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05.12.06 17:52

205 Postings, 7195 Tage slashgoerdiBOUGAINVILLE (852652)

Ist heute ein bisschen Bewegung rein gekommen. Könnte in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen interessant werden.  

05.12.06 18:06

205 Postings, 7195 Tage slashgoerdiBOUGAINVILLE (852652)

Times & Sales
   Uhrzeit      Kurs   Volumen
   letztes kumuliert §
  16:37:45      0,44     1.000    57.000          §
  16:02:19      0,45    23.500    56.000          §
  15:48:02      0,40    15.000    32.500          §
  14:32:29      0,39     2.500    17.500          §
  10:04:15      0,40    15.000    15.000          §
  09:04:41      0,38         0§0  

05.12.06 18:10

246516 Postings, 6992 Tage buran+12,82% Auha

Ein bischen ist gut ,das sieht nach einer Zündung aus.Sollte gen Himmel gehen.  

05.12.06 18:27

205 Postings, 7195 Tage slashgoerdi Bougainville Copper

Vielleicht ist diese doch schon etwas ältere Nachricht der Grund dafür.
Mal ein wenig Info einholen. Könnte sich lohnen.
Reine Spekulation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! daily - Bougainville Copper reine Spekulation

11:30 15.09.05

Für die Experten von " daily" ist ein Investment in die Bougainville Copper-Aktie (ISIN PG0008526520/ WKN 852652) reine Spekulation.

Nur wer nahezu 20 Jahre im Rohstoffgeschäft tätig sei, erinnere sich an die Tragödie um die Panguna-Mine von Bougainville Copper. Auf dem gleichnamigen Eiland Bougainville habe die Kupfer- und Goldmine 1989 wegen kriegerischen Handlungen geschlossen werden müssen. Sie sei bis heute dicht. Doch nun gebe es Hoffnung für die Aktionäre: Wirkliche Chance oder nur heiße Luft?

Natürlich seien es auch diesmal Spekulanten, die die Aktie treiben würden. Doch sie würden wiederum nicht mehr nur von Gerüchten geführt, die Friedensverhandlungen von Regierungsvertretern und Aufständischen auf der kleinen Insel Bougainville, der östlichsten vor der Küste Papua-Neuguineas, hochspielen würden. Der Grund für den Kursanstieg von 20 auf jetzt über 60 Cent und in der Spitze auf 1,35 australische Dollar sei konkreter: Francis Ona sei tot. Malaria habe wohl den 52jährigen Freiheitskämpfer dahingestreckt.

Immerhin habe die Panguna-Mine im Jahre vor ihrer Schließung, also 1988, rund 166.000 Tonnen Kupfer und 447.000 Unzen Gold gefördert. 3.500 Leute seien damals bei Bougainville Copper beschäftigt gewesen. Noch 1995 hätten die Rio Tinto-Manager von einer Wiedereröffnung geträumt: "Binnen 18 Monaten könnten wir das alte Produktionsniveau erreichen," so der Tenor. Weitere zehn Jahre des Verfalls seien nun vergangen. Und Rio Tinto habe zwischenzeitlich schon Käufer für seinen Anteil an Bougainville gesucht.

Bei den heutigen hohen Rohstoffpreisen würde die Panguna Mine jährlich zirka 600 Millionen Euro Umsatz schaffen. Doch die Kosten dürften auch enorm sein. Denn der Kupfergehalt sei sehr gering, 1988 seien es nur 0,4 Prozent gewesen. Die Kapitalkosten wären hoch, lege man die Restrukturierungsgelder als Kredite um. Bei einer Kapitalerhöhung wäre andererseits die Verwässerung enorm, da neue Investoren sich ihr Risiko königlich entlohnen lassen würden. Und nicht zu vergessen: Die Begehrlichkeiten der Bougainville-Bewohner dürften hoch sein. Ausgaben für Soziales und Royalties dürften einiges aufzehren.

