Apple +++ will jump +++AAPL

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04.01.07 17:00

5570 Postings, 6623 Tage skunk.worksApple +++ will jump +++AAPL


Apple hat einige Eisen im feuer, die nächste Woche auf die Bank kommen.....

Rumors..(but be a believer):

-die Leute die behaupten sie hätten das "iphone (von apple) schon in der Hand gehabt sagen , dass sie noch nie so etwas in der Hand hatten

-die Leute die behaupten sie hätten imedia (Mediazenter) gesehen, upstream, downstream, full convertable ;-), sagen sie hätten so etwas nie gesehen....

-die Leute, die behaupten den neuen iPod (full video, connection tools, und ..und...big screen, touch screen), sagen sie hätten so etwas noch nie gesehen

-dann erzählen die anderen..;-)..von neuen Flammheiseen Bildschirmen

-dann erzählen die nächsten von günstigeren (billigeren) schnelleren Rechnern

-dann ist die Eröffnungsrede (die für interessierte live downstream kommt) diesmal nicht nur 30 sondern ..viel länger geht

-dazu kommt die Vorstellund der neuen OSX + Bildbearbeitung, +full integration of windows software ++++, ach und +++

das erzählt man sich so, sind wir nicht alle ein wenig Spekulanten....

der Kurs ist "gut" runtergekommen, die Optionen und einzelne Fonds haben Ihres dazu getan und plö alle wieder apple (seit heute nachmittag)..und die apple expo kommt nächste Woche

dabeisein und auf die mmmhh 110$ potential warten..

PS Keine kaufempfehlung , habe nur so vor mich hingeträumt

PS  In den US fällt gerade" alles" nur apple steigt um +2,38%....   ;-)

viel Glück

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04.01.07 17:49

5570 Postings, 6623 Tage skunk.worksAAPL ++prepares to jump

What Jobs told me on the iPhone

Will Apple's chief executive unveil a tablet Mac or an 'iPhone' at Macworld next week? Former sales boss David Sobotta describes the meeting which explained key thinking

Thursday January 4, 2007
The Guardian .....

That was 2002. But let's examine the rumours that Apple will next week unveil a tablet computer or iPhone in light of Steve's comments that day.

The market for a converged computer and phone should be very attractive: Gartner forecast last year that 986m mobiles would be sold in 2006. And there's an "Apple gap": mobile phone users often find their interfaces confusing, even within the same brands. Apple's unique ability to simplify while innovating looks like a good fit there. Plus Apple's deal with Samsung means it is well placed for anything that needs lots of flash memory. It has played around with unique relationships with phone manufacturers: Jobs used a Sony Ericsson phone to demonstrate Bluetooth capability in July 2002, and showed off the Motorola ROKR, the first to play iTunes, in 2005. This fits Apple's pattern of learning what it needs to know through partnership before jumping into a market. Significantly, the first Powerbooks, in 1991, involved Sony. Now the companies' laptops compete, although Sony still makes the batteries. Logically, Apple will make its own phone if it is holding true to pattern.

But a tablet computer? Most analysts would agree the market is growing only slowly, mostly in the healthcare and other specialised industries, and that these models will make at most 5% of the laptop market by 2009 (they account for 1% now). Even Dell doesn't make its own tablet. Furthermore, the tablet was championed by Bill Gates. I don't see Steve stepping up to the plate to help Bill's reputation as a forecaster of computer trends.

I believe there are other reasons why Apple won't make a tablet computer. Even before the iPod gained momentum, Apple executives had a theory that the route to success will not be through selling thousands of relatively expensive things, but millions of very inexpensive things like iPods; and not necessarily computers. Tablet computers remain expensive. Yet the mobile phone market is almost perfect for Apple strategy. There is no real market leader, and it's ripe for simplification. Plus it's worldwide, and engineers from the network operators would be available to do localisation.

Apple might even be able to do a Java-based phone platform which could integrate into current systems. With a focus on simple mail and contact integration with its online .Mac ( service, Apple could provide advantages for early adopters while making its .Mac service better value (because it isn't right now). Few non-technical people consider doing anything other than transferring numbers to their new mobiles by typing. On anything other than a Mac, the process is just too complex. Apple already knows how to make this easy. It just needs to convince people to buy an Apple phone and a Mac.

