Ausbruch: DONNER Metals donnert los!

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20.11.07 18:25

227 Postings, 6190 Tage MultimillionärPlus in Kanada

Ganze 2% Plus in Kanada auf 0,52!!!  

21.11.07 22:31

64 Postings, 6211 Tage l.michaSchwacher Tag heute in CAN

0,44 CAD zum Schluß. Wir brauchen News, sonst könnte es noch tiefer fallen.

Ich hoffe, dass mein SL nicht ausgelöst wird...

22.11.07 15:33

64 Postings, 6211 Tage l.micha@Multimillionär

Wurde dein SL heute ausgelöst?

Du hattest ihn doch bei 0,300 EUR.

(Kein Umsatz weder in Frankfurt, noch in München!?)


22.11.07 15:35

227 Postings, 6190 Tage MultimillionärBin noch drin!

Nein. Bin noch voll investiert. Goldpreis steigt auch wieder... bleibe optimistisch ;-)  

22.11.07 22:31

227 Postings, 6190 Tage MultimillionärPrivate Placement

Donner hält ja 12,3 Mio Aktien an Knight Resources.
Hier werden Bohrergebnisse erwartet. Doch zuvor hat Knight noch schnell ein Private Placement abgeschlossen und so frisches Geld besorgt. Der aktuelle Kurs von Knight liegt bei 0,30 CAD. Das PP wurde zu einem Wert von 0,40 bze. 0,55 abgeschlossen!
Also WEIT über dem aktuellen Kurs. Kein Investor würde mehr bezahlen als den aktuellen Wert. Wieso sollte ein Investor außerbörslich 9 Millionen Aktien zu 0,40 oder 0,55 kaufen, wenn er an der Börse aktuell nur 0,30 bezahlen müsste???
Na weil Knight bereits erste Bohrergebnisse kennt und diese wohl auch dem Investor mitgeteilt hat. Demnach rechnet Knight und der Investor fest mit einem steigenden Kurs in naher Zukunft! Dies wiederum sollte Donner helfen! Bin gespannt, wann hier BE´s kommen!
Knight 9.25-million-FT-share private placement

2007-11-19 16:40 ET - Private Placement

The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to the first tranche of a non-brokered private placement announced Nov. 7, 2007.

Number of shares:  9.25 million flow-through shares

Purchase price:  40 cents per share

Warrants:  9.25 million share purchase warrants to purchase 9.25 million shares

Warrant exercise price:  55 cents for a one-year period

Hidden placees:  29

Pro group participation:  Winton Derby, 31,250; William Wright, 12,500; Ken Berry, 8,750; Bolder 07 FT LP, 187,500
Angehängte Grafik:
knight.png (verkleinert auf 61%) vergrößern

22.11.07 23:00

227 Postings, 6190 Tage MultimillionärRunter und Hoch!

Nach dem Runter kommt immmer ein Hoch! Vor allem bei den Rohstofftiteln! Siehe Noront!
So ziemlich der erste (und beste) Rohstoffkandidat, der nach dem Runter wieder HOCH ging! Heute +25%! Das könnte uns auch bei den anderen Rohstoffperlen erwarten. Vor allem bei Donner ;-) Also ich würde nachkaufen, wenn ich könnte... Aber mein Gehalt geht für Weihnachtsgeschenke drauf... Donner muss also alleine losdonnern ;-) So wie Noront!  

23.11.07 10:00

64 Postings, 6211 Tage l.michaNach dem Runter kommt immer ein Hoch

Sehe ich auch so.

Außerdem brauchen wir News News News...sollten diese auch noch fundamental sein, sind wir schnell bei einem neuen ATH!

Aber ich denke mal, dass heute nichts kommen wird, denn im Verlauf des Jahres wurden von insgesamt ca. 12 News lediglich eine am Freitag veröffentlicht.

23.11.07 14:06

194 Postings, 6189 Tage Joker79Interview mit Donner

Ist zwar schon ein paar Jährchen alt aber interessant:

AnalystCorner: Donner Minerals - Chance auf den Hauptgewinn?
12.05.2003 (18:03)

Die so genannten Explorer sind, Unternehmen die nach Rohstoffen suchen. Sie verschwinden häufig schnell von der Bildfläche, wenn ihre Bohrungen nicht erfolgreich sind. Die kanadische Donner Minerals ist nach vielen erfolglosen Jahren überraschend immer noch im Geschäft. Joachim Brunner von First Focus Independent Research sieht bei dem Wert ein interessantes Chance-Risko-Verhältnis.