Anleger, die ein paar Euro Spielgeld übrig haben, könnten auf der Spekulationswelle reiten. Denn die Zeit sei nun reif für die Spekulanten und Unverdrossenen. Sie würden Gerüchte in die Welt setzen und auf jede Regung in der Regierung von Papua-Neuguinea mit Jubelschreien reagieren. Bei 40 Cent kaufen und bei einem Aussi-Dollar verkaufen, könnte in den nächsten Jahren die Formel sein.

Doch jedes Engagement in die Bougainville Copper-Aktie ist reine Spekulation, so die Experten von " daily". Eine Restrukturierung der Mine dürfte eher einen nahezu Totalverlust bei den Altaktionären bringen als nachhaltige Gewinne.  

05.12.06 19:20

205 Postings, 7195 Tage slashgoerdiBougainville Copper 852652

Mal sehen was morgen geht. Ob es nur ein kurzes auf flackern ist oder mehr.
Vielleicht geht es morgen Richtung Jahreshöchstand von 62 €-Cent.  

05.12.06 19:34

246516 Postings, 6992 Tage buranja schmunzel

Jahreshoch kann man da schon zu sagen.mfg  

07.12.06 16:02

205 Postings, 7195 Tage slashgoerdiDer Chart sieht und die Umsätze sehen gut aus.

BOUGAINVILLE (852652) könnte meiner Meinung nach bald noch deutlicher nach oben ausbrechen. Umsätze ziehen in den letzten Tagen deutlich an. Könnte in den nächsten Tagen oder Wochen eventuell gute News anstehen. Hoch-Spekulativ.  

07.12.06 16:46

205 Postings, 7195 Tage slashgoerdiBougainville Copper

Stand: 07. 12. 2006

      WKN:    852652     ISIN:PG0008526520  Branche:Edelmetalle     Land:Australien
Times & Sales
   Uhrzeit      Kurs§letztes Volumen kumuliert
  11:23:39      0,45    25.000    96.000          §
  10:04:12      0,45     5.000    71.000          §
  09:16:23      0,46    10.000    66.000          §
  09:07:40      0,45    47.000    56.000          §
  09:05:32      0,46     9.000§9.000  

11.05.07 20:24

1158 Postings, 6369 Tage sumoeyWiedereröffnung der Mine von Bougainville Copper

die Gewinnrechnung von BCL:

166000 T Kupfer = 365532000 lbs X 2,80 USD = 1,02 Milliarden USD
13,8 T Gold = 442307 oz X 323 USD = 142 Millionen USD
48 T Silber = 1538461 oz X 5,93 USD = 9,123 Millionen USD

Die Kosten für Gold und Silber sind Werte von anderen Minengesellschaften,allerdings muß man berücksichtigen die Kosten von BCL nicht so hoch sein werden,da man alles gleichzeitig fördert,aber ungefähr sollte es stimmen.

Gewinne insgesamt für ein Jahr wären: 1,171123 Milliarden USD,macht für 18 Jahre Minenbetrieb 21,080214 Milliarden USD

die Produktionskosten:

Die Produktionskosten wurden bereits herausgerechnet,man muß nur die 1000 Mio.USD abziehen für die Eröffnung.Das macht im ersten Jahr weniger Gewinne.

die Reserven und Ressourcen:

Wie aus der Gewinnrechnung ersichtlich 18 Jahre Minenbetrieb.

das Explorationspotential:

BCL besitzt 9 weitere Lizenzen auf Bougainville und Molybdän ist noch nicht miteingerechnet.

die Qualifikation des Managements:

über Jahrzehnte im Minenbereich tätig,Rio Tinto im Hintergrund.

