Some 25km off the storm-scoured coast of northeast Scotland, where the seafloor drops away from the continental shelf into the sub-zero darkness of the North Sea deeps, Norwegian energy giant Statoil is planning a world first: an array of floating wind turbines. The five-machine 30MW Buchan Deep project, set to be anchored off Peterhead by 2016 in more than 100 metres of water, could be a commercial launchpad for a sector that saw its maiden full-scale prototype — the developer’s own Hywind 1 — switched on less than five years ago off western Norway. For if the trials of the grid-connected quintet — consisting of bottle-shaped spar-buoy foundations topped with 6MW turbines — are successful, it would clear the way for Statoil to begin serial production for wind developments of over 500MW by 2020. “Buchan Deep has a lot to recommend it as a demonstration site [for the second-generation Hywind],” states Statoil’s head of floating wind business development, Trine Ingebjørg Ulla. “It is quite close to shore, so we can get out to [the array] and back relatively easily, the metocean conditions and water depths suited us, it has a [suitable onshore] grid connection — and there is a well-developed supply chain from the offshore oil industry in the area. “And having the very large turbine size that is now available, we see a tremendous reduction in cost — by two thirds per megawatt to begin with — and more cost-reduction possible,” she says, adding that floating wind turbines could soon be cost-competitive with those on fixed foundations. “This is a big leap forward. Buchan Deep is to reduce risk, to demonstrate that the costs are sufficiently reduced before starting commercial production. This is where the Hywind proves that it is more than a clever technology, that it is one that can be commercially viable.”
6MW Anlagen:Siemens oder Alstom,oder vieleicht ein Chinese? Hywind1 project(Statoil): Siemens 2.3.....gebaut 2008/2009
Und Kostenreduzierung von 2/3 am Anfang finde ich nicht unerheblich. "Die Stromgestehungskosten heutiger Offshore-Windparks werden in einer aktuellen Studie von Prognos und Fichtner (2013) auf 12,8 ct/kWh bis 14,2 ct/kWh beziffert, abhängig vom Standort." Quelle:
Nehmen wir mal 14 cent rund....dann wären wir nach Abzug (2/3) bei 4,7 cent.....Grundlastfähig und mehr als Konkurrenzfähig zur Onshorewindkraft....