Das habe ich in einem anderen Forum gefunden. Da hat wohl jemand den CEO angeschrieben um den Stand der Dinge anzufragen. Antwort vom CEO, 16.10.24 Hi XXXXXXX, BVT is in a difficult situation as you know. We have had to cut way back just to survive so there hasn't been much progress on the business side through the summer months. We are looking for companies that may be interested in buying all our assets, or licensing certain ones. A couple of discussions on going, which I hope will bear some fruit in the next 30 days. Ashish
Dann wurde offensichtlich nochmals nachgefasst. Antwort BVT vom 08.11.24 Hi XXXXXX, there are no further updates. As I mentioned there are 2-3 conversations that are ongoing. I cannot control the speed at which these companies are reviewing; and i don't want to overly pressure them because I know that there are other opportunities all of them are also looking at (BVT is not the only smaller Ag company that is having a tough time, so we have competition even as a target)
Also entweder es gelingt den Laden für ein paar Cent zu verschleudern oder es ist dann vermutlich sehr bald Feierabend.