Auf der letzte HV am Montag wurde ganz offen über eine Wiedereröffnung gesprochen.Es gibt viele Hinweise das es bald los geht.

hier das Statemant von der HV:


Press Release
Chairman’s Annual General Meeting Statement 2007
The after tax profit, although modest at K3.7 million, was pleasing given the Board strategy
is to generate annually sufficient dividend and interest income to cover operating expenses.
As a consequence of the company’s investment strategy, the great bulk of investment gains
will come in the form of unrealised increases in the value of the company’s share portfolio
which was K34 million for 2006. Accordingly Shareholder funds increased by K37.7
million to K378.2 million in 2006, over half of which is readily convertible into cash and
provides the company flexibility to commence feasibility studies and other work aimed at
achieving the company vision of returning to exploration and profitable mining in PNG.
Some shareholders may be disappointed that a dividend has not been declared but the
Board believes the retention of funds to apply towards realising the potential value locked
up in the company’s mining and exploration tenements on Bougainville will better serve
the company in the foreseeable future.
Bougainville Assets
The Media has reported on other companies’ plans for the Panguna ore body. I wish to
reassure shareholders that “Special Mining Lease No. 1” over the Panguna mine area and
associated leases, including seven adjacent exploration licences, are held in good standing
solely by BCL. They are the only tenements for exploration or mining current on
BCL has not entered into any arrangement with any other resources company relating to
exploration or mining save for the long standing management agreement with Rio Tinto
and an agreement with Rio Tinto Exploration Limited to undertake a review of the
companies exploration data. BCL has also entered into a technical assistance agreement, on
a fee for service basis, with Rio Tinto. I don’t dismiss the possibility that BCL will want
partners for future exploration or mining but if and when the time comes the process will
be transparent and BCL will make relevant public announcements. I encourage
shareholders to visit the company website,, for information released by
the company. Formal notices to the Australian Stock Exchange can be obtained either
through the link on the BCL webpage or by searching “BOC” on the ASX website

Landowner and Government Negotiations
I have advised shareholders previously that the National Executive Council has agreed to
engage with the company and Bougainville stakeholders in a ‘review and renegotiation’ of
the Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA). It is envisaged these processes will have two
complementary components. Firstly there are technical aspects of the BCA that need
addressing. The legislation that encompasses the BCA did not anticipate many of the
events that occurred as a result of the suspension of mining in 1989. Among these events
was the establishment of the new Autonomous Bougainville Government and its request to
draw down mining rights current administered by the National Government. The second
component will cover the pragmatic issues of landowner compensation, equity
participation, profit sharing and environmental management of any new or re-established
The Board does not favour approaching the question of reactivating exploration and mining
in a piecemeal fashion. A comprehensive and collaborative plan with a high degree of
consensus by the key stakeholders is highly desirable. The way to achieve this is for all
parties to be work together to come up with a mutually acceptable and economically
achievable plan. However BCL must reserve the right to veto any proposals agreed by
various stakeholders that are not in the best interests of its shareholders. Although the
proposed process stalled last year, for reasons outside the control of the company, I believe
the new and now operational Mineral Resources Authority is the right vehicle to act as the
independent champion of the process.
The Year Ahead
I mentioned in the Annual Report that the Board has adopted a comprehensive plan to
cover the coming three years. What we hope to do is not guaranteed but given the apparent
shift in attitude to exploration and mining among some landowners and Government
members, Directors believe the time is right to prepare BCL to take advantage of
opportunities that might arise.
A lot has to be agreed before exploration and mining can take place but the key players
appear willing to at least look seriously at the possibilities. Put very simply this requires
settling outstanding issues and agreeing terms for the future. Not so simple will be
satisfying all the expectations.
BCL has already committed (as has the National Government) to contribute to the cost of
the BCA review process. This may be expensive but is essential expenditure if BCL and
the other parties are to take advantage of the economic opportunities now available in the
resources sector. A lot of goodwill will be required by all sides and present indications are
there is a willingness to give it a go.
The staff of Rio Tinto Minerals [PNG] Ltd, which manages the day to day affairs of the
company from its Port Moresby office, have again done a great job with very limited
resources. If my hopes for the coming year are fulfilled the team will need to be supported
with additional resources.
To my fellow directors go my thanks for their support and guidance during the year.
As I mentioned in the Annual Report long serving director, David McLellan, is retiring at
this Annual General meeting. I and the company owe David special thanks for the manner
in which he has discharged his director duties over the past 8 years. David has been the Chairman of the Audit Committee since its inception and has done an excellent job in
ensuring the Committee has achieved the requirements of its Charter in a timely and quality
fashion. He has also been a valued member of the Investment Committee where his good
counsel has proved extremely beneficial. I wish David and his wife Margaret a very happy
Mr. John Leahy was appointed to the Board during the year. John has had a long
association with PNG and BCL in a range of professional and voluntary capacities. John is
required by the BCL constitution to submit himself for election today. I support the election
of John Leahy as a director of the company.
Peter R Taylor
Chairman & Managing Director
Wednesday, 9 May 2007