Explorer üben eine hohe Anziehungskraft auf die Investoren aus. Der Grund liegt im einfachen Geschäftsmodell: Wird das Unternehmen im großem Stil fündig, so sind drastische Kursgewinne die Folge. Oft genug jedoch verschwinden glücklose Unternehmen dieser Branche nach kurzer Zeit von der Bildfläche. Donner Minerals sucht nach Nickel. Dass dieser Rohstoff durchaus einträglich sein kann, zeigt die rekordverdächtige Performance eines anderen Explorers vor zehn Jahren: Diamond Fields. In dessen geographischer Nähe sucht Donner Minerals nach einer ähnlichen Erfolgsstory. Joachim Brunner, ehemaliger Chefanalyst der österreichischen VKB Bank und mittlerweile Geschäftsführer von First Focus Independent Research sieht die Aktie als sehr interessante Depotbeimischung.

AC: Herr Brunner, über wieviel Substanz verfügt Donner Minerals?

Brunner: Donner Minerals ist ein Explorer, die Substanz sind die drei Explorationsgebiete „South Voisey Bay“, „West Raglan“ und „Stephens Lake“. Im South Voisey exploriert derzeit Falconbridge, bei den anderen Gebieten ist Donner selbst der Operator. Der nominelle Buchwert der Gebiete übersteigt derzeit den Börsenwert.

AC: Diese Branche ist ein heißes Geschäft. Warum empfehlen Sie trotzdem solch ein risikoreiches Unternehmen?

Brunner: Explorer erinnern in der Tat ein wenig an ein Lottospiel. Der Gewinn kann sehr groß sein. Die Chance seinen Einsatz zu verlieren, ist jedoch ungleich höher. Bei Donner Minerals sehe ich jedoch eine weitaus besseres Chance-Risiko-Verhältnis als üblich. Daher möchte ich Donner Minerals nicht mit einem Glücksspiel vergleichen.

AC: Wie groß ist denn die Chance?

Brunner: Die Chance ist schwerer einzuschätzen als das Risiko. Nehmen wir als Beispiel die Firma Diamond Fields. Diese Firma hat bei der Suche nach Diamanten zufälligerweise auf einem nahe gelegenen Feld, wo auch Donner Minerals operiert, große Nickel-Lagerstätten gefunden. Sie wurde 1995 von Inco gekauft. Die Anleger konnten sich über einen Zugewinn von sagenhaften 44.000% in zwei Jahren freuen. Von daher ist ein Kurspotenzial, wohlgemerkt Potenzial, von 10.000% schon im Bereich des Möglichen.

AC: Warum ist dann bei dieser Chance überhaupt ein überschaubares Risiko möglich?

Brunner: Am wichtigsten für mich war neben einem erfahrenen Management eine Risikominimierung durch drei Erfolg versprechende Projekte. Sollte nur eines dieser Projekte erfolgreich sein, wird sich der Kurs vervielfachen.

AC: Hand aufs Herz, für wie vielversprechend halten Sie diese Projekte?

Brunner: Da ich kein Geologe bin, kann ich die Wahrscheinlichkeiten selbstverständlich nicht ermitteln. Es gibt jedoch einen ganz entscheidenden Anhaltspunkt: Die weltgrößten Förderer von Basismetallen, z.B. Falconbridge und Teck Cominco, haben Aktien von Donner erworben, Faconbridge stockte bei der jüngsten Kapitalerhöhung in diesem Winter seinen Anteil sogar nochmals auf. Darüber hinaus investieren sie eine verhältnismäßig große Menge Geld, um in den Lizenzgebieten von Donner bohren zu dürfen. Das spricht einfach für die Qualität der Projekte und das alleine ist schon ein großer Bonus für die Aktie. Nicht zuletzt dadurch wurde das noch immer hohe Risiko für den Anleger gesenkt.

AC: Hat es schon Anzeichen für einen möglichen Bohrerfolg gegeben?

Brunner: Bei Probebohrungen im South Voisey Bay wurde bereits Nickel gefunden und das in einer teilweise sehr hohen Konzentration. Festgestellt werden muss nun, ob das Vorkommen wirtschaftlich abgebaut werden kann. Im Juli werden die Bohrungen fortgesetzt.

AC: Welche Anlagestrategie soll nun ein Anleger verfolgen?

Brunner: Auch hier muss als erstes gesagt werden, dass ein Investment in Donner Minerals nur für Risiko orientierte Anleger zu empfehlen ist. Zweitens sollte es nur eine Depotbeimischung sein und drittens unterliegt die Aktie einem gewissen Zyklus. Das heißt, die Bohrungen in den wichtigsten Gebieten können nur im Sommer durchgeführt werden. Dadurch steigt der Aktienkurs durch die hohe Erwartungshaltung der bevorstehenden Bohrergebnisse vom Frühjahr bis zum Sommer hin an und nach deren Veröffentlichung sackt die Aktie wieder ab. Diese Kenntnis sollte vom Anleger genützt werden, um sein Risiko zu reduzieren.

AC: Wie sehen Sie nun die weitere Entwicklung?

