Expert Predicts 399% Stock Market Rally
The following are excerpts from an interview between Aaron DeHoog, the financial publisher of Newsmax Media, and Bill Spetrino, editor of the Dividend Machine newsletter, which has posted 161% returns since its inception in 2009.
Aaron DeHoog: Bill, you recently claimed that the stock market is poised for a 399% rally. That would send the Dow up to the 60,000 level! That’s a pretty wild claim; what evidence do you have to back this up?
Bill Spetrino: Stocks trade in 15-year cycles. Since 2000, we have been in what’s called a “bear market cycle” — a time when stocks are flat. Right now the market is forming a base, and if you look at this chart, you will see the market is flipping over from this “bear market cycle” to a “bull market cycle” — a time when stocks rally.
ROUNDUP/Aktien Frankfurt Eröffnung: Fester - Gute US-Daten zünden Jahresendrally Gestützt auf positive Vorgaben sind die wichtigsten deutschen Aktienindizes am Montag mit Gewinnen gestartet.