Abgenix strong buy rating
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neuester Beitrag: 30.05.00 23:00
eröffnet am: | 07.03.00 21:55 von: | kaeseotto | Anzahl Beiträge: | 42 |
neuester Beitrag: | 30.05.00 23:00 von: | tgk1 | Leser gesamt: | 14754 |
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Corixa und Abgenix bilden Bündnis
Corixa Corporation (Nasdaq: CRXA), eine forschungs- und entwicklungsorientierte
Biotechnologiefirma, verkündete heute eine Zusammenarbeit mit Abgenix, Inc. (Nasdaq: ABGX) zur Entdeckung und Entwickelung von menschlichen monoclonalen Antikörpern gegen ausgewählte Targets aus der Datenbibliothek von Corixa . Die Antikörper sollen in den Bereichen autoimmuner Krankheit, Krebs und ansteckender Krankheiten gefundenwerden.
Laut den Vertragsbedingunen wird Corixa anfänglich 3 und später bis zu 6 Targets jährlich
zur Erfüllung einbringen. Während des 6-Jahres-Übereinkommens wird Abgenix seine
XenoMouse-Technologie beisteuern. Die Technologie soll menschliche monoclonale
Antikörper gegen Corixa’s Antigene generieren, rastern und charakterisieren.
Corixa -und in einigen Fällen auch Abgenix – ist dann für die Bestimmung einer
immuntherapeutischen Wirkung durch Gewebekulturexperimente und Tierversuche
Wenn Antikörper nach beidseitiger Meinung eine klinische Untersuchung wert sind, wird von
beiden Parteien eine geschlossene Auktion durchgeführt, wonach sich entscheidet, wer die
Rechte zur Weiterentwicklung zu einem antikörper-basierten Produkt erhält. Die
meistbietende Gesellschaft muß das gebotene Entgelt an die andere Firma entrichten und
ist für alle weiteren Entscheidungen und Entwicklungskosten selbst verantwortlich. Die
nicht-entwickelnde Gesellschaft erhält einen Anteil von späteren Milestone Payments und
eine geringe Lizenzgebühr für zukünftige Produktverkäufe.
Die Zusammenarbeit wird von einem gemeinsamen Koordinationsausschuss gehandhabt,
der von einer gleichen Anzahl von Repräsentanten aus beiden Firmen gebildet wird. Der
Koordinationsausschuß ist für die Abnahme der Antigene von Corixa, für die
Betriebsmittelzuweisung und für die Bestimmung der am Auktionsprozess teilnehmenden
Antikörper verantwortlich.
Die Kurse der Aktien können von dieser Nachricht nicht profitieren. Abgenix notiert
momentan mit einem Minus von 11,4% bei 176 ¾ und Corixa mit –21% bei 40 US-Dollar.
19:53 21.03, Stefan Ochsenkühn
© www.wallstreet-online.de
Ausserdem will Ich Abgenix kaufen und dieses sch.... Comdirekt lässt mich nicht rein!
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MorphoSys AG
ein Splitt drin, der jedoch nicht kam.
Grüsse, bilbo
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MorphoSys AG
: Jetzt steig ich bestimmt nicht ein, die sackt doch wieder runter. Besser abwarten !!! o.T.
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MorphoSys AG
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MorphoSys AG
Comeback gezeigt, bei ABGX ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit.
Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr MIKKA
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MorphoSys AG
"A recent study entitled "Therapeutic and Diagnostic Monoclonal Antibodies," published by Decision Resources, predicted that revenues from therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in seven major pharmaceutical markets (U.S., Japan and five European countries) will grow from about $500 million in 1998 to a total of $4.4 billion in 2008. Currently there are at least eight therapeutic antibodies sold in the US for a range of disorders including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and organ rejection. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America have reported that monoclonal antibodies comprised 20% of all biopharmaceuticals in clinical development in 1998."
this is why ABGX and MEDX are well positioned for future growth.
culater, you are the 4th person that has mentioned maba today! i might have to go with the mojo and buy some.
looks promising so far.
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MorphoSys AG
Was hat du zur Zeit noch an Biotech-Werten ?
Gute Nacht
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MorphoSys AG
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Boardmail an "Kicky" |
MorphoSys AG
Die Lichter scheinen doch langsam wieder auf grün zu stehen.
