Einer sieht wohl innerhalb eines Jahres eine Vervierfachung des Preises...krass:
"A strong buy has been issued on Marine Harvest ASA listed in Norway, Shayne Heffernan has set a 2012 price target of 12.80 Nok (aktuell 3,36 NOK Anm. meinerseits)
Marine Harvest ASA, formerly Pan Fish ASA, is a Norway-based seafood company. It offers farmed salmon and processed seafood to customers in approximately 70 markets.
In addition to fresh and frozen salmon, Marine Harvest offers a range of other products, such as coated seafood, ready-to-eat meals, finger food and smoked seafood. The Company also farms trout and white halibut. Marine Harvest’s operations are structured in five main business units.
MH Norway includes fish farming operations and sales operations in Norway, comprising Atlantic salmon production and sales, as well as processing facilities that produce fillets. MH Chile includes operations in Chile and in the United States, comprising fish farming and processing facilities. MH Canada and MH Scotland produce and sell Atlantic salmon. MH VAP Europe processes and sells seafood based on Atlantic salmon, whitefish and other seafood in the European markets."
http://www.livetradingnews.com/...mar-cermaq-marine-harvest-47914.htmAber leider keine Begründung wieso, weshalb, warum....naja, abwarten und Tee trinken