Brunner: Die Aktie steht derzeit bei rund 0,17 CDN-Dollar, in den letzten vier Wochen hat der Ablauf einer Sperrfrist auf den Aktienkurs gedrückt. Diese Verkäufe ebben nun langsam ab. Ein Anstieg auf rund 0,30 bis 0,35 CDN-Dollar bis in den Sommer würde uns nicht überraschen. Dieses Niveau sollten vom Anleger zu einer Positionshalbierung genutzt werden. Daher entnimmt der Anleger sein investiertes Kapital und er senkt damit sein Risiko auf den bis dahin erzielten Gewinn. Den Rest des Investments kann man in der Hoffnung auf den Bohrerfolg liegen lassen. Ich weiß zwar nicht, ob man Nickel finden wird, aber die Tatsache, dass Falconbridge mehr Explorationsgeld in einen 50%-igen Lizenzanteil investiert als Donner Minerals an der Börse wert ist und außerdem nach den ersten Probebohrungen seinen Anteil an Donner Minerals noch erhöht, lässt Raum für Vermutungen.

Das Gespräch führte Robert Burschik

23.11.07 14:13

194 Postings, 6189 Tage Joker79Falconbridge = Xstrata

Donner arbeitet noch immer sehr stark mit Xstrata (Falconbridge) zusammen!

Donner Minerals Has Three Nickel Projects in Canada With Majors as Partners, And Each Is A Company Maker.

Donner Minerals, a Canadian nickel exploration company with interests in three of the country’s four major nickel camps, will be presenting at our next Minesite Mining Forum on June 3rd. The company is best known for its substantial land position 90 kms south of the famous Voisey’s Bay nickel-copper-cobalt discovery. The South Voisey Bay project is focused on a favourable intrusion of olivine gabbro similar to the massive sulphides at Voisey’s Bay and Falconbridge is Donner’s partner there. In northern Manitoba the company is involved in another joint venture with Falconbridge , the Stephens Lake project, to test for extensions to the Thompson nickel belt which has hosted five major deposits operated by Inco. The company is also earning a 49 per cent interest through a listed associate company, Knight Resources, in the West Raglan project where Anglo American is its 51 per cent partner. The West Raglan project is on the western extension of the Raglan Horizon which hosts Falconbridge’s Raglan deposits

All of these projects are considered by Donner’s major partners to have the potential to make a significant difference to them, so they would be company makers for Donner. The company’s history goes back to the discovery of Voisey’s Bay which induced a land rush in the area. Instead of joining it Donner went south and was funded initially by Teck. Some excellent drilling results were achieved including 16 metres of 1.13% nickel and 1 metre of 12% nickel, 10% copper and 1% cobalt, but then came Bre-X and the Canadian mining market went into hibernation. Falconbridge appeared out of the gloom in 2001 with an offer to spend C$23 million on exploration over five years to earn a 50 per cent interest inhte project. Teck is still in there carrying Donner right through to production to earn half Donner’s share, so Donner is sure of a free carried interest if a deposit is found.

Apart from the 650 sq kms project itself, which Falconbridge reckons to be a dead ringer for Voisey’s Bay, the President of Donner, Harvey Keats has the respect of the company for the 25 years he worked for Falconbridge and for Robert Friedland’s Diamond Fields Resources. Falconbridge also has the benefit of the field work, which included airborne and ground geophysical surveys carried out between 1995 and 99 by Donner and Teck. In the autumn of 2001 Falconbridge carried out a deep seeking ground electromagnetic survey plus geological mapping and re-logging of the drill core. This was followed up by further EM surveys and some drilling in 2002 and now a large MegaTEM airborne survey has begun. It will be followed by ground deep EM surveys and priority EM anomalies will be tested by diamond drilling.

The vast 3,700 sq kms Stephens Lake project is a search for extensions to the Thompson nickel belt where Inco is exploiting a number of deposits including the 100 million tonne Thompson mine itself which has been in production since 1958 and replenished the resource consistently with satellite discoveries of a similar grade of 2.5% nickel over the period. Falconbridge had been seeking the extension for years but it appeared that they had been concentrating their work too far south. It was suggested that exploration should concentrate on the contact between the Superior Craton and the Churchill Craton as this is reckoned to be the source not only of the Thompson nickel belt , but also of Falconbridge’s Raglan project.

The deal is that Donner is going to earn a 50 per cent interest by spending C$5 million over 5 years and Falconbridge is cementing the relationship by buying a tranche of shares in the junior every year . The deposits in the belt occur where ultramafic rocks interact with sulphide iron formation. The ultramafics provide the nickel as a base for the nickel sulphide deposits in the Thompson model. Back in 2001 Falconbridge found a sulphide iron formation in outcrop and more recently ultramafics were hit by people drilling for diamonds nearby. Donner is currently carrying out a C$1million work programme and recent drilling intersected 72 metres of sulphide iron formation with only its third hole. Similarities with the Inco deposits get stronger and stronger and the partners are confident that they have most of the pieces of the puzzle that could go to make a new nickel mining camp.

