Moin, um weiteres Spekulationen zu vermeiden habe ich Henrik auf Face angeschrieben, hier 1:1 die Antwort die nicht, erfunden, gefälscht oder sonst was ist. Weiter sollte jeder für sich entscheiden P.S. bleibe weiter long
Dear xxxx I don’t really see what a 2003 personal incident has to do with Wyrify. Wyrify is a proven technology with real customers and real contracts. Personally, I have spent 10 years of my life fighting accusations and drawbacks to old (and untrue) online troll historics. I still get shit like this (not your question, which I find polite and genuine), but completely unrelated worries regarding my person. I am a father of four and work 16-18 hours a day to change the world for the better, and have spent almost six years relentlessly working with blockchain technology to get where we are today. We’ve had the same questions in my US company regularly. Anyone who knows me and my work knows what I do and stand for, and have no problem with it. However: I did sell a company in 2003 to an unknown buyer and got sued for it - and even spent a few months in prison. What is written online about it is mostly false though. Those who believe the online trolls will invest elsewhere and that is perfectly ok with me. Br, Henrik