Also anti-tablet is Apple's sales force, which often spends so much of its time forecasting what it's going to sell in a given quarter there's precious little time left to actually sell anything. Right now they sell everything from iPods to Xserve RAIDs. However, an Apple phone wouldn't need a new sales force. The network operators' sales force could handle it - probably cutting Apple sales people out of any new commission revenue for phones, much as they have done for the iPod.

Even if Apple partners only with a single national carrier it will get an immediate, huge retail presence.

What about a more targeted tablet - perhaps to control all the devices in your home entertainment stable? Traditionally, Apple stays away from markets where it cannot define all of the standards, so I really don't think Steve will devote resources to make non-Apple stuff work together. Even the vertical markets like healthcare suffer from this problem: too many pieces in a very complex puzzle.

So next week, I'm sure we won't see any kind of tablet computer from Apple. I am 99% confident we will see an Apple phone, with enhanced music capabilities and maybe a few computing features such as email and contacts synchronisation with Macs or through .Mac.

Steve's ability to know where consumers and technology will intersect often creates a road paved in gold. That's why he'll focus his energy on mobiles. The potential there that only Steve can see could well turn into another must-have product for the legions who don't even know they are part of Steve's army. They haven't met him across a table. But they've met the products of his thinking.

· David Sobotta was formerly the federal sales manager at Apple. His blog is at

Link zum ges Artikel,,1981815,00.html  

04.01.07 17:51

5570 Postings, 6623 Tage skunk.worksAAPL +++


more rumors

     From:§ - view profile
     Date:          §Thurs, Jan 4 2007 5:42 pm

I seriously don't know what they got up their sleeves, but it's
something bigger than they have done before. A friend of mine who works
at a local Apple store told me that everyone there would be engaged in
inventory checks of all products and report in, to be prepared for
"whatever's coming". He told me they had never seen that happen before
any event historically.  

04.01.07 17:51

5573 Postings, 7186 Tage gindantsyep, denke auch dass APPLE abgehen wird

da sind ein paar heisse dinger in der pipeline...  

04.01.07 18:08

5570 Postings, 6623 Tage skunk.worksAAPL +++10$ per share

Apple Computer - January 03, 2007

Soleil reiterates Buy. Target $90 to $100. Soleil notes AAPL with host Macworld 2007 on Jan 9 in San Francisco. Firm expects Jobs will provide several metrics on the holiday quarter's results, ahead of AAPL reporting full F1Q07 results after market on Jan 17. They believe AAPL had a very strong holiday quarter and are increasing their already above consensus rev and EPS ests to reflect strong demand for iPods and Macs. Firm is also raising their tgt to $100 from $90 (reflecting 28x their F2008 EPS est, net of cash interest plus an estimated $17 per share in cash at the end of the period). They note that their ests do not yet include contribution from the potential Apple phone, which assuming about a $0.45 EPS contribution annually, could add over $10 per share to their valuation.  

04.01.07 19:11

5570 Postings, 6623 Tage skunk.worksApple strong

Apple shares up 2 percent following JMP Securities report

By Katie Marsal
Published: 11:00 AM EST

Shares of Apple Computer rose 2 percent on Thursday, helped by a research note from JMP Securities that said the company is "looking strong" ahead of next week's Macworld Expo in San Francisco.

In a note to clients, analyst Ingrid Ebeling recalled a comment made by Apple chief executive Steve Jobs this past October in which he said 2007 "is likely to be one of the most exciting new product years in Apple's history."

"We believe that Apple is on its way to become not just an iPod and Mac company but the next consumer electronics company targeting the digital lifestyle," Ebeling told clients.

The analyst said some of the new product possibilities at Macworld include iPods with larger video screens and possibly Bluetooth capabilities, both of which were originally hoped for during product announcements made in September 2006.

"The highly anticipated 'iPhone' is also expected sometime in 2007, and although we would be surprised to hear it would be available during MacWorld, we hope to hear some definitive product details from the company," she said.

Additionally, Ebeling said she is hearing "a little buzz" of an ultra-thin MacBook and expects to hear more details about iTV and previously unannounced features in the company's forthcoming Leopard operating system release.

For Apple's fiscal 2008, the analyst expects Apple to report earnings of $3.18 per share on sales of $27.1 billion.

