Mintel: Stevia Market to Break $100 Million this Year Posted on: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 21:53:00 EDT
Sep 24, 2009 (Close-Up Media via COMTEX) --
-- All-natural and calorie-free stevia is poised to become the "holy grail" of sweeteners, says a new report from Mintel.
According to the report, since December 2008, when the FDA approved use of rebaudioside A (an active ingredient of stevia) in US food and beverage, the stevia market has erupted. By mid-July 2009, stevia sales topped $95 million, a substantial increase over the $21 million achieved in all of 2008. Mintel predicts the stevia market could exceed $2 billion by the end of 2011.
"The FDA's approval of stevia in food and drink opened the door for this market's explosion," states David Browne, senior analyst at Mintel. "New product activity has accelerated in recent years, and since most categories with stevia applications remain untapped, we expect many more stevia-infused product introductions in the next few years."
In the first eight months of 2009, Mintel's Global New Products Database (GNPD) monitored the launch of more than 110 US food, drink and healthcare products made with stevia. Annual new product activity for stevia more than doubled between 2007-2008.
The portrait for stevia's success isn't completely rosy, however. Mintel's exclusive consumer survey reveals nearly 70 percent of Americans have never even heard of stevia. More than six in 10 (62 percent) say they have no interest in trying stevia, and 11 percent say they think stevia is unsafe and they plan to avoid it. "Step one is for manufacturers to get the word out. At this stage, heavy demo-ing of stevia products in stores, along with copious distribution of free samples, are just as important as promoting stevia's all-natural, zero-calorie positioning," comments David Browne.
Flavor remains another obstacle to stevia's growth. Companies are aggressively perfecting formulations and seeking better source material globally, but this means one stevia-based product won't taste the same as the next. "If someone tries a stevia-sweetened drink with an off-putting aftertaste, it's logical to assume that person will be a tough sell for stevia products in the future," says David Browne.
Mintel reports that 25 percent of people say they might be interested in stevia, but they haven't tried it yet. Just over one in 10 (11 percent) say they have tried stevia and plan to continue purchasing it.
Mintel is a global supplier of consumer, product and media intelligence.
In obigen Artikel geht es ausschließlich um den US Markt. Hochgerechnet auf die o. g. Schätzung bis 2011, müsste das US Steviamarkt-Volumen für 2010 zwischen 500 und 700 Mio US$ liegen! Eine Steigerung um mehr als 500% zu 2009.
Es wird davor gewarnt, dass der Verkauf schleppend anlaufen könnte, wenn der bekannte Stevia Nachgeschmack nicht in den Griff bekommen wird. Hierfür hat Wild Flavors mit ihrer "Taste Modification Technologies" bereits entwickelte Konzepte in der Tasche. Wild Flavors konnte mehr als 12 Monate mit Sunwin Stevia experimentieren und ist reif für den Markt.
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