Lastly there is the West Raglan project where a shell company was used at the beginning of this year for Donner to acquire a 27 per cent interest and Anglo could invest in tranches of Knight stock each year which would contribute to the exploration spend.. The idea was to shield the project from being overshadowed by South Voisey Bay and Stephens Lake and to allow Anglo American a direct involvement which would not be diluted. It is an area which has been virtually unexplored and is on the western end of the Expo-Ungava Horizon where the Mesamax occurrence is and where the first three holes drilled by Canadian Royalties intersected sulphide mineralisation and the assay results were described as exceptional. As an example, the first hole was in mineralisation from 9 metres below surface and the length weighted average of the entire 66 metre interval graded 2.19% nickel, 5.92% copper, 0.09% cobalt, 1.3 g/t gold and 1.4 g/t platinum and 2.65 g/t palladium.  

23.11.07 14:19

194 Postings, 6189 Tage Joker79Donner und Diamond Fields

In der Nähe des Gebietes von Donner hat Diamond Fields sehr große Nickelbestände gefunden und wurde prompt von Inco übernommen. Kursgewinn für den Anleger: Über 44000%!!! Von mir aus kann Donner auch um 44000% steigen! Xstrata (=Falconbridge) erhöht bestimmt seinen Anteil an Donner weiter ;-)  

23.11.07 14:27

194 Postings, 6189 Tage Joker79Indirekte Empfehlung

Bei steht Diamond Fields ganz oben auf der Empfehlungsliste! Donner, die ja direkt neben Diamond Fields graben könnten bald aus dem Schatten von Diamond Fields treten und sie überholen ;-) Donner und Diamond Fields! Hier donnerts gewaltig! DOnner ist die neue Diamonds Field! Donner donnert los...

23.11.07 14:31

194 Postings, 6189 Tage Joker79Letzte Info

Hier die letzte Info von mir für heute:

Donner Metals Ltd. - Unternehmensprofil
24.01.2007 | 14:20 Uhr | Bernhard Schmidt (USC Resource)

Geschäftszweck von Donner Metals Ltd. ist die Identifikation, Akquisition, Exploration und Entwicklung von Mineralvorkommen. Die Gesellschaft befindet sich noch in einem fortgeschrittenen Explorationsstadium und ist Joint Ventures mit namhaften Unternehmen, wie TeckCominco und Xstrata (ehemals Falconbridge), eingegangen. Das Hauptprojekt, Matagami in Quebec, wird gemeinsam mit Xstrata gehalten. Laut einem unabhängigen Bericht ist das Potential für weitere ökonomische Basismetallvorkommen exzellent.


   * Exzellentes Potential des Hauptprojektes Matagami besonders für Zink- und Kupferfunde.

   * Unabhängiger Bericht (NI 43-101) ist ungewöhnlich positiv und euphorisch für das Projekt.

   * Namhafte Joint Venture-Partner.

   * Gestreutes Projekt-Portfolio.

   * Erfahrenes Managementteam, das instrumental für die Entdeckung des Voisey Bay-Vorkommens war.

   * Umfangreiches Explorationsprogramm (mind. 4 Mio. CAD) über rund 1.000 Bohrungen.

   * Eng gehaltene Aktionärsstruktur und noch sehr niedrige Marktkapitalisierung.


Zur kompletten Ansicht des Unternehmensprofils laden Sie sich bitte das PDF-Dokument herunter.

   * Donner Metals Ltd. (336 kb)

Schönes Wochenende wünscht Joker79  

23.11.07 21:00

227 Postings, 6190 Tage MultimillionärIn Kanada geht´s rauf!

Knapp 9% PLUS in Kanada! VIelleicht geht´s noch höher!

23.11.07 21:10

64 Postings, 6211 Tage l.michaGeht's schon los?

Das Ask und Bid sind prall gefüllt!

Gibt es News?

23.11.07 21:16

64 Postings, 6211 Tage l.micha0,52 CAD +13,04%

23.11.07 21:45

227 Postings, 6190 Tage MultimillionärSieht gut aus

Schöner Chart!  
Angehängte Grafik:

23.11.07 22:37

227 Postings, 6190 Tage MultimillionärDas ist mal ne Cashcow

Donner hält ja 12,3 Mio Aktien an Knight Resources. Bevor hier die Bohrergebnisse bekannt gegeben werden, führt Knight Resources schnell noch ein paar Private Placements durch und sammelt Geld ein von externen Investoren!