13.05.07 11:51

1158 Postings, 6369 Tage sumoeyWiedereröffnung BCL

Bougainville Copper

Bougainville Copper Ltd is a copper, gold, and silver mining company that operated the Panguna open cut mine on the island of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The Panguna mine dominated the economy of the island during the 1970s and 1980s, and was highly significant to the overall PNG economy.

The mine closed in 1989 as a result of sabotage by the Bougainville Revolutionary Army and associated forces, which sought Bougainville's secession from PNG.

The company was controlled by CRA Ltd, an Australian company which in turn was dominated by the British mining company Rio Tinto Zinc.

Rio Tinto Group holds 53.6% of Bogainville Copper Ltd., PNG government 19.1%, the rest is held publicly. Ninety-five percent of shareholders hold less than 1,000 shares each. Or to say probably a high percentage of the Bougainvillean people are shareholders of Bougainville Copper Ltd.

The mine nowadays remains closed but rumors about reopening the mine recently proved to be true with the BCL Managing Director P.R. Taylor stating to be interested in reopening the Panguna mine. At the beginning of March 2006 first negotiations between Rio Tinto Group and the PNG Mining Minister Sam Akoitai have been confirmed.

Bougainville Copper Ltd. furthermore holds 9 additional mining licenses on Bougainville which currently remain under a mining moratorium.


13.05.07 11:56

1158 Postings, 6369 Tage sumoeyWiedereröffnung BCL

und jede Menge weitere News:

Rio Tinto moves a step further in returning to Bougainville

3rd April 2007

Those money-grasping invest ors who constitute the self-named "European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper" - and like to send out big photos of themselves along with their press releases, instead of images of the polluted minesite or the horrors of the recent war - claim that the Panguna mine will reopen.

They base their optimism on a more cautious statement from BCL itself - but which nonetheless seems to confirm that Rio Tinto (the majority investor in of BCL) is now planning to return to Bougainville - and not just to Panguna.


BCL shareholders give nod to company plans

Postcourier (Papua New Guinea)

3rd April 2007

THE European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper have welcomed the intention of Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL), to return to exploration and mining in Bougainville within the next three years.

Bougainville Copper Limited owned 53 per cent by the international mining giant Rio Tinto, 19 per cent by the Government of PNG and the remainder by individual shareholders said in its 2006 annual report that it had developed a three-year plan to return to exploration and profitable mining in Papua New Guinea.

The mine was closed since 1989 due to unrest in the Panguna mine area and the rest of Bougainville.

"We are extremely satisfied that finally the things seem to come to a good end," said spokesman Axel G. Sturm. "If serious companies like Bougainville Copper Limited and Rio Tinto make such statements," said Mr. Sturm, "they must be completely convinced, that they will reach their targets as presented to the public. This is the beginning of a brilliant future of Bougainville and its region."

Mr Sturm was responding to a report in the Post-Courier yesterday that stated BCL the return to exploration and profitable mining was just one of the many things that the former world class miner had put down on its "to do" list for this year.

The others include pushing ahead with the Bougainville Copper Agreement review and the settling of the tax dispute between the State and BCL.


