Heute Email von Evergold bekommen, dass die Bohrungen nun wie geplant starten. Top. Hatte schon Befürchtungen, dass wegen der Waldbrände in Kanada es zu Verzögerungen kommt. Bin auf die Ergebnisse gespannt in den nächsten Wochen. Beim Aktuellen Kurs kann man zumindest mal bissel Taschengeld "parken". Dazu noch ein Goldkurs der die Unterstützung bei 1800$ hält. Ich bin optimistisch was den Goldpreis angeht. Stichwort "Superzyklus" Bis Jahresende sehen wir die 2k im Gold. Für meinen Geschmack befinden wir uns aktuell im Auge des Sturmes was die Weltlage anbelangt. Sowohl sozial, wirtschaftlich als auch politisch. Hier noch der Auszug aus der Mail:
Toronto, Ontario – July 7, 2021 – Evergold Corp. (“Evergold” or the “Company”) (TSX-V:EVER, FRA:A2PTHZ) is pleased to report that drilling is now underway on the Golden Lion property, located in north-central BC’s Toodoggone region. Greater than 2,000 metres of core drilling is planned, focused on the GL1 Main Zone, where drilling in 2020 confirmed the presence of a broad, long, near-surface gold-silver zone, and a subsequent induced polarization (“IP”) survey identified a strengthening chargeability and resistivity response below last year’s drilling. Concurrent with the ongoing drilling, IP and soil and rock sampling coverage over the GL1 Main target is being expanded. To the east, mapping and sampling of several targets on the GL2 and GL3 target areas is also underway. Highlights from the 2020 drilling program at the GL1 Main Zone included: 88.62 metres at 0.71 g/t Au from 4.88 to 93.50 metres in hole GL-20-009 Including 16.50 metres of 1.59 g/t Au from 45.00 to 61.50 metres 61.70 metres of 0.76 g/t Au from 6.80 to 68.50 metres in hole GL-20-006 Including 17.50 metres of 1.51 g/t Au from 42.50 to 60.00 metres Widths reported are drilled core lengths “We’re happy to be back drilling on the GL1 Main Zone,” said Kevin Keough, President & CEO, “and further exploring other promising targets nearby. The Golden Lion property and the GL1 Main Zone in particular has considerable potential, which we plan to further demonstrate with the results of the current work.” Assay results will be reported when received, compiled and interpreted.