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08.01.14 07:40
: Lynas Corporation's shares trade large volume
Lynas Corporation's shares trade large volume; rare earth production ramps up Wednesday, January 08, 2014 by Proactive Investors
Lynas Advanced Material Plant commercial production and sales of REO products increased during the December quarter.
Lynas Advanced Material Plant commercial production and sales of REO products increased during the December quarter.
Lynas Corporation (ASX: LYC, OTC: LYSDY) traded close to 27 million shares yesterday, which is around four times higher than the daily average over the past few weeks.
Shares in the company also closed 6.9% firmer yesterday at $0.31.
A recent update by the company for the Lynas Advanced Material Plant (LAMP) in Malaysia shows that commercial production and sales of REO products increased during the December quarter.
This reflected the progressive completion of the previously announced work programs in the cracking and leaching units of the LAMP.
Total “ready for sale” production during the quarter was 741 tonnes, on an REO equivalent basis, around three times the production of 253 tonnes in the September quarter. An additional 35 tonnes of production is awaiting classification as “ready for sale” production.
A total of 409 tonnes of rare earth product was shipped to customers during the quarter, 87% higher than in the previous quarter.
In addition, most of the cerium and lanthanum borrowed in 2012 for the pre-seeding of the LAMP was produced and returned by the end of the quarter.
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Lynas Corporation's (ASX: LYC, OTC: LYSDY) shares are continuing to trade high volumes, with the company averaging daily turnover above 11 million shares each day of last week - which is more the double the preceding weeks.
Signal Update Our system’s recommendation today is to STAY LONG. The previous BUY recommendation was issued on 1/7/2014, 8 days ago, when the stock price was 0.3100. Since then LYC.AX has risen by +6.45%.
Market Outlook The bulls are in full control. The negative sentiment that led to the last bearish pattern has evaporated. Besides, the signal is suggesting to STAY LONG. It is best to follow the signal and continue to hold this security.
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