BCL plans to return


2nd April 2007

BOUGAINVILLE Copper Limited has adopted a comprehensive three-year plan to return to exploration and mining in PNG.

Company chairman Peter Taylor said in the company's annual report, released last week, that the company was also looking at starting the review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement. Mr Talyor said BCL was ready to return to do business in the event the exploration moratorium on Bougainville was lifted.

He said the company (BCL) at the moment was treating the need to re-establish understanding with its stakeholders including the Panguna mine landowners as an important step to return to Bougainville. "Restoring communication with parties involved in the Panguna mine including the landowners is an important area that we are looking at," he said.

Mr Taylor did not specify other areas in PNG which the company was planning to carryout business under its three-year plan.

BCL made a net profit of K3.6 million for last year.

But the board has decided against paying any dividend while shareholder funds increased to K378.2 million in 2006. The tax issue between the PNG Government and the company will also be addressed this year. Mr Taylor said mine assets were still not accessible at the Panguna mine.

He said to understand the true value of these assets and the extent to which they may be used for future mining and exploration, access to the mine site was needed.

"For this, BCL needs the support of local landowners and will be working to rebuild relations with them," Mr Taylor said.

"The ultimate aim is to obtain landowner support for exploration and mining,"he said. Mr Taylor said he expected the BCA re-negotiations to be revived to move on with the plans. He said while there had been reports about a possible resumption of exploration and mining on Bougainville, there was still a moratorium on new exploration and mining outside BCL's lease area. The National Government has agreed to review this moratorium but this has also been stalled.

Meanwhile, lawyer John Leahy has joined the board of BCL while David McLellan will not seek re-election during the company's annual general meeting next month.


The World's 3rd biggest Copper and Gold mine to reopen in three years!

Statement by The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper

2nd April 2007

Spokesman: Axel G. Sturm
Suite 606 * Avinguda Sant Jaume 2 * AD700 Escaldes-Engordany * Principality of Andorra / Europe
Phone: +376 82 88 87 * Fax: +376 82 88 57 * Mail:

The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper welcome the intention of Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL), owned 53 per cent by the international mining giant Rio Tinto, to return to exploration and mining in Bougainville within the next three years. The mine was closed since 1989 due to riots in the Panguna mine area and the rest of Bougainville. "We are extremely satisfied that finally the things seem to come to a good end," said ESBC-spokesman Axel G. Sturm Monday morning in Andorra. The Monday edition of the Port Moresby (PNG) based Post-Courier cited the BCL Chairman Peter R. Taylor and the company's 2006 Annual Report that had been released last week. "If serious companies like BCL and Rio Tinto make such statements" said Mr. Sturm, "they must be completely convinced, that they will reach their targets as presented to the public. This is the beginning of a brilliant future of Bougainville and its region."



13.05.07 18:47

15640 Postings, 6369 Tage nekroBougainville Copper

Dass die Mine wiedereröffnet wird steht für mich ausser Frage.Jetzt in BOC zu investieren ist das gleiche wie nach dem 2ten Weltkrieg in Deutschland investiert zu haben.Da sind xxxx % drin,allerdings nur für Langfristanleger. Auch die Volatilität wird beachtlich zunehmen,so dass auch Daytrades lukrativ werden können.

Nachdem das VOL in den letzten Monaten sowohl in AU als auch in D u. USA insignifikant war gibts in der letzten Woche schon Millionenumsätze.Wer noch nicht investiert ist sollte BOC zumindest mal auf die Watchlist setzen.  

13.05.07 19:47

1158 Postings, 6369 Tage sumoeyStatemants von Beteiligten,alle wollen die Mine

Rio subsidiary considers reopening Panguna

Broadcast: 09/05/2007

Reporter: Steve Marshall

A subsidiary of Rio Tinto is considering reopening the Panguna mine in Bougainville.

