Strong Appreciation Potential

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03.05.10 15:01

343 Postings, 5746 Tage marcourtvergleich

-Atacama Salzsee / Chile(SQM)                                mit 1.500 ppm Li
-Tibet (chin. Staatsfirma)                                          970 ppm
-Olaraz/ArgentinienJunior Mine Lithium Americas     800 ppm
-Hombre Muerto/Argentinien (FMC)                          520 ppm
-Uyumi, Bolivien (n.n.)                                               350ppm
-Silver Peak/Nevada                                                  230ppm
hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen

03.05.10 15:18

343 Postings, 5746 Tage marcourtChart-Update


Die spekulative Aufwärtsbewegung im Januar und Februar 2010 ist  geplatzt. Wir sind bei Pan American Lithium nun wieder dort, wo wir  bereits Ende letzten Jahres waren - jetzt aber mit einer  Ressourcenschätzung nach NI43-101 für Laguna Verde und Laguna Brava.

Pan American receives Laguna project  estimates

2010-04-30 13:44 ET - News Release

Mr. Andrew Brodkey reports


Key highlights of the NI 43-101-compliant programs

Inferred resource estimate at Laguna Verde surface lake at an average  lithium grade of 212.40 milligrams per litre is computed to be 512,960  tons of lithium carbonate equivalent, and at an average potassium grade  of 4,881 milligrams per litre is 4,223,134 tons of potassium chloride  equivalent. The inferred resource estimate at Laguna Brava is computed  at an average lithium grade of 313 milligrams per litre to be 13,580  tons of lithium carbonate equivalent, and at an average potassium grade  of 3,356 milligrams per litre is 46,623 tons of potassium chloride  equivalent.


komplett hier:;symbol=PL&region=C

hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen
hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen

04.05.10 11:48

1841 Postings, 5996 Tage BioLogicdas

sieht nicht gut aus !!

Bei meiner Filmsammlung hat sich was getan  ;)


04.05.10 14:04

1841 Postings, 5996 Tage BioLogicIch hab einen sehr interessanten Artikel

über Pan Am gefunden. Ist schon alt, dass weiß ich.

Doch will ich ihn Euch nicht vorenthalten. Wichtig finde ich die Aussagen des CEO Pan Am könnte das erste Unternehmen sein, was mit der Lithiumförderung beginnen kann!!!

Und ich weiß auch, dass ich hier wieder im Konjunktiv schreibe :)

Pan American Lithium Speaks Softly But Carries Real Lithium Potential


By Jonathan T. Orr and James
Thursday, March 4, 2010

With the image of millions of cars powered by electric batteries dancing in their heads, lithium hasinvestors charged up. The question is who will be able to drive this nascent market forward? WellPan American Lithium Corp (TSX.V:PL) is a stellar example of why we provide continuouscoverage: from promise to punch in the space of two months in a market that could make some people very wealthy indeed.

The future of the lithium market is often spoken of in breathless terms by market and media pundits alike as having the potential to be the next runaway boom market. The language used todescribe the future of lithium is often outrageously hyperbolic and the less frantic voices of thosewho have taken a more measured approach are often drowned out by the high blown rhetoric ofmarket analysts and the often-exaggerated claims made by exploration companies working inunproven territories.

The Promise & The Problem

Although lithium prices have tripled in that last decade and are now averaging US$6,000 per ton,a new problem has arisen. There have been many reports that claim there simply are not enough lithium reserves to meet the explosive demand that will be created by the impending massproduction of electric cars.

In the race to become pioneer producers of lithium, Pan American Lithium Corp has relied upontheir deep focus and characteristic patience to take them the distance. Now with the verypromising results of the most recent survey conducted on its wholly-owned Laguna Verde Projectlocated in Atacama Region III, Chile, they look set to be among the first to cross the line.

Other junior exploration companies have bounced from region to region trying to find propertieswith massive reserves but these have proven to be hugely expensive to extract, in politicallyunstable areas and ultimately unproven. Pan Am has chosen instead to remain committed to thedevelopment of its Laguna Verde property in Chile and their dedication is about to pay off.

Demand is Certain: Who Can Deliver?

There are myriad junior exploration companies exploring for Lithium but few who can packageexpertise with proven access and stellar properties and deep project management experience.

Pan Am CEO Andrew Brodkey certainly isnʼt one for the usual hyperbolic language or one to make claims that he can't back up. He spoke to Midas letter of a modest and measuredapproach, words most would of us not associate with the resource industry. Speaking of theentire dazzle surrounding the precious white metal Brodkey joked, “ … you donʼt want to punch the industry in the mouth.” Itʼs an off the cuff remark but his point is that when the hype is boiling over smart investors will go with company that speaks quietly and carries a big potential.

