....und Oktagonschliff sowie neue social media-Marketingkampagne
In conjunction with the new jewellery collection, PANDORA is launching a new marketing campaign “DO See The Wonderful”, designed to inspire women to see the wonderful in their everyday life.
As part of the campaign, PANDORA will launch the #DOSeeTheWonderful social media challenge, motivating all women to capture their precious, everyday moments and sharing them with PANDORA using the hashtag #DOSeeTheWonderful and following @theofficialpandora. Through this campaign, PANDORA kicks off a global conversation about women’s everyday triumphs; from those that are life changing through to daily personal achievements.
Minna Philipson, Chief Marketing Officer, PANDORA, said:
“At PANDORA, we want women to celebrate all the wonderful things they and other women do each day because these moments represent important fragments of their lives. Our jewellery can act as a symbol of these everyday achievements and the things we cherish.”
Verstehe ich als Mann zwar nicht, aber mal sehen, ob es sich durchsetzt.
Sehr aufwändig, die Gold-Zirkonia-Silikon-Charms. Für den asiatischen, arabischen und afrikanischen Markt muss Pandora auf alle Fälle goldhaltiger werden. Große Herausforderung bei wieder steigendem Goldpreis. Chance liegt in effizienteren Herstellungsprozessen und Mix mit günstigen Materialien.