The Directors of Indo Mines Limited (“Indo Mines” or “Company”) are pleased to announce
the appointment of Mr. Martin Hacon as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of
the Company.
Mr. Hacon brings to Indo Mines a wealth of knowledge gained from a career spanning 32
years in the steel industry, the last 23 of which have been with New Zealand Steel Ltd, a
wholly owned subsidiary of Bluescope Steel Ltd.
Mr. Hacon has played an integral role in the development of New Zealand Steel and for the
past five years has been responsible for managing the iron sands mining and the steel
manufacturing businesses. He has a unique blend of metallurgical, operational, business
development and marketing experience in the resources industry.
Mr. Hacon will commence with the Company on 2 August, 2010 and his employment
package will include the issuance of 5 million options at a 30 cent strike price. Of these
options, one third will vest when the shares of the Company have traded at 40c for 30 days,
one third when the shares have traded at 50c for 30 days and one third when the shares
have traded at 60c for 30 days.
The Board is pleased to announce Mr. Hacon’s appointment and looks forward to working
with him to accelerate the company’s development and operational activities.
Mr. Hacon’s background
Mr. Hacon was sponsored through Leeds University by British Steel Corporation where he
obtained an honours degree in metallurgy before working with them in the UK as a
development metallurgist.
He emigrated to New Zealand in 1987 and has held a variety of managerial roles at New
Zealand Steel across the iron and steel making business playing an important role in the
development of that organisation.
For the past three years, Mr. Hacon has been the inaugural Vice President, Mining and Coproducts,
New Zealand Steel. In this role he has grown the minerals business to be a
significant contributor to the company and developed future growth opportunities.
These outstanding results have been achieved by forging business relationships with groups
in China, Japan, Europe and USA for products including particularly iron sands, and also
vanadium and titania.
Resignation of Mr. Phil Welten
The Director’s also advise that Mr. Phil Welten will resign as Managing Director and will
continue with the Company as a consultant to assist Mr. Hacon as part of an orderly
succession plan and to ensure a smooth transition to the new management.
The Board thanks Mr. Welten for the significant contribution he has made to the Company in
progressing the development of the Jogjakarta Pig Iron Project and wish him every success
in his future endeavours.