Bravo Venture drills 8.5 m of 25.3 g/t Au at Homestake
2006-09-18 16:18 ET - News Release
Mr. Robert Swenarchuk reports
Bravo Venture Group Inc. continues to record high-grade gold assay results from the Homestake Ridge project in the Eskay Creek region of northwestern British Columbia. The company has now received preliminary results from five additional core holes of 16 completed to date (3,000 metres), highlighted by an 8.5-metre intercept of 25.3 grams gold, including a four-metre intercept of 48.3 grams gold.
The new results are:
Assay 1 Assay 2
Drill hole From (m) To (m) Int (m) Au g/t Au g/t
HR06-25 102.75 158.95 56.20 0.9
including 140.15 143.25 3.10 7.8
check 141.55 142.20 0.65 22.3 21.5
HR06-26 119.90 125.65 5.75 3.3
including 120.55 122.00 1.45 10.8 10.2
HR06-27 193.40 201.90 8.50 25.3
including 194.40 198.35 3.95 48.3
check 194.40 195.35 0.95 28.6 20.3
check 197.35 198.35 1.00 97.1 84.6
check 200.85 201.90 1.05 11.9 14.2
HR06-28 151.10 168.45 17.35 4.9
including 161.75 166.45 4.70 16.7
check 162.75 163.55 0.80 41.6 30.4
check 164.80 166.45 1.65 21.4 16.1
HR06-30 96.75 161.85 65.10 1.6
including 150.45 155.40 4.95 10.4
check 150.45 151.60 1.15 20.4 21.9
Individual check assays (fire assay/atomic absorption finish) were taken from high-grade intervals and are shown as assay 2. Gravimetric and metallic screen checks of the high-grade assays are pending. Previously announced results from holes 23 and 24 are repeated below with previously unreported silver values:
Assay Assay Assay Assay
1 2 3 1
Drill hole From (m) To (m) Int (m) Au g/t Au g/t Ag g/t
HR06-23 89.55 143.60 54.05 0.5
HR06-24 121.20 136.00 14.80 20.4 15.7 124.4
including 121.20 123.75 2.55 49.6 52.0 59.3 34.4
and 125.70 127.20 1.50 93.1 73.6 27.8 1125.0
Assay 1 is the original pulp analyzed by FA-ICP by Acme Analytical
Assay 2 is the original pulp analyzed by FA-AA/GRAV by Global
Discovery Labs.
Assay 3 is a metallic screen analysis by Acme Analytical Labs.
A second-phase 1,500-metre-to-2,000-metre drill program is expected to commence this week with one rig. A second rig is expected to arrive early in October. Both rigs will be testing open extensions of mineralization down dip and along strike to the northwest and southeast.
Commenting on the new results, company president Joe Kizis said, "We are very encouraged by these latest drill results because they represent significant step-outs from earlier reported holes, indicating that this newly discovered high-grade mineralization (greater than 10 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au)) occurs along at least a 200-metre strike length at the 800-metre-to-850-metre level of the mineralized zone."
Bravo can earn a 100-per-cent interest in the Homestake Ridge project from Teck Comincludingo Ltd. by expending $3-million in exploration and issuing 200,000 shares and carrying the holding costs of the claims. Teck Comincludingo may reacquire a 60-per-cent interest in the property by spending two times Bravo Venture expenditures and can earn up to an additional 10 per cent by sole financing a feasibility study and arranging production financing and construction quarantees.
Further results will be released as assays are received.
We seek Safe Harbor.