And although Mr. Brodkey speaks of a deliberate company approach to exploration he is clearabout the companyʼs prospects stating, “We simply have quality brine salar properties with clearaccess and low production costs, several of which contain unique surface lake features which willallow us to be among the first if not the first into production”. He goes onto point out that manycompanies donʼt have offtake outlets but with Pan Am we are targeting to sell nearly all we extractto strategic partners”.

This straightforward speaking is characteristic of a company with confidence built upon resultsrather than rhetoric. Earlier this year called Pan Am as ʻpossibly the best junior lithium playʼ and we are very happy to remove the word ʻpossiblyʼ from that sentence. This all from a company only recently listed on the TSX-V.

Although weʼve warned of speaking in hyperbole letʼs be clear:

• Proven explosive demand with imminent switch to hybrid battery powered vehicles;
• Growing demand for use in rechargeable batteries that power laptop computers, digitalcameras and cell phones;
• Lead project is an easily accessible property containing a surface lake in the “lithiumtriangle” ,widely regarded to have the worldʼs largest lithium reserves;
• Political stability in the mining-friendly country of Chile;
• A powerful purchasing partner in POSCO.

Put simply: the world will soon be begging for Lithium and Pan Am plan to give it to them.

Deep Lake, Deep Prospects: The Laguna Verde Project

The company continues to move from strength to strength having recently announced initialresults of a bathymetric survey conducted on its wholly owned Laguna Verde Project located inAtacama Region III, Chile.

The results determined the depth of the lake at 17 sample points and is part of an ongoingdetailed sampling program to determine a National Instrument 43-101 compliant resourceestimate, expected to be finalized by April 30, 2010. The deepest sounding taken was 60 metersand the average mean depth of the lake is estimated to be 33 meters. At each point a brinesample was taken at minimum depths of 0.5 meters. The UTM (Universal Trans Mercator) gridcoordinates and the lake bottom depths are as follows:

The Project has the clear advantage of being an above-ground lake, and its brine waters can bereadily sampled and represent a potential resource that can be calculated quickly, and with aproduction cost that could be the lowest among other sources of lithium.

Patience & A Plan To Production
From the companyʼs release:

   "In light of the preliminary results of this survey, Pan American intends to focus itssampling program to systematically collect brine waters of the lake at various depths, at the same coordinates, using specialized sampling equipment. These samples will besubmitted for analysis to an ISO-certified laboratory. Concurrently, the Company willcontinue to take depth measurements of the lake in order to confirm an estimate of its volume. The Company expects to deliver the results of this phase of the scoping studysometime during the first calendar quarter of 2010." Editor's note:The earthquake in Chile may have the effect of delaying this timeline slightly.
In addition to Laguna Verde Pan Am also has an existing portfolio of rights in nine salars inRegion III of Chile covering a cumulative area in excess of 11,500 hectares and the option toacquire an interest in a geothermal brine project in Mexico.

Stay The Course

Itʼs clear that, as with anything we remove from underground, all sources are not created equaland many of the ʻnew kid on the blockʼ sources for Lithium deposits may be of poor quality ormore expensive to extract than established deposits. One of the globeʼs foremost and respectedlithium experts Keith Evans has said of companies trying to cash in on the lithium buzz“…exploration activity has exploded. They all hope to find sources that can be competitive, (but) Chile and Argentina have sufficient reserves for billions of years.”

We may not have billions of years to use all that Lithium but it clear that it will powering ourimmediate future. As the auto industry tries to find a way to survive in a world with dwindling oil and a customer base demanding green forward thinking and vehicles it will be compelled bygovernment and economic pressures to truly embrace a battery powered future. An industry ofthat size does not take risks with suppliers. It will turn to pioneers who have proved themselveswith diligence and the hard results that that produces.

There are myriad junior exploration companies exploring for Lithium but few who can packageexpertise with proven access, stellar producing properties and the hard won knowledge of apioneer. Pan American Lithium may not be the loudest one at the lithium party but are certainlythe ones who smart investors will want to talk to in the morning.

Follow the companiesʼ progress at:  
Bei meiner Filmsammlung hat sich was getan  ;)


04.05.10 14:16

58 Postings, 6162 Tage 3yk0nNnice

Ich habe auch eine Order am laufen, mM nach eine sehr interessante Aktie.
Warum sie heute so stark fällt ist mit jedoch nicht klar, naja ich werds zum Einstieg nutzen ;)  

04.05.10 14:52

1841 Postings, 5996 Tage BioLogichab noch was zusammengestellt

hab es ebenso auf W:O gepostet.