Good Trades
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MorphoSys AG
von Redaktion WO 29.03.00 20:14:56
betrifft Aktie: ABGENIX INC.DL-,0001 718668
Das für seine XenoMouse-Technologie bekannte Biotech-Unternehmen Abgenix Inc. (NASDAQ: ABGX) eröffnete gestern Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr 1999. Abgenix nutzt veränderte Genstränge von Mäusen, um Entwürfe von Antikörpern zu entwickeln, die zur Vorsorge und Behandlung von Krankheiten eingesetzt werden können. Die von Abgenix erzeugten Genstränge zielen auf autoimmune Krankheiten, Krebs, und transplantationsbedingte Krankheiten.
Von dem Unternehmen wurde die XenoMouse-Technologie, eine gesetzlich geschützte Technologie, entwickelt, die eine schnelle Generierung höchst-spezifischer, vollständig menschlicher Antikörper ermöglicht. Fokus der Forschung sind alle möglichen Targets, die sich für eine Antikörpertherapie als geeignet erweisen. Abgenix beabsichtigt, die XenoMouse-Technologie zum Aufbau einer großen und diversifizierten Produktpallette zu verwenden. Diese soll zum einen durch Kooperationen und zum anderen durch interne Produktprogramme entwickelt und vermarktet werden.
Die Umsätze stiegen von $3,8 Millionen auf $12,3 Millionen (+224%). Der Zuwachs bergündet sich aber größtenteils ($8,3 Mio) auf Lizenzgeschäften mit Japan Tobacco Inc.
Die Verluste erhöhten sich vom Vorjahr bei 16,8 Millionen US-Dollar auf 20,5 Millionen US-Dollar, dies entspricht einem Zuwachs von (22%). Die Gesellschaft weist somit einen akkumulierten Verlust von 89,8 Millionen Dollar aus.
Die Forschungs- und Entwicklungsausgaben stiegen zum Vorjahr um 19,9% auf 21,1 Millionen US-Dollar an, was vor allem auf gestiegene Personalkosten und Kosten für klinische Tests von Medikamenten zurückzuführen ist.
Das Unternehmen hofft nach der Ausgabe von neuen Aktien im Februar, welche netto $496,5 Millionen einbrachte, jetzt ohne weitere Kapitalmaßnahmen für die Zukunft gerüstet zu sein. Es sollen nun ohne weitere Mittelzuflüsse positive Ergebnisse erwirtschaftet werden.
Abgenix startet Phase II Tests für ABX-IL8
von Redaktion WO 03.04.00 17:59:25
betrifft Aktie: ABGENIX INC.DL-,0001 744672
Abgenix Inc. (NASDAQ: ABGX) gab heute die Einleitung der Phase II der klinischen Studien für ABX-IL8 bekannt. In den multi-zentrierten, Placebo-kontrollierten Tests werden etwa 90 Patienten eingebunden, die an moderater bis harter Schuppenflechte leiden.
Erste Zwischenergebnisse werden zum Ende des Jahres erwartet. In Zukunft soll die Arznei auch in Phase II Tests zur Behandlung von rheumatischer Arthritis und Krebs geprüft werden.
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MorphoSys AG
TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2000 8:00 AM
- PRNewswire
FREMONT, Calif., Apr 25, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Abgenix, Inc. (Nasdaq:ABGX) reported a net loss of $3.4 million or $0.09 per share for the quarter ended March 31, 2000, compared with a net loss of $5.4 million or $0.22 per share for the quarter ended March 31, 1999. Revenues for the quarter, including interest income, were $6.3 million compared to $0.4 million in 1999. Deferred revenues increased during the quarter from $3.8 million to $13.4 million. The company ended the first quarter with $568 million in cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities.
First quarter company highlights included:
-- Initiating a multi-center Phase II clinical trial with ABX-IL8 in
-- Forming XenoMouse(TM) technology deals with new partners, Elan and
-- Establishing a strategic alliance with Corixa, which will contribute up
to six antigen targets a year to the collaboration;
-- Expanding our existing collaboration with Pfizer to include up to five
product candidates;
-- Dramatically expanding our collaboration with Millennium, whereby they
now have broad access to XenoMouse technology for potentially a large
number of genomics-based targets; and
-- Raising approximately $500 million net proceeds in the company's
follow-on public offering. "In the first quarter of the new millennium, we continued to build and advance our proprietary product pipeline, expanded our roster of corporate collaborations and completed one of the largest public financings in the biotech industry," said R. Scott Greer, chairman and CEO of Abgenix. "We now have both the capital and the disease target sources to generate a continuing stream of antibody product candidates."
