Diesmal habe ich nicht persönlich mit CEO Mark Ireton gesprochen, sondern an seine private Mail-Adresse geschrieben, um die etwas gegensätzlichen Informationen aus den News vom 03.03.2022 und 31.03.2022 richtig einordnen zu lassen.
Mir persönlich wäre das nicht so wichtig gewesen, da ich die Arbeiten und das Vorgehen von Victory sehr gut einordnen kann und sehr zufrieden bin mit dem was bisher alles geleistet wurde, seitdem ich (Sommer 2021) investiert bin. Mein Kursziel von einer MK von 500 Mio. in 2024 (heute unter 5 Mio.) ist natürlich weiter aktuell, erst recht nach dem sehr sorgfältigen Vorgehen auf Smokey Lithium.
Aber für alle anderen Aktionäre hier nun die sehr ausführliche Antwort von CEO Mark Ireton und seines Geologen:
Dear Mr. ...;
Thank you for your email.
We have posed your question to our exploration team and the geologist’s response follows.
As this is that this Victory’s first drilling in a new basin, we are on the path of identifying the relative position of the sections of rocks we have hit, specifically which units are part of the regional claystone and brine lithium host Esmeralda Formation and what is not, based on initial data, which is primarily visual.
It is important to understand that the lithium host rocks in the region are composed of mudstones, claystones, siltstones, sandstones and clay matrix conglomerates along with volcanic rich units, all of which can and do host both solid phase (ie "claystone") resources as well as brine, within the world class mineral belt being identified in central Nevada. At this time Victory is working to understand the rock unit package as revealed in the core drilling, many of the units in the core from completed holes could host lithium mineralization in both rock and within water.
As more information is gleaned, through what was an initial reporting on site to visual analysis of core samples, and ultimately assay results from each of the holes, it is fully anticipated in the normal course of exploration for ongoing analysis to take place. The important takeaway for the team as reported is that overall, there is optimism, primarily given the logged geologic results of the SL-21-05 drill hole. However, in this instance, all the holes are providing valuable information, which can be assessed in relation to each other in order to combine the learnings to date with the upcoming assay results in order to plan the next steps of the exploration program, which is what this phase of drilling was designed to do.
Thank you again for your ongoing interest in Victory Resources,
Mark Ireton, President & CEO