Hallo Lithiumfans ;),

weil hier keiner so richig wusste,oder schrieb wie die Erwartungen ursprünglich waren, habe ich das jetzt mal zusammengestellt.

ich hab jetzt mal die Erwartungen seitens der Geschäftsführung von Pan Am mit den tatsächlichen Ergebnissen der Ressorceneinschätzung verglichen. Die Erwartungen kann man der Power Point Präsentation entnehmen:

Die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse gibt es hier:

...nur der Richtigkeit halber, falls Ihr Quellenangaben wünscht.

Erwartet waren:

Laguna Verde Project—Chile Region III—Surface Brine Lake
–Located 390 km from Copiapoon serviceable roads at 4,230 m elevation
–Existing shallow brine lake which contains estimated (non-NI-43-101 compliant) resource of [b]100,000[/b] tons of lithium carbonate, [b]at 204 ppm lithium[/b]
–High potential for significant tonnage of deep brines, pending exploration drilling

•Other Surface Water Brine Projects
–LagunasBravas--Existing shallow brine lake which contains estimated (non-NI-43-101 compliant) resource of [b]50,000 tons[/b] of lithium carbonate, at [b]231 ppmlithium[/b], 1732 ppmMagnesium and 2310 ppmPotassium, with high potential for deep brines

Tatsächlich waren:

Key highlights of the NI 43-101 compliant programs are as follows:

•  Inferred resource estimate at Laguna Verde surface lake at an average lithium grade of [b]212.40 mg/litre[/b] is computed to [b]be 512,960 tons of lithium carbonate[/b] equivalent, and at an average potassium grade of 4,881 mg/litre is 4,223,134 tons of potassium chloride equivalent

•  Inferred resource estimate at Laguna Brava is computed at an average lithium grade of [b]313 mg/litre to[/b] be [b]13,580 tons of lithium carbonate[/b] equivalent, and at an average potassium grade of 3,356 mg/litre is 46,623 tons of potassium chloride equivalent.

Project Laguna Verde hat sich also der lithium Grad von geschätzt [b]204 ppm[/b] auf [b]212.40 ppm[/b] erhöht. Außerdem, was sehr wichtig ist: Angestrebt waren daraus [b]100.000 tons[/b] of lithium carbonate, tatsächlich sind es aber [b]512,960 tons[/b] !!!

Project Laguna Brava hat sich der Grad von geschätzt [b]231 ppm[/b] auf [b]313 ppm erhöh[/b]t. Aber hier haben sich die zu Erwartenden [b]50.000 tons of lithium carbonate auf 13,580 tons verringert!!![/b]

Alles in allem ist das Ergebnis nach NI 43-101 also fast wie es erwartet wurde, da sich beim Laguna Verde Project die tons of lithium carbonate von 100,000 auf 512,960 tons verfünffacht haben, während beim Laguna Bravas die tons of lithium carbonate von 50,000 tons auf 13,580 tons um das fünffache verringert haben.

Der Lithium Grad [b]ppm[/b] hat sich aber bei beiden Seen/Lagunen verbessert. :rolleyes:

Have a nice day

Quelle: me, myself and I und die anderen Quellen hab ich oben gepostet.

Bei meiner Filmsammlung hat sich was getan  ;)


04.05.10 16:49

1353 Postings, 5292 Tage BullenknallerHey,danke für Info Bio, bin ab heute drin f. 0,28

04.05.10 16:57

1353 Postings, 5292 Tage BullenknallerWas ist bei PA und lit

04.05.10 16:57

1841 Postings, 5996 Tage BioLogickeine

kauf oder verkaufempfehlung gelle.

Ich würde weitere Rücksetzer abwarten, da jetzt endlich der Gesamtmarkt runterkommt :)

d.h. die Aktie geht auf jedenfall auch weiter runter.

Bei meiner Filmsammlung hat sich was getan  ;)


04.05.10 16:59

1353 Postings, 5292 Tage BullenknallerWas ist bei PA den heute los?noch tiefer

04.05.10 17:03

1841 Postings, 5996 Tage BioLogicklar gehts hier

noch weiter runter wenn, grad alles runter kommt :)

Bei meiner Filmsammlung hat sich was getan  ;)


04.05.10 21:29

2596 Postings, 5810 Tage kalle50Habe zu meinen7200 Stck

noch einmal 8800 zu 0,22 nachgeordert.Der Grund für mich war das sich heute gleich mehrere Börsenblätter positiv zu der Aktie geäußert haben.  