"Our revenue estimates assume that Apple’s Mac business will grow to approximately 3 percent of the worldwide market (as estimated by IDC), or 7.9 million units, with revenue of $10.1 billion, up 9.1 percent over fiscal 2007," she wrote. "We are assuming total iPod sales of 61.3 million units, which assumes a 37 percent share of the worldwide market (as estimated by IDC) with revenue of $10.2 billion, up 7.3 percent over fiscal 2007."

Ebeling also raised her price target on Apple shares to $94 from $84, maintaining a "Strong Buy" rating on the stock.

Just before noon, shares of the Cupertino-based company were trading up $1.68 or 2 percent to $85.48 on the Nasdaq stock market.  

04.01.07 21:45

5570 Postings, 6623 Tage skunk.worksApple +2,5% comes

The Associated Press  January 4, 2007, 2:20PM EST  text size: TT
Analyst rates Apple product rumors


It is almost certain Apple Computer Inc.'s much-hyped iPhone is entering a production phase of 12 million units in the next few months, and even more certain the company will soon release an improved version of iTV, said an analyst Thursday.

Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster, in a note issued a few days ahead of the computer and iPod maker's Macworld Expo, said Apple "has not missed the boat" when it comes to music-enabled mobile phones.

"Apple waited several years to enter the MP3 market, we believe the company is well-positioned to enter the phone market now that early music-enabled handsets have tested the waters," Munster wrote in a note to investors.

Macworld, Apple's annual exposition begins on Jan. 9. It is held in San Francisco.

The analyst, who rated the certainty of several Apple product rumors on a scale of 1 to 10, gave a score of 7 to the company's rumored 6th-generation iPod with a wide screen and touch-screen capability, for release in the next 6 to 12 months.

"We believe that the new iPod will be a significant improvement to the 5th generation iPod, as the device becomes more video-centric," he wrote.

Munster, who rates the company "Outperform," said there is a 10 out of 10 chance Apple will release iTV, at Macworld, with "some improvements from its September debut." ITV, which will retail for $299, is a compact set-top box that will allow consumers to wirelessly send movies and other digital content stored on a computer to a TV set.

The analyst gave a score of 6 -- likely in the next 6 to 12 months -- to word that the iPhone will be available from multiple carriers, and not just Cingular as some have rumored.

"We believe Apple will target as broad an audience as possible with the iPhone. Accordingly, the company will likely sell the handset through most or all of the top wireless service providers (Verizon, Sprint, Cingular and T-Mobile in the U.S.)," the analyst wrote. That said, he added that "it is possible that Cingular could obtain exclusive vending rights for a limited time."

Rumors around the iPhone have been floating for years. Apple, the analyst noted, registered the domain name in 1999.

Apple's shares were up $1.11 to $84.91 in recent trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market.  

06.01.07 20:40

5570 Postings, 6623 Tage skunk.worksApple Keynote Montag 8.jan 07..:-)

Hitwise has issued a report stating that the market share of visits to Apple's iTunes website was up 413% on Christmas Day 2006 when compared to Christmas Day 2005. Hitwise attributes the spike to new iPod owners flocking to download iTunes.

Indeed, the spike seems to have caused a slowdown of the iTunes store and error messages for some on Monday. However, analysts who spoke to CNN still believe the experience will be positive for Apple.

"It's actually created more positive buzz among analysts -- traffic was so great it blew up the site," said Gene Munster, senior research analyst at Piper Jaffray. "If anything it could be a positive -- demand was better than they were expecting."


"What you're seeing is the tremendous success of the iPod," said Michael Gartenberg, vice president and research director with JupiterResearch. "No doubt it was a very, very popular gift, and no matter how well you plan on the server side of the equation, there are always times when you get caught short."
Apple topped's bestseller list for MP3 players, and Hitwise indicates that Apple continued to perform favorably against increased competition, beating Microsoft's by 30 to 1 in site visits.  

06.01.07 20:47

5570 Postings, 6623 Tage skunk.worksApple


auch sehr nett: amzon hat jetzt schon Seiten für produkte von apple reserviert, die es noch gar nicht gibt....und mit 3+ Sternen gekürt

amazon ist super, fast so super wie die Sterne hier...(just kidding)

Apple MacWorld 2007 Announcement #4 [Mac]
Other products by Apple Compute
Platform:   Mac OS X Intel, Mac OS X
(4 customer reviews)

Tatsâchlich bin ich auf nächste Woche sehr gespannt...

viel Glück


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