BAUXITE RESOURCES LIMITED (BAU) A0M6J3 AU000000BAU9 Seit kurzem auch in Frankfurt handelbar. Dieser australische Bauxit Explorer ist seit dem 22.10.2007 an der australischen Stock Exchange. ASX: BAU Hatte einen guten Start am 2. Tag: Code Last % Chg Bid Offer Open High Low Vol BAU 0.255 24.39% 0.250 0.260 0.220 0.260 0.215 1,392,258 Dieses Unternehmen ist noch jung und man könnte von Anfang an dabei sein. The Company was incorporated on the 15th of May 2006 for the purpose of securing exploration licences over land deemed prospective for bauxite mineralisation. The Company has identified three separate projects areas which the directors believe may have the potential for the realisation of a economical bauxite resource. The Company has made application for 25 exploration licences covering these three project areas. Two of these areas are in the world class bauxite region of the Darling Ranges of Western Australia. The Darling Range bauxite production accounts for approximately 17% of the total world alumina production and is the largest bauxite producing region in the world. The third area is in the Kimberley region where existing world class bauxite resources have been defined but as yet have not been mined. Bauxite / Alumina Strategy The Company has applied for tenements in three project areas presenting different value propositions and exploration strategies with the primary aim being to initially identify economic bauxite resources. In conjunction with local communities, environmental and key stake holders, the Company intends to carry out an intensive exploration program of resource definition in order to develop a sustainable bauxite export industry by direct shipping and to further assess potential resources with a view to the development of an alumina refinery.…… Nützliche Informationen über australische Werte (nicht nur von BAU)… Einige Meinungen aus dem australischen Börsenforum: "The apprciation of the share price yesterday is a good reason why the shares were oversubscribed. Monday was one of the worst day this year to float, so it held up considerably well. With some very exciting bauxite targets (the best iron ore metal of them all), iron ore prices just about to be renegotiated and a very low number of tradeable shares, I can only see more upward pressure on the share price." "Only 43m tradeable shares on issue The remaining 65m will be in escrow until 7/11/09 except for 8m which will be released in june next year Top 20 hold 76% of shares Very good potential bauxite projects. This is a buy and hold for the medium term at the very least for me" The buy side is building up very nicely Doing very nicely indeed for a newly listed stock (listed 2 days ago) Exciting bauxite tenements, top 20 holding 76% of shares, this is sure to continue pushing forward an exciting oppotunity though shares are running out quickly, this can double quite easily Market Cap at Issue Price: $19,027,500 * Tenement applications over 5,459 km2 of highly prospective bauxite ground. Tenements in world class bauxite production region, the Darling Ranges. * Tenements adjacent to world class bauxite resources in the Kimberley. * Tenements cover part of historical CSR/Pacminex Muchea Alumina Project area. * Substantial historical data including plant feasibilities and resource estimations. * Potential to discover substantial bauxite resources. * Close proximity to ports, rail, major road networks and alumina refineries. * Close proximity to export markets. * Rising bauxite and aluminium prices in recent years. * Expanding Chinese bauxite market. * State Government proactive on aluminium development. * Recent consolidation of the bauxite/alumina industry may give rise to opportunities for junior producers. * Listed option to be issued approximately 12 weeks from listing. * Evaluate direct shipping of bauxite ore to generate an early cash flow. Bauxite Resources Limited is an Australian exploration company based in Perth, Western Australia and focused on the exploration and development of bauxite resources in Australia. The Company has been extremely fortunate in securing approximately 5,459 square kilometres of ground highly prospective for bauxite in the Darling Ranges which is responsible for 17% of the world's alumina production and the Kimberley which is known to host some of the largest known undeveloped bauxite resources. Börseninformationen über das neue listing von Bauxite Resources Ltd bei der Deutschen Börse:… Bauxite Resources macht einen Riesen Sprung um 25 % auf 0,30 A$ Wahrscheinlich die Folge der guten Personal News von gestern. Ist die Frage, ob in Frankfurt überhaupt ein Handel stattfindet, denn bis jetzt gab es da noch keine Umsätze. BAU ist eine Bauxite Perle aus Australien, da kann man von Anfang an dabei sein, den kennt hier kein Börsenbrief, bin mit 10000 Stck investiert und habe Ende Oktober in Australien geordert. Nun ist es preiswerter, wenn man in Frankfurt handelt.