2007-11-23 16:20 Knight Resources closes $3.7-million private placement
2007-11-19 16:40 Knight 9.25-million-FT-share private placement
2007-11-07 18:08 Knight to raise $4-million for West Raglan exploration

3,7 + 9,25 + 4 = 17 Millionen Dollar!

Knight hat 17 Millionen Dollar in rund 2 Wochen eingesammelt! Die MK von Knight beträgt nur 16 Mio Euro! Knight hat also nun genug cash für die nächsten Aufgaben. Und wenn Investoren bereit sind, 17 Mio Dollar locker zu machen, dann können die Bohrergebnisse auch nicht sooo schlecht sein, oder? Und was für Knight gut ist, das ist für Donner auch gut! Vielleicht stieg der Kurs deswegen heute so stark! Nächste Woche donnert Donner hoffentlich weiter hoch! Jeden Tag +13% und wir stehen bald bei 1 Euro!


23.11.07 22:45

64 Postings, 6211 Tage l.michaDas wäre was....

Das wünscht sich mit Sicherheit jeder Anleger!

Mal sehen was kommt, heute wurde der erste Schritt gemacht. Wir sind nicht weiter gefallen, das ist sehr wichtig.

Donner sollte aber ein sehr sehr gutes "Komplettpacket" bieten (gute Bohrergebnisse, Aktienanteile an Knight Resources, JV mit Xstrata, ...).

26.11.07 15:44

64 Postings, 6211 Tage l.michaDie News





  New High Grade Sulphide Zone Intersected West of McLeod


Mr. Harvey Keats, Chief Executive Officer of Donner Metals Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: DON)(FRANKFURT: D4M) reports that drilling continues to intersect high grade sulphides over significant widths at Bracemac and at McLeod, 1.2 kilometers to the east. Exploratory drilling 180 metres west of McLeod has intersected a new, copper-rich, sulphide zone referred to as West McLeod. Drilling has now identified three vertically stacked sulphide zones at Bracemac. Three sulphide zones have been intersected at the Key Tuffite horizon at McLeod. Their extent and the possible connection between the McLeod zones have yet to be fully investigated.

Highlights of assay results reported in this news release are summarized below.

Bracemac Area - Key Tuffite Zone
DDH                From      To   (metres)   % Zn  % Cu   g/t Ag   g/t Au
BRC-07-60        388.65  400.70     12.05   16.67  0.41    21.42     0.19
including        388.65  396.80      8.15   22.90  0.49    25.09     0.23
New McLeod Zone
DDH                From      To   (metres)   % Zn  % Cu   g/t Ag   g/t Au
MC-05-18W7       811.26  822.85     11.59   17.37  0.41    13.94  Pending
                836.00  839.50      3.50    0.48  2.93    22.07     0.33
Old McLeod Zone
DDH                From      To   (metres)   % Zn  % Cu   g/t Ag   g/t Au
MC-07-28         566.85  568.80      1.95   19.78  1.54    48.56     0.59
West McLeod Zone
DDH                From      To   (metres)   % Zn  % Cu   g/t Ag   g/t Au
MC-07-30         585.68  591.45      5.77    1.22  3.00    24.73     0.12

Delineation and exploratory drilling continues with three drills at Bracemac - McLeod, an area that is centered 6 kilometres southeast of Xstrata Zinc's Matagami mill. Reported in Table 1 are assays from 12 new drill holes in the Bracemac - McLeod area and from 5 holes on regional reconnaissance targets elsewhere on the property. Additional geological information, including maps and sections, is available at A total of 37,996 metres have been drilled since drilling began in October 2006.


BRC-07-60 (16.67% Zn, 0.41% Cu, 21.42 g/t Ag, 0.19 g/t Au over 12.05 metres) extended the Bracemac Key Tuffite Zone approximately 60 metres down-dip and the zone remains open. Several holes have encountered thin variable grade sulphides at the Key Tuffite horizon around the periphery of the zone with all holes intersecting an underlying, well developed alteration zone. Additional delineation drilling is planned down-dip, up-dip and to the east and west of all known mineralization. Further exploratory step outs in this area will search for additional sulphide mounds that are typical of VMS deposits.


One step-out hole was completed on the New McLeod Zone. MC-05-18W7 (17.37% Zn, 0.41% Cu, 13.94 g/t Ag, (Au pending) over 11.59 metres) was drilled 50 metres up-dip from MC-05-18W6 (9.62% Zn, 1.33% Cu, 9.96 g/t Ag, 0.26 g/t Au over 32.22 metres) and 50 metres east of MC-05-18W4 (8.91% Zn, 1.88% Cu, 56.4 g/t Ag, 45.93 g/t Au over 11.42 metres). This zone remains open and un-delineated in all directions.