In other news, Abgenix announced today that R. Scott Greer, the company's president and chief executive officer, has been appointed chairman of the board of directors replacing Stephen A. Sherwin, M.D., who has served as chairman since the company's founding in 1996. Dr. Sherwin will continue as a director of the board.
"Dr. Sherwin, the chairman and chief executive officer of Cell Genesys, Inc., our parent company, played a key role in the development of our core business and was a co-founder of Abgenix," stated Mr. Greer. "We are grateful for his guidance as chairman over the past four years and look forward to his continuing service on our board of directors."
"The appointment of Scott Greer as chairman recognizes the strong leadership he has provided to Abgenix during its first four years," stated Dr. Sherwin. "During this time, Abgenix has carried out multiple successful financings, moved three products into clinical trials, and formed collaborations with eighteen companies."
Abgenix was created as a wholly owned subsidiary of Cell Genesys (Nasdaq:CEGE) in July 1996. Since its founding, Abgenix has raised over $900 million in private and public equity financings, including approximately $210 million for Cell Genesys. Currently, Cell Genesys owns approximately 12% of Abgenix's outstanding shares.
Abgenix is a biopharmaceutical company that develops and intends to commercialize antibody therapies for the treatment of such conditions as transplant-related diseases, inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, infectious diseases, and cancer. For more information on Abgenix, visit the company's Web site at www.abgenix.com.
Abgenix developed XenoMouse technology to enable the rapid generation of high affinity, fully human antibody product candidates to essentially any disease target appropriate for antibody therapy. Abgenix has collaborative arrangements with multiple pharmaceutical, genomics and biotechnology companies involving its XenoMouse technology. In addition, Abgenix has multiple proprietary antibody product candidates under development internally, three of which are in human clinical trials for graft-versus-host disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer.
Three months ended
March 31
2000 1999
Revenues: (unaudited)
Contract revenues $1,965 $--
Interest income 4,341 395
Total revenues 6,306 395
Costs and Expenses:
Research and development 7,214 4,567
General and administrative 1,584 1,084
Amortization of intangible assets 777 --
Interest expense 114 133
Equity in losses in Xenotech joint venture -- 8
Total costs and expenses 9,689 5,792
Net loss ($3,383) ($5,397)
Net loss per share* ($0.09) ($0.22)
Shares used in computing net loss per share* 37,250 24,274
March 31, December 31,
Balance Sheet 2000 1999
(in thousands) (unaudited)
Cash, cash equivalents and
marketable securities $568,003 $58,012
Property and equipment, net 5,253 5,300
Long-term investment 39,176 29,225
Intangible assets, net 45,814 46,591
Other assets 4,825 9,413
Total assets 663,071 148,541
Deferred revenue 13,367 3,767
Other current liabilities 6,286 7,143
Long-term debt and other 296 571
Stockholders' equity 643,122 137,060
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $663,071 $148,541
* After giving effect to the two for one stock split effective
April 6, 2000
Statements made in this press release about Abgenix's XenoMouse technology, product development activities and collaborative arrangements other than statements of historical fact, are forward looking statements and are subject to a number of uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the statements made, including risks associated with the success of clinical trials, the progress of research and product development programs, the regulatory approval process, competitive products, future capital requirements and the extent and breadth of Abgenix's patent portfolio. Please see Abgenix's public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for information about risks that may affect Abgenix.
SOURCE Abgenix, Inc.
(C) 2000 PR Newswire. All rights reserved.
CONTACT: Kurt Leutzinger, Chief Financial Officer of Abgenix Inc.,
/Company News On-Call: http://www.prnewswire.com/comp/126548.html or fax,
800-758-5804, ext. 126548
WEB PAGE: http://www.abgenix.com
GEOGRAPHY: California
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MorphoSys AG
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MorphoSys AG
Der Kursanstieg von Abgenix um 38% ist aber nur auf Xetra.Der Kurs an den Börsen liegt bei ca.90E.In den Staaten befindet sich die Aktie im Minus.
Da wir dem Ami oft hinterher laufen ,wird es morgen wieder interessant.
Gruß Imperator
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MorphoSys AG
Abgenix and SB Enter XenoMouse Technology Collaboration SmithKline Becomes Nineteenth XenoMouse Partner
FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2000 7:00 AM
- PRNewswire
FREMONT, Calif., May 19, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Abgenix, Inc. (Nasdaq:ABGX) signed a collaboration agreement with SmithKline Beecham (SB) under which SB will use Abgenix's XenoMouse(TM) technology to generate fully human monoclonal antibodies to an undisclosed target. In return, Abgenix will receive a research license payment and could receive additional fees and milestone payments plus royalties on future product sales by SB. SB will be responsible for products developed through the collaboration.
