BC Securities Commission Invest Right
NetCents Technology Inc. - User Questionnaire You are being asked to complete this online questionnaire because the staff of the British Columbia Securities Commission is making general enquiries with persons that have a user account with NetCents Technology Inc.'s crypto trading platform. Specifically, we wish to understand more about how your assets - both crypto currencies (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) and fiat currencies (Canadian dollars, US dollars, Euros, etc.) - were stored and used by NetCents. To assist us in this matter, we would appreciate it if you complete this online questionnaire. It should not take more than 15 minutes to complete.
1. Please indicate your name, residential address, e-mail address, and telephone number, below. Full Name * Maier Address Winfried City/Town * München State/Province * Bavaria ZIP/Postal Code 80332 Country * Germany Email Address * spam@haste.net Phone Number * +491805666666
2. Do you have an account (currently/previously) with NetCents' crypto trading platform? * O No O I don't remember © Yes (Please provide your User ID. If you can't remember or you don't have it, please put down NA) Spam@NC.de
3. Please describe how you learned about NetCents' crypto trading platform. For example, "I learned about NetCents's crypto trading platform from and he/she learned about it from:
⁃ twitter
4. When did you open your NetCents account? Please be as specific as possible and, at least, include a month and year. Date (dd/mm/yyyy): ⁃ 09/2018
5. Please describe your experience with the account opening process at NetCents. Specifically, please include the forms you were asked to complete (e.g., filling in online forms, completing account opening forms in-person, etc.) and the type of information you were asked to provide (e.g., contact details, ID documents, etc.). Please be as detailed as possible:
- Handelsregistrierung - Personalausweis - Bankverbindung
6. During the account opening process, were you asked to read the terms and conditions on the use of the NetCents account? O Yes, I read them © Yes, but I didn't read them O No O 1 am not sure
7. Where can you view your current account balance? You can make more than one selection. Received statements by email X. Received statements by mail Through account on NetCents' website/App Other (please specify)
8. Where can you view your transaction records (deposits, withdrawals, crypto trades, etc.)? You can make more than one selection. ⁃ Received statements by email ⁃ Received statements by mail X - Through account on NetCents' website/App - Other (please specify)
9. What was your understanding of how your assets would be stored by NetCents? What was your understanding based on? Please be as detailed as possible.
⁃ Ich dachte, mit Netcents sind meine Investitionen in Konten und Brieftaschen sicher
10. What was your understanding of how your assets would be used by NetCents? What was your understanding based on? Please be as detailed as possible. ⁃ Als Anlagevermögen, auf das ich jederzeit zugreifen kann
The following questions relate to your experience withdrawing assets from your NetCents account. Please note: assets include both crypto currency (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) and fiat currency (e.g. Canadian dollars, US dollars, etc.)
11. Have you ever made a withdrawal from your NetCents account? O Yes No © I am not sure