One drill hole was completed on the Old McLeod Zone. MC-07-28 (19.78% Zn, 1.54% Cu, 48.56 g/t Au, 0.59 g/t Au over 1.95 metres) was drilled 50 metres down-dip of MC-07-27 that returned 18.45% Zn, 2.11% Cu, 66.4 g/t Ag, 1.12 g/t Au over 6.67 metres and 7.36% Zn, 3.19% Cu, 143 g/t Ag, 0.90 g/t Au over 1.3 metres.

A new zone of intense alteration encountered in previous drill holes at and below the Key Tuffite was investigated by two drill holes, MC-07-29 (2.76% Zn, 1.14% Cu, 7.16 g/t Ag, 0.19 g/t Au over 3.58 meters) and MC-07-30 (1.22% Zn, 3.00% Cu, 24.73 g/t Ag, 0.12 g/t Au over 5.77 meters), to test off-hole geophysical anomalies. This zone has been named the West McLeod Zone. Further drilling will follow up the results and off-hole anomalies in both holes.

Delineation drilling continues at McLeod.

Regional Drilling

DJV-07-80 was drilled 2.5km north-east of Xstrata's Perseverance deposits as a stratigraphic test. The hole remained in hanging wall felsic volcanic rock. Holes RA-07-1 through RA-07-4 were drilled to follow up geophysical anomalies in the region between the South Flank and the West Camp. RA-07-1 and 4 intersected mafic volcanic rocks and gabbroic intrusions. RA-07-2 and 3 intersected granite.

About the Matagami Project

The Matagami Project has an area of mutual interest of 4750 square kilometres and presently includes 2778 mineral claims covering 700 square kilometres. Taking advantage of Xstrata Zinc's extensive historical database, Donner and Xstrata Canada Corporation - Xstrata Zinc Canada Division (Xstrata Zinc) are using a combination of 3D data integration, innovative advanced technologies, new concepts and diamond drilling to explore for new deposits in this prolific mining camp.

The Matagami Mining Camp is a world-class mining district, with 18 known VMS deposits, including 10 past producers of varying sizes, including the giant Mattagami Lake Deposit (25.64 million tonnes of 8.2% Zn, 0.56% Cu, 20.91 g/t Ag and 0.41 g/t Au) discovered in 1957 and mined from 1963 to 1988. The area is host to historical production of 8.6 billion pounds of Zn and 853 million pounds of Cu and has established infrastructure including the town of Matagami, a railway, a paved road, and a 2,600 t/day mill owned by Xstrata Zinc.

Donner has the option to earn a 50% participating joint venture interest in the Matagami Project by incurring a total of $20 to $23 million of expenditures on exploration and related work on or before May 31, 2011. Upon earn-in by Donner, five separate joint ventures will be formed, covering the property and the area of interest. In each of the five joint venture areas, Xstrata Zinc has the option to earn back a 15% interest in each area by incurring up to $20 million on a feasibility study.

The Company's strategy is to explore for and discover zinc - copper deposits in the Matagami Camp and to leverage the general infrastructure and existing processing facilities within a known and well-established cost structure for developing VMS deposits. Donner's exploration objective is to investigate multiple stratigraphic horizons with potential for VMS mineralization including the prolific Key Tuffite horizon throughout the Matagami Camp. Donner has discovered new mineralization at Bracemac in the Upper Bracemac and Bracemac zones and the Key Tuffite horizon. In addition to delineation drilling at Old McLeod, Donner has discovered new mineralization at New McLeod and West McLeod at the Key Tuffite horizon at McLeod.

Supplementary Information

The field work on the Matagami Project is being carried out by project operator Xstrata Zinc Canada Division who is responsible for the sampling, submittal of samples for assay, assay verification and QA/QC. Assaying of samples reported in this news release was carried out and certified by ALS Chemex-Chimitec, of Val-d'Or, Quebec (zinc, copper and silver by atomic absorption, and gold by standard fire assay procedures). Sample preparation was done by ALS Chemex of Val-d'Or, Quebec. Robin Adair, VP of Exploration for the Company is the Qualified Person responsible for the technical information in this news release.


Harvey Keats, Chief Executive Officer

To view Table 1 - New Results: BRACEMAC AREA, Table 2: MCLEOD AREA, Old McLeod Zone, West McLeod, Table 3: Regional Exploratory Drilling, please visit the following link:

The TSX Venture exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Contacts: Donner Metals Ltd. Harvey Keats Chief Executive Officer (604) 683-0564 or Toll Free: 1-800-909-8311 (604) 602-9311 (FAX) Email: Website:

SOURCE: Donner Metals Ltd.

Copyright 2007  Market Wire, All rights reserved  

26.11.07 19:17

64 Postings, 6211 Tage l.micha0,57 CAD +9.62%

Man man keiner bemerkt es...

Jungs und Mädels lest euch die Nachrichten durch und spring in die Rakete, es ist kurz vor Abflug!