ALI MOORE: Still on the resource sector and a Rio Tinto subsidiary is looking to re-open the Panguna mine in Bougainville, an idea which is finding support within the cash-strapped Government. Panguna was one of the coal, gold and copper mines before a bloody successionist war forced its closure in 1989. The ABC's Papua New Guinea correspondent Steve Marshall reports.

STEVE MARSHALL: This footage filmed in 1989 shows just how huge the Panguna operation was. Production stopped when protesting land owners sabotaged the mine and sparked a successionist war that killed more than 10,000 people. For the past 18 years, the mine has laid idle but its owner, Rio Tinto subsidiary Bougainville Copper Limited, wants to change that.

PETER TAYLOR, CHAIRMAN, BOUGAINVILLE COPPER: BCL has made it known in its annual report this year its vision is to go back to Bougainville as an explorer and as a miner.

STEVE MARSHALL: The mine's controversial past is still fresh in the minds of Bougainville land owners, who are divided about Panguna's future. There are signs that the financial benefits could sway the detractors.

SEVERINUS AMBAOI, LAND HOLDER AND SHAREHOLDER: We would like to see the companies restart the Bougainville copper mine.

STEVE MARSHALL: The autonomous Bougainville Government, which was born out of a peace deal signed several years ago supported the move.

JOSEPH KABUI, BOUGAINVILLE PRESIDENT: They showed strong leniency and of course it's a conditional re-opening of Panguna mine and that is we want to start on a new deal.

PETER TAYLOR: It was about halfway through its life. It's still get a lot of value left in it.

STEVE MARSHALL: When it comes to the mine, there is no quick fix. Re-opening the mine will cost millions and could take years. There is still a moratorium on mining in Bougainville and Rio Tinto and some mine owners are still battling it out in court in an argument that has lasted seven years.  

14.05.07 14:14

1158 Postings, 6369 Tage sumoeyKingstrade Empfehlung

das Kursziel der letzten Kingstrade Empfehlung lag bei konserativen 4 Euro!!  

14.05.07 22:17

18 Postings, 6366 Tage dg6ndsRE BOC

Na da füllt ich ja langsam hier das Forum für BOC...


14.05.07 22:30

766 Postings, 6367 Tage Charly77RE BOC

Hi, gebe mich auch mal zu erkennen - mit einer 7 weniger als vormals.

Könnte hier Bücher schreiben über die vergangenen 72 Stunden "nebenan" - will mich aber (erstmal) etwas zurückhalten .......

Grüße + eine gute Woche,

14.05.07 22:51

13 Postings, 6368 Tage GetTheTopRE BOC

Guten Abend,

auch ich habe mich hier eingefunden.
Schön, hier bekannte Namen zu finden! :-)  

14.05.07 23:27

13 Postings, 6368 Tage GetTheTopBville women urged to be mediators

B’ville women urged to be mediators

WOMEN in Bougainville are urging to attend more land mediation workshops as they own nearly 90 per cent of the land.
Issues regarding land are a major concern for the people in the country becasue the people depend on the land for their everyday livelihood.
Acting deputy Bougainville administrator Patrick Koles said land could be a threat to people’s lives, saying the Bougainville crisis had started because of land issues when landowners realised they were not benefiting from what was on their land.
Mr Koles said during the crisis women were the frontliners and tried their best when the situation was tense.
“Therefore, I am urging more women to attend the land mediator’s training so they could work in partnership with those in the new government to create peace with those in the villages.
“This will enable a lot of development to take place,” Mr Koles said.
He said the ABG needed more land to establish more industrial and economic development, but issues concerning land had to be sorted out first.

Mr Koles is calling on the village land mediators to help the local landowners in terms of coming up with development plans.
He said a lot of the land disputes were being experienced and this must not happen if the new government was to move forward.
Mr Koles also challenged the women to be fair when dealing with land disputes.  

14.05.07 23:48

15640 Postings, 6369 Tage nekroHandel in USA

Nachdem bei BOC in USA tote Hose war ist das VOL in den letzten Wochen kontinuierlich angestiegen.

