforts on the very promising exploration potential of its Oro del Norte concession, where it has initiated a drilling program aimed at confirming the prospective gold grades identified during the early superficial rock sampling and trenching stages, while also advancing the Molejon heap leach project, which will add approximately 150,000 ounces, over the life of mine, to the existing process operation, and completing the spin out of its infrastructure affiliate, Petaquilla Infrastructure Ltd. Once executed, this gold facility will provide a solid financial basis for such developments, ensuring the sustainable, long-term value creation for shareholders.
About Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. - Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. is a gold producer operating its gold processing plant at its 100% owned Molejon Gold Project in Panama. Anticipated throughput for the project during the first year of commercial production is estimated to be 2200 tonnes per day. Commercial production commenced January 8, 2010. The Molejon mine site is located in the south central area of the Company's 100% owned 842-square kilometre concession lands, a region known historically for gold content.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of PETAQUILLA MINERALS LTD. Richard Fifer, Chairman of the Board of Directors
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Nach guten aussichtsreichen Q-Zahlen werden hoffentlich jetzt paar große Investoren auf diesen offiziellen Goldproduzenten aufmerksam, der momentan mit 0,50$ total unterbewertet ist
Kursziel in 6 Monaten 1-1,5€
Website: http://www.petaquilla.com Symbol: TSX: PTQ | US routing symbol:PTQMF
Here is a junior Canadian mining stock flying completely under the radar that has already produced over 26,000 ounces of gold and recently announced that it has reached the status of commercial gold production. That’s right, Petaquilla Minerals is a now a junior gold producer, operating its gold processing plant at its 100% owned Molejon Gold Project in Panama. Anticipated throughput for the project during the first year of commercial production is estimated to be 2200 tonnes per day. Commercial production commenced January 8th, 2010, with annual gold production targeted at 100,000 oz/yr at a cost of $550 per ounce. The Molejon mine site is located in the south central area of the Company’s 100% owned 842-square kilometer concession lands, a region known historically for gold content. With a target share price of $3.97, Petaquilla is quickly becoming one of my top Canadian gold stocks.
Current Share Price: $0.50 | Target Share Price: $3.97 | Share Price Increase: ~7.93x
With 121 M shares outstanding and a share price of US $.50/share, Petaquilla Minerals is shaping up to be one undervalued junior gold stock. A gold producer priced at only $0.50 cents/share in my mind is definitely worth taking a hard look at. I have followed this company for quite some time and did not feel comfortable with getting on board with them in the past for a lot of reasons. The main problem was their past management, which did not have such a great track record for getting things done, especially on time. For a long time it seemed that Petaquilla was just a very poorly managed junior mining company. There were also other issues that introduced too much risk for me, such as the politics of starting up the first mine in Panama in modern times. There were issues with obtaining the necessary permits as well as environmental issues/opposition that needed to be dealt with too. So off and on I kept an eye on Petaquilla to see if they would resolve some of these issues or not.
It is good to be patient when you are in the world of junior mining stocks. Take your time and wait for the opportunities to meet your requirements. Some penny mining stocks can begin as real ugly ducklings and eventually turn into beautiful swans. However, many of them unfortunately will not turn into anything at all. Petaquilla lost a lot of trust over course of 2007-2008 with delay after delay, a quickly dropping stock price, and a lost of confidence in their then CEO Richard Fifer. Richard Fifer was surrounded in controversy which I believe made many investors uncomfortable and head for the exits. However in 2009, Petaquilla started to turn the corner. There were many positive changes that really removed a ton of risk for this junior gold stock. After reviewing the events of 2009 and early 2010, Petaquilla now meets the requirements for my hot penny stock picks list. Let’s take a moment and review some key events that were instrumental in Petaquilla’s magnificent turn around.
Key 2009/2010 events that now make Petaquilla an attractive play:
- 04/07/2009: After many delays, Petaquilla finally makes its first gold pour.
- 09/15/2009: Richard Fifer resigns as President and CEO. (Perhaps the best news!)
- 11/05/2009: President/CEO and majority of board members resign (R. Fifer should have left too).
- 11/06/2009: New Board members announced (New business/financial guys added to board).
- 11/06/2009: Joao Manuel appointed as President/CEO.
- 11/18/2009: Panamanian Government authorizes commercial production.
- 12/14/2009: Discovery of significant gold mineralization on its Oro Del Norte concession.
- 01/08/2010: Commercial production commences at 70% capacity.
- 01/29/2010: Producing 6,000 ounces of gold per month.
- 03/04/2010: Commences exploration drilling program Oro del Norte concession.
- 04/13/2010: $70 million debt elimination – converted to gold shipments (91.7K oz over 5 years).
Petaquilla is a Canadian mining stock in position for its share price to move substantially higher over the next 6 months if they continue to execute well. They are already producing gold (produced over 26,000 oz of gold!) and has a 1.1 MOz+ NI43-101 compliant gold resource and counting! Resource expansion in on going and could add much more upside to this company by the end of 2010. Petaquilla has been relieved of about $70 M dollars in debt which had a very high maintenance cost and drag on earnings. Elimination of this debt will dramatically improve their bottom line. At an average gold price of $1150/oz, cost per oz of $550, and a standard valuation of 8x earnings, I am targeting a share price $3.97/share. This is about 7.93x the current share price! With this kind of profit potential, Petaquilla certainly looks like pretty good play.