26.11.07 22:22

227 Postings, 6190 Tage MultimillionärNoch besser!

Die news heute waren ja fantastisch! 18% Zink! 24% Silber!

Und was die ganze Sache noch schöner macht:
Knight Resources wurde soeben empfohlen!
Donner hält 12,3 Mio Aktien an Knight!

Hier werden sich bald ANalysten auf Donner stürzen,
nachdem sie sich dick eingedeckt haben ;-) Dann wird
es wohl nur noch Empfehlungen hageln! So wie für Knight
Pinnacle Digest: Private Placement Closed: Interest Drawn
Nov 26, 2007 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

At we study the markets, tirelessly searching for viable investments and companies with news we believe to be critical to their development. Our site is a true sharing investor community, built for the retail investor.

Knight Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: KNP)(FRANKFURT: KRL) experienced a 6.26% rise in share value Friday along with 54,750 shares traded. On November 23rd they announced the closing of a non-brokered private placement which totaled $3,700,000. We believe this news to be significant, in respect to their potential moving forward and have therefore begun reviewing in more detail their objectives. We will be reviewing the influence of this news and its potential ramifications later in this article and on our site. To follow up with Knight Resources continue with this article, or visit our informative and easy access online financial magazine at to read the article in its entirety.

At PinnacleDigest we are currently focused on the small to mid cap markets. We are focused on companies operating within the mining and energy based sectors in North America. Our main goal has and will always be to enhance our members approach to the market, while adding additional research.

The Federal Reserve has reduced its economic growth outlook which sent US stocks to their third straight week of losses. The financial and retail sectors were deflated further last week. Lowe's is the second largest home-improvement retailer in the United States and dropped the most in five years after it slashed its profit forecast. Fear that mortgage defaults will continue to spread through the economy drove bank shares lower. The American consumer will be pivotal to the markets health heading into the Christmas shopping season. It has been the same story in the markets the past few months. Record energy and gold prices are battling a financial sector on the cusp of disaster.

What is most troubling is the fact the Fed has now lowered 2008 growth forecast to as low as 1.8% from the 2.5 to 2.75% anticipated. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.5% last week to close at 12,980.88. The S&P 500 Index lost 1.2 percent last week closing at 1,440.70 Friday. Just over three weeks ago Merrill Lynch reported their largest quarterly loss in its 93 year history. An occurrence of this magnitude must be treated as a serious warning sign. US home sales are continuing to tumble and are a major factor in the North American markets. Both the S&P 500 and the Dow benchmarks closed at records on October 9th.

The drastic drops experienced in the market lately are highlighting the volatility of the time and making clear the markets are still operating within a very uncertain time. As the housing and financial sectors are clearly not only unstable, but are continuing to slide. The only thing worse than negative earnings and clearly defined problems is uncertainty and there is plenty of that in the markets at the moment. This only excites us at Pinnacle Digest as we know the opportunities will be plentiful either way. Irregularities in the market such as US stocks capping the largest September advance in 8 years after the Federal Reserve cut interest rates have led us to focus on the international mining and energy sectors. This years best performing industry has been the energy sector, as energy specific companies have risen 20% on the S&P 500 this year already.

The TSX and TSX-Venture exchanges are our focus at Pinnacle Digest. Resource based companies operating in these exchanges are what we pride ourselves on. Canadian stocks rose for the second day in three on growing sentiment that central banks in the United States will cut borrowing rates to fuel economic growth.

The real question we are evaluating everyday is: Can a renewed optimism that global demand for Canada's resources withstand an economic slowdown in the United States? We are constantly updating our stance on the factors determining this. Canadian stocks rose to end the week as rising prices for bullion and oil improved the profit outlook for many resource based companies. The TSX Composite benchmark fell half a percentage point last week completing its first three week decline since the drop-off in August. The fluctuation occurring within this index currently is exceptional and keeping everyone on edge. The fact CitiGroup Inc. recently stated that it will have to write down another $11 billion dollars combined with the mortgage fiasco is still having a tremendous effect on the Canadian markets.

Volatility is once again sweeping over the market. Just over three weeks ago the TSX Composite closed one point shy of a record. This volatility is leading us to caution many investments at the moment. The index has been soaring on record energy prices and a near 27 year high for the price of gold. These factors have mining company's earnings prospects looking higher than ever. We have our eye on the oil and gas sector at Pinnacle Digest as the price of oil continues to trade at historically high levels.

At Pinnacle Digest we feature three companies trading within the mining and oil and gas industries. We invite you to visit our multi-purpose online financial magazine to participate in our community and to educate yourself further on the markets moving this company forward.