Auch heute wurden wieder 90K (ADRs) zum Kurs von 70 USC umgesetzt.(0,5166 €)

Ich gehe davon aus dass die ADRs über kurz oder lang auf pari laufen.

Somit haben die ADRs rd. 20% mehr Kurspotential gegenüber den Aktien.


15.05.07 00:14

13 Postings, 6368 Tage GetTheTopOwner wants to reopen Panguna mine

Owner wants to reopen Panguna mine
Wednesday May 9, 2007, 3:36 pm

The owner of Bougainville's Panguna gold and copper mine has declared its intention to reopen the facility after 18 years of lost production.

The mine, which was established in the early 1970s and became one of the world's largest gold and copper operations, was shut in 1989 because of a dispute that led to a decade-long secessionist war.

At its annual general meeting in Port Moresby, the mines owner, Bougainville Copper Limited (ASX: , a subsidiary of Rio Tinto, said it wanted to reopen the mine.

However, BCL chairman Peter Taylor cautioned it might be years before the site is up and running again.

"We won't be going back unless we are invited to go back by the landowners, so there needs to be process where we engage with the landowners, we've already started that," he said,

The financially-stricken autonomous Bougainville Government is also in favour of reopening the mine.  

15.05.07 10:04

13 Postings, 6368 Tage GetTheTopBougainville poll body prepared: Taravaru

Bougainville poll body prepared:  Taravaru

THE Bougainville electoral office is fully prepared for the elections, backed with funding estimated at K1 million.
Provincial Returning Officer Teitama Taravaru said after the nomination closed last Thursday, the office was busy with polling preparations which involved budget revision and changes in materials and logistic support and other election-related matters.
Mr Taravaru said there would be total of 149 polling teams to be dispatched to all parts of the province.
The polling venue number about 1,070, he added.
He said the office owed no money to anyone as all outstanding payments had been settled using funds from Port Moresby.
Mr Taravaru said he was satisfied with the update of the rolls and the nomination of the candidates.
“During the drawing of the nomination, I had assured the public including the candidates that the office had work extra hard to update the common roll on time and I was confident that the rolls were done properly,” he said.
He said there should not be much problem during the polling day as majority of people would be able to vote.
Mr Taravaru said the electoral updates was now on track with others.  

15.05.07 14:15

15640 Postings, 6369 Tage nekroStatistikmanipulation auf WO

Am Sonntag war der BOC Thread auf WO an 2 Stelle der meistgelesenen Beiträge.

In den meistdiskutierten von allen auf Platz 23
und in denen unter 1 € auf Platz 13

Um zu verhindern dass noch mehr User auf den Zoff aufmerksam werden wurde dann BOC aus den 2 letztgenannten kurzerhand gelöscht.

Da es sich bei WO um die mit Abstand grösste Finanzcommunity handelt in der massenhaft Investoren sich am WE informieren möchten wo in der kommenden Woche der Bär steppt,ist der erste Blick natürlich der auf die Statistik der meistdiskutiertesten Aktien.Eine Manipulation dieser Statistik grenzt also schon fast an Kursmanipulation.


15.05.07 15:32

103 Postings, 6365 Tage DonnBOC

Habe mich auch hier angemeldet, auch wenn ich das Forum hier optisch nicht so toll finde. Aber es geht ja mehr um den Inhalt und weniger um die Optik. Und auf die Bougainville-Infos möchte ich jedenfalls nicht verzichten.


15.05.07 17:36

1 Posting, 6365 Tage stiefelriemenHier ist es aber nett....... viele gute Bekannte.

Dürfte eine gute Zeit für ARIVA werden.

Gruß stiefelriemen.  

15.05.07 17:54

571 Postings, 6365 Tage RentnerdaseinLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 16.05.07 13:09
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Namensverunglimpfung; User bitte mit korrektem Namen ansprechen



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