Status- | New gold producer-has already produced 26,000 oz of gold to date, projecting 100,000 oz/yr starting at a cost $550/oz. |
People- | Recent management shakeup has been very positive for the company. |
Property- | 100%-owned Molejon mine has a total 1.1 Moz+ of gold (NI 43-101 Complaint), about a 10 yr mine life. Oro Del Norte concession could have 2-3 times mine life of Molejon. |
Share Ownership- | Institutional Ownership – Peninsula Merchants Syndications Corp. 18 M shares, Insider Ownership- Unknown. |
Financials- | Just converted $70 M of debt to gold payments over 5 years. Financial risk pretty much eliminated. |
Recommended by- | -Andrew Mickey, Canaccord Adams, Carmel Daniele |
Promotion- | -Oro Del Norte concession drilling program likely to turn up a substantial gold resource. -Announcement when they have reached near 100% capacity and reduce cost/oz. -Increasing mill throughput from 2200 tpd to 5000 tpd -Bumping up annual production to 150K oz/yr . |
Push/Time Frame- | Share prices should substantially move upward after 2-3 quarters of solid gold production. Also, good Oro Del Norte drill results could put a nice pop in the share price. |
Minor Weakness- | Richard Fifer still in the picture as non-executive chairman. Past negative history haunts Petaquilla and will need to be overcome with consistent results. Petaquilla also needs to improve investor relations and be more forthcoming on company updates. |
Medium Weakness- | None. |
Major Weakness- | None. |
Trading Strategy:
Strategy: A trader doing an analysis on Petaquilla Minerals would conclude that the majority of the risk that use to make this junior gold stock to risky to bother with has been eliminated. And after reviewing the past events since Nov 2009, he/she can see that the new management has been extremely effective in such a short amount of time. Also, the trader would reason that the stock price was over $3.00 in 2007 before Petaquilla had mining approval, started commercial production, eliminated their troublesome debt, improved their managment, started producing 6K ounces of gold per month. Now with all that accomplished coupled with the likely possibility of significant resource expansion and minimum downside risk, the trader sees a current share price of .50 cents as an incredible value play!
Furthermore, the trader understands that there are typically there 3 times to enter a junior mining trade, 1) before a significant discovery is announced, 2) before production is announced, or 3) after production starts. If you enter after production starts, then you typically want to wait until the price comes down because of start up issues which could range from equipment failure, poor efficiency, low throughput, low ore grades, etc. The stock price tends to rebound after the issues are corrected.
I sent out an alert to my Newsletter subscribers when Petaquilla was trading around $.49-.50 cents a share to give them the heads up on this undervalued junior mining company. Petaquilla is now at a maximum entry point with very little downside and a whole lot of upside potential. Most junior miners do not make it to commercial production and if they reach 150K ounces/yr that will put them into the mid-tier producer range. I guarantee you, you will not find one mid-tier producer priced at .50 cents/share. Also, I had previously recommended Timmins Gold in my trading card analysis back when their share price was only $1.13 they are now trading around $1.50. Petaquilla is comparable to Timmins gold in terms of annual gold production, gold in the ground, and production schedule. I still think Timmins Gold is better for other reasons, but for sure Petaquilla should trade near their range not too far from now.
I love investment opportunities where you get the chance to buy near the bottom. When the risk are very low and the potential is very, very high. Many investors are going to make a lot of money on this stock and I plan to be one of them. If you are not making money on this stock, it is definitely not my fault. This is a great turnaround story in the making and one for the history books. I really would not sleep on this one. Also, the new management team is possibly trying to get Petaquilla ready for a buyout. Just to be clear, I am not getting paid to write a review on Timmins Gold. They are not an advertiser on this website, and I do not plan to receive any compensation for them.
Related Posts:
- Timmins Gold Trading Card
- Timmins Gold Now In Commercial Production
- Metanor Resources Trading Card
- Revett Minerals Trading Card
- 6 Reasons Why I Sold My Revett Shares
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Disclosure: I have not received any compensation from Revett Minerals, Timmins Gold, Metanor, or Petaquilla Minerals. None of these companies are advertisers on GoldStockMania.com. I am extremely bullish on Petaquilla, Timmins Gold, & Metanor and currently hold shares.
Disclaimer: I am not a professional/qualified investment advisor. Readers should note I am not responsible for errors or omissions in this report. Also, I am not responsible for your trading decisions as you should do your own due diligence before making any investment decisions.
Petaquilla Production Update
"VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 10/18/[20]10 -- Following the filing of its fiscal 2011 first quarter financial statements on October 15, 2010, Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. (TSX: PTQ)(OTCBB: PTQMF)(FRANKFURT: P7Z) ("Petaquilla" or the "Company") today announced that it has fully recovered its production capabilities after significant non-recurrent events negatively impacted first quarter performance.
During the Company's first quarter of fiscal 2011 production was seriously affected by a combination of a 30-year high level of rain and a lightning strike, which respectively resulted in a Molejon plant shutdown of 8 days in August and the inoperability of one ball mill for 28 days in June with a consequent slowdown in production. Average daily productions for those days prior to the above occurrences were 2,289 tonnes per day for the plant and 448 tonnes per day for the ball mill. The Company estimates the loss of production in the first quarter of fiscal 2011 to have been approximately 31,000 tonnes and would have resulted in production costs per ounce in the mid-US$600 range. Despite the production shortfall, gross margin from the sale of gold in the first quarter of fiscal 2011 amounted to US$4.6 million.
After implementing changes in preventive maintenance and improvements in mining and process operations, production averaged 2,549 tonnes per day for the period September 8 to October 6, with gold pours totaling 6,120.5 ounces, equivalent to a daily average gold pouring rate of 212 ounces, or 6,300-6,500 ounces per month. Given the increased production volumes and the relatively stable operating cost base, production costs per ounce for this period are expected to be in the high-US$500/low-US$600 range"...
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