In respect to Knight Resources we are interested in their most recent development, but even more specifically the trend of the sector influencing their ultimate success. We are most interested in their West Raglan Project and were pleased to learn that their newly acquired capital will be used to fund that project which is located in northern Quebec. To view information on specific sectors and the position of many base metals and commodities, visit our multi-purpose, easy access online magazine at

To continue with this report as well as other related articles, please visit for a complimentary membership. It should be stated that our membership requires no commitment to our service. If you would like to contact us please write to

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About Pinnacle Digest is an emerging online financial newsletter community. We put together informative material, capturing the information that we know will give you an edge to your portfolio and more specifically your investment approach.

Once a member of PinnacleDigest you will be able to access our complimentary full-length research reports on selected companies, our weekly volumes, and our market overviews. In addition to these services we are confident you will enjoy our many other services, as well as our main feature which is available to all our members.

We pride ourselves in having a multi purpose online magazine and encourage you to join our community.

This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction.

All material herein was prepared by (Pinnacle Digest) based upon information believed to be reliable. The information contained herein is not guaranteed by to be accurate, and should not be considered to be all-inclusive. The companies that are discussed in this opinion have not approved the statements made in this opinion. This opinion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. This material is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. is not a licensed broker, broker dealer, market maker, investment banker, investment advisor, analyst or underwriter. Please consult a broker before purchasing or selling any securities viewed on or mentioned herein. may receive compensation in cash or shares from independent third parties or from the companies mentioned. will not advise as to when it decides to sell and does not and will not offer any opinion as to when others should sell; each investor must make that decision based on his or her judgment of the market.

This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. "Forward-looking statements" describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as "may", "future", "plan" or "planned", "will" or "should", "expected," "anticipates", "draft", "eventually" or "projected". You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a companies' annual report on Form 10-K or 10-KSB and other filings made by such company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and undertakes no obligation to update such statements.


26.11.07 22:24

1658 Postings, 6429 Tage AndreanoKnight oder Donner

Knight oder Donner, wohin mit meinem Geld!?  

26.11.07 22:39

227 Postings, 6190 Tage MultimillionärEntscheidung

Die Entscheidung muss jeder selbst treffen.
Dies hier soll keine Empfehlung sein!

posting 577. Meine Watch List  von Joker79

Habe folgende Minenwerte analysiert:
Hy Lake steht bei mir ganz oben auf der Liste!
Kurzfristig 300% Gewinnpotenzial.
Langfristig 2000% Gewinnpotenzial.

An zweiter Stelle steht Donner!
Kurzfristig 250% Gewinnpotenzial.
Langfristig 1800% Gewinnpotenzial!

An dritter Stelle VG Gold (Vedron)!
Kurzfristig 200% Gewinnpotenzial.
Langfristig 1000% Gewinnpotenzial!

Hier der Rest ;-)
Andean American Mining Corp.  
Acadian Mining
Adriana Resources
Adroit Resources
Agnico-Eagle Mines
Alamos Gold Inc.
Apollo Gold Corp.
Aurelian Resources
Alexco Resource
Bendigo Mining
Berkley Resources
Bullion River Gold
Batavia Mining
Compania de Minas
Cassidy Gold
Cornerstone Capital Resources
Cumberland Resources
Dioro Exploration
DONNER METALS (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Dundee Precious Metals
European Goldfields
Eldorado Gold
Emgold Mining
Farallon Resources
First Quantum Minerals
Focus Minerals
FNX Mining Company
First Majestic Silver
Gammon Gold
Great Basin Gold
Gindalbie Metals
Gabriel Resources
Golden China Resources
Genco Resources
Grange Resources
Highlands Pacific
High River Gold Mines
Heron Resources
HY LAKE GOLD (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
IGC Resources
Integra Mining
Ivanhoe Mines
Jaguar Mining
Kinross Gold
Klondike Star Mineral
Kirkland Lake Gold
Kumba Resources
Kings Minerals
Kagara Zinc
Legend Mining
Miramar Mining
Magna Mining
Mineral Deposits
Midas Resources
Metex Resources
Minotaur Exploration
Magnus International Resources

Majestic Gold
Macmin Silver
Molycor Gold
Murchison United
Max Resource
Newcrest Mining
Northern Dynasty Minerals
Newmont Mining
Northam Platinum
Nevada Pacific Gold
Oroya Mining
Palabora Mining Company
Plexmar Resources
Peter Hambro Mining
PolyMet Mining
Petaquilla Minerals
Red Back Mining
Resolute Mining
St Barbara Mines
Apex Silver Mines
Simmer and Jack Mines
Scorpio Mining
Silvercrest Mines
Tribune Resources
Taseko Mines Limited
Tumi Resources
Tara Gold Resources
Union Resources
Vedanta Resources
VG GOLD (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Virginia Mines
Vista Gold
Wesdome Gold Mines
Westonia Mines
Yilgarn Gold
Zaruma Resources

dies ist keine empfehlung für irgendwas. weder zum kauf, verkauf, halten oder sonst wie...  

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