05.05.10 08:48

1353 Postings, 5292 Tage BullenknallerWelche Blätter waren das? Kaufe evtl n. nach

05.05.10 09:39

81 Postings, 5363 Tage nett8.33% im plus, gehts vielleicht los jetzt?

05.05.10 11:48

81 Postings, 5363 Tage nettSo es bleibt heute stabil,

kommt jetzt der rebound nachmittags?  

06.05.10 17:06

2596 Postings, 5810 Tage kalle50Stabil ,da hast du Recht

bei dem Kurssturz muß es einen aber nicht verwundern.  

08.05.10 12:02

1353 Postings, 5292 Tage BullenknallerHoffe das die 0,20 hält,was meint Ihr?

08.05.10 12:11

1353 Postings, 5292 Tage BullenknallerDroht dann der totale Absturz? Ich s.k.U.Linie?

08.05.10 12:16

1353 Postings, 5292 Tage BullenknallerKann mich mal einer Aufmuntern

08.05.10 12:31

33 Postings, 5430 Tage Lehrling85ich

glaube dass es ein fass ohne boden ist...bin mehrmals eingesitegen weil ich gedacht habe es ist ein boden erreicht worden. das geld kannst du wie alle die hier noch denken sie werden in die gewinnzone kommen. Die Bohrergebnisse waren auch nicht der hit von daher wird auch im nächsten Jahr wenns denn zur förderung kommt nicht wirklich nach oben gehen....tja so ist das mit der zockerei. mal gehts gut mal gehts schief!  

10.05.10 22:40

58 Postings, 6162 Tage 3yk0nN...

Hast du irgendwelche Fakten die deine Vermutungen hier rechtfertigen @Lehrling85?
Im Wertpapiergeschäft sollte man Emotionen aussen vor lassen ;)

Die Bohrergebnisse haben die Erwartungen durchaus erfüllt.
Sie haben ca.2,8mrd an Ressourcen im See. Nun gilt es eben noch zu prüfen wie man das ganze fördert.  

10.05.10 22:41

58 Postings, 6162 Tage 3yk0nNachja...

11.05.10 18:51

254 Postings, 5649 Tage RübenschweinProgrammtipp heute um 19:15

Batterien aus Bolivien
Der Kampf ums Lithium
Das Feature  11.05.2010 · 19:15 Uhr

für alle Interessierten  

18.05.10 17:16

254 Postings, 5649 Tage RübenschweinEndlich mal ein Lebenszeichen

Pan American Lithium Corp. Retains Crescendo Communications as Investor Relations and Corporate Communications Advisor

TUCSON, Ariz., May 18, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pan American Lithium Corp. ("Pan American" or the "Company") (Pink Sheets: PALTF) (TSX-V: PL.V), a lithium exploration and mining company with surface brine lake projects in Chile, today announced that it has retained Crescendo Communications, LLC ("Crescendo") as its investor relations firm to help broaden awareness of the company within the financial markets.

"Crescendo's strategic approach to communications combined with their expertise working with clients operating in the mining and lithium-ion battery marketplace positions them to fully grasp the Pan American Lithium investment thesis and value proposition which is essential to being able to communicate our story effectively to the U.S. investment community. Through Crescendo, we expect to leverage new relationships with fund managers, analysts, and retail investors. Crescendo has a successful track record advising small cap public companies in corporate communications and investor relations. Further, Crescendo has also been an innovator with new communications services and technologies such as that we look forward to utilizing to help build greater awareness of our mission and competitive position," said Andrew Brodkey, President and CEO of Pan American Lithium Corp. "We are confident that Crescendo will help us proactively communicate the important steps we are taking to become a leading player in cost-effective lithium production using innovative technologies that may likely prove vastly superior to traditional and expensive drilling."

"We are impressed with the Pan American Lithium business opportunity in Chile including its enviable assets related to the nine salars in Atacama Region III of Chile. The prospective value of these assets is potentially much larger than the value being ascribed today by the market. Pan American is taking a novel approach to lithium extraction by focusing on salar lakes where the lithium is extracted directly from water," said David Waldman, President of Crescendo. "We also note that global demand for lithium is strong and growing and likely to remain so for many years. Although there is presently no spot price for lithium, in part because lithium is sold in various purity levels to meet manufacturer needs, lithium carbonate production has more than doubled over the past decade and will continue to be driven by growing demand among battery manufacturers as the power source of choice for new electronic devices. We are very pleased to represent Pan American Lithium Corp. and look forward to launching a comprehensive investor communications campaign to assist in raising awareness of their unique lithium extraction story."  

18.05.10 18:49

33 Postings, 5430 Tage Lehrling85positive

nachrichten hab ich schon seit ner langen zeit nicht mehr gehört. nur schade, dass die wieder vom Unternehmen selber kommen und nicht von externen objektiven Analysten...  

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