wird über True leaf permanent rumgemosert. Alles zu vage, nix konkretes usw. Verstehe ich nicht. Die beschreiben doch ziemlich genau und sehr konkret, was sie tun. Alles ist ausgerichet auf den Beginn der Produktion im Herbst 2015. Dann werden wir sehen, wie sich die Produkte verkaufen und was für Erlöse sich erzielen lassen. Daran wird sich True leaf messen lassen müssen und zu beurteilen sein. Aber wird an der Börse nicht die Zukunft gehandelt ? Immer nur das Haar in der Suppe suchen ist doch auch Scheiße !
: News von Health Canada nächste Woche ?
Kevin Bottomley hat sowas angedeutet. Noch nicht die MMPR-Lizenz, aber wohl ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg dorthin. Das kann nächste Woche sehr spannend werden !
: Und hier noch die Mail von Kevin Bottomley
von Sonntag zur Finanzierung:
We have all of our financial projections contained in our full business plan but we cannot release all of this information publically as we don't want the company to be duplicated by a third party. That's why we make people sign the non disclosure document before sending it out. I can tell you that all of the numbers point to True Leaf being valued at over 100 Million dollars in 5 years or sooner!
: Ich weiß nicht, was Health Canada an True leaf
geschrieben hat, aber "early next week" klingt für mich wie "spätestens Dienstag oder Mittwoch". Ich denke, sie werden bei True Leaf das Momentum nutzen wollen...undwas wäre besser geeignet als "good news" von Health Canada ?
True Leaf Takes the Next Step Toward a Medical Marijuana License By True Leaf Team on July 21, 2015
Health Canada follows up after an “additional enhanced screening”
July 21, 2015 – Vancouver BC –– True Leaf Medicine International Ltd (True Leaf) has received “additional enhanced screening” notice from Health Canada and is one step closer to becoming a licensed producer under Canada’s Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR).
In a July 16, 2015 letter, Health Canada acknowledged eight previous ‘requests for information’ from May 27, 2014 to the most recent on March 5, 2015 and sought additional clarification regarding production and storage of medical cannabis at True Leaf’s Lumby, BC facility.
As of March 15, 2015, there were 25 licensed applicants in Canada. True Leaf’s application is among the 324 remaining of the total of 1284 applications received. A total of 934 applications have been rejected or withdrawn.
Health Canada set an August 3, 2015 deadline for answers to its questions.
True Leaf CEO Darcy Bomford indicated that True Leaf will continue to comply with Health Canada requests for supplementary information, as it has since its original license application submission on July 30, 2013 which received an application number 10-MM0048 and a ‘ready-to-build’ approval on January 28, 2014. A second pending application number 10-MM0498 has been assigned for the Lumby, BC location.
“We’re optimistic that the additional enhanced screening means the government is close to the next phase,” said Mr. Bomford. “We’re doing everything we can to demonstrate that we’re serious about respecting the legal licensing route.”
While True Leaf waits for Health Canada to approve its application for a license to produce and distribute medical marijuana in Canada, it is establishing a niche in the North American cannabis industry by focusing on the quality of life for pets with the True Leaf Pet brand. The company is currently looking for strategic investment partners and $1M – $3M in capital as it prepares to launch hemp-based pet treats in the fall of 2015.
About True Leaf International Ltd:
True Leaf Medicine International Ltd. is entering the $60 billion pet industry with a line of hemp-focused pet chews and supplements marketed through natural pet health and veterinary channels in Canada and the US. The company has also filed an application under Health Canada’s Marihuana for Medicinal Purposes Regulations (MMPR) to become a Canadian licensed producer. It has passed through the preliminary and enhanced screening process of Health Canada’s review and is currently awaiting a ‘pre-license inspection’ approval.