"Abgenix is pleased to be collaborating with SB, one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies," said R. Scott Greer, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Abgenix. "Acceptance of our XenoMouse human antibody technology continues to spread among pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies."
Abgenix is a biopharmaceutical company that develops and intends to commercialize antibody therapies for the treatment of such conditions as transplant-related diseases, inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, infectious diseases, and cancer. For more information on Abgenix, visit the company's Web site at www.abgenix.com.
Abgenix developed XenoMouse technology to enable the rapid generation of high affinity, fully human antibody product candidates to essentially any disease target appropriate for antibody therapy. Abgenix has collaborative arrangements with multiple pharmaceutical, genomics and biotechnology companies involving its XenoMouse technology. In addition, Abgenix has multiple proprietary antibody product candidates under development internally, three of which are in human clinical trials for graft-versus-host disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer.
Statements made in this press release about Abgenix's XenoMouse technology, product development activities and collaborative arrangements other than statements of historical fact, are forward looking statements and are subject to a number of uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the statements made, including risks associated with the success of clinical trials, the progress of research and product development programs, the regulatory approval process, competitive products, future capital requirements and the extent and breadth of Abgenix's patent portfolio. Please see Abgenix's public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for information about risks that may affect Abgenix.
Vielleicht sattelt auch FLATUS auf das richtige Pferd um ??
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Boardmail an "tgk1" |
MorphoSys AG
MONDAY, MAY 22, 2000 7:00 AM
- PRNewswire
FREMONT, Calif., May 22, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Abgenix, Inc. (Nasdaq:ABGX) announced today that it has entered into a collaboration and license agreement with Abbott Laboratories' (NYSE:ABT) Hospital Products Division. Abgenix will use its XenoMouse technology to generate fully human antibodies to several disease targets for Abbott. Under terms of the agreement, Abgenix could receive research, license fee and milestone payments, plus royalty payments on future product sales by Abbott. Abbott will be responsible for manufacturing, product development and marketing of any products developed through the collaboration.
"Our collaboration with Abbott is further evidence of the growing interest by large health care companies in generating antibody product candidates using XenoMouse technology," stated R. Scott Greer, president and chief executive officer of Abgenix. "Abbott becomes our twentieth XenoMouse partner, the eighth in the last four months."
Antibodies are immune system proteins in the body that can combat many diseases. As therapeutic products, monoclonal antibodies have several potential advantages over other therapies. The highly specific interaction between an antibody and its target may, for example, reduce unwanted side effects that plague other therapies. In addition, human monoclonal antibodies may persist in patients for several weeks as compared to hours or days for traditional pharmaceuticals. Fully human monoclonal antibodies are desirable because they avoid the risk of rejection present with mouse or part mouse monoclonal antibodies.
Abgenix is a biopharmaceutical company that develops and intends to commercialize antibody therapies for the treatment of such conditions as transplant-related diseases, inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, infectious diseases, and cancer. For more information on Abgenix, visit the company's Web site at www.abgenix.com.
Abgenix developed XenoMouse technology to enable the rapid generation of high affinity, fully human antibody product candidates to essentially any disease target appropriate for antibody therapy. Abgenix has collaborative arrangements with multiple pharmaceutical, genomics and biotechnology companies involving its XenoMouse technology. In addition, Abgenix has multiple proprietary antibody product candidates under development internally, three of which are in human clinical trials for graft-versus-host disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer.
Statements made in this press release about Abgenix's XenoMouse technology, product development activities and collaborative arrangements other than statements of historical fact, are forward looking statements and are subject to a number of uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the statements made, including risks associated with the success of clinical trials, the progress of research and product development programs, the regulatory approval process, competitive products, future capital requirements and the extent and breadth of Abgenix's patent portfolio. Please see Abgenix's public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for information about risks that may affect Abgenix.
SOURCE Abgenix, Inc.
CONTACT: Kurt Leutzinger, Chief Financial Officer of Abgenix, Inc.,
/Company News On-Call: http://www.prnewswire.com/comp/126548.html or fax,
800-758-5804, ext. 126548
URL: http://www.abgenix.com
(C) 2000 PR Newswire. All rights reserved.
KEYWORD: California
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MorphoSys AG