Die Presseagentur der slowakischen Republik von heute:
EuroGas to Sue Slovakia For €1.25 billion over Talc Mining
Bratislava/Vienna, April 26 (TASR) - An American company called EuroGas is suing Slovakia over the talc mining case - which goes back to the era of Pavol Rusko's tenure as economy minister in 2003-05 - and is demanding overall compensation for damages equalling $1.65 billion (€1.25 billion), EuroGas board of directors Chairman Wolfgang Rauball confirmed for TASR on Thursday.
Two lawsuits are due to be filed by the EuroGas group. "Through our group [EuroGas group], two notes of intent to initiate arbitration against the Slovak Republic have been issued. EuroGas GmbH Austria, based in Vienna, informed the Slovak president on December 16, 2010 of its intention to file a lawsuit against the Slovak Republic, demanding €500 million; and EuroGas Inc., a U.S. joint-stock company based in New York, N.Y., informed the Slovak president on November 3, 2011 that EuroGas is planning another lawsuit on its own behalf to seek compensation for damages equalling $1 billion (€760,000)," said Rauball.
EuroGas GmbH is an Austrian company 100-percent owned by EuroGas Inc. U.S.A. EuroGas GmbH owns 33 percent and EuroGas Inc. 57 percent of a Slovak mining company called Rozmin s.r.o., which legally owned mining rights to Gemerska Poloma until the end of 2004. "That is until the Slovak Mining Office in Spisska Nova Ves [Kosice region] illegally stripped our company Rozmin, s.r.o. of mining rights to Gemerska Polona at the end of 2004 and bestowed them - in our opinion under collusive and unequivocally mysterious circumstances - on a small mini-accounting company called Economy Agency. Gemerska Poloma is one of the largest and purest talc deposits in the world close to Roznava [Kosice region] with an estimated value of several billion euros, according to independent assessments by Slovak and international geologists," added Rauball.
EuroGas Inc. and EuroGas GmbH have already authorised their lawyers to file compensation lawsuits immediately unless Slovakia reacts by May 3 - the six-month deadline set by law.
After the Slovak Mining Office in Spisska Nova Ves took away Rozmin, s.r.o's mining rights to Gemerska Poloma in December 2004, company representatives were summoned to a meeting with then economy minister Pavol Rusko. "Minister Rusko ordered our employees and partners to terminate all activities in Gemerska Poloma at once and to vacate the mine within one week or we would be removed by the police force. Furthermore, Rusko made threats that if we refused to comply, he'd see to it that neither EuroGas Inc. nor EuroGas GmbH nor their representatives would have any economic future in the Slovak Republic. We notified the Slovak police and the Office for Combating Corruption of this impudent approach and will use it as evidence in the potential lawsuit against the Slovak Republic," said the EuroGas board of directors chairman.
Quelle: http://www.tasr.sk/30.axd?lang=1033
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