Trina Solar - Die strahlende Perle

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12.12.13 17:55
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12.12.13 18:07

490 Postings, 4157 Tage goldfinger45w formation

im Anmarsch. dann müsste es ja nuff gange  

12.12.13 19:03

3138 Postings, 4710 Tage cango2011Unterstützung hat wieder gehalten!

Unterstützung liegt bei 11,50 Dollar. Die hat heute wieder mal Stand gehalten. Wenn es morgen weiter hochzieht ist das schlimmste überstanden.. Also allen viel Glück!  

12.12.13 19:29

214 Postings, 4209 Tage -Sille-For Chinese Solar Stocks, Correction or Reversal?

Chinese solar stocks have taken it on the chin lately. The sector leaders,Trina Solar (NYSE: TSL  ) , JinkoSolar(NYSE: JKS  ) , and Canadian Solar(NASDAQ: CSIQ  ) are down significantly from their 52-week highs. Here are three reasons why the retracements should not be reason for concern.Normal consolidation for a high-beta sectorAfter breathtaking rallies, it is normal for stocks to retrace significantly before continuing their trend. A 33% decrease would be reason for significant concern for any other sector, but for solar stocks, it should not be a big concern. The solar sector has always been very volatile. The underlying long-term fundamental trends have not changed. It is only investor appetite that has. Investor appetite is fickle and could reverse again.China needs renewable energyIn China, coal is dirty and natural gas is expensive. Both require a lot of water, something that China does not have in abundance. Solar panels do not need water to produce electricity. They can be placed on rooftops to save valuable land. While solar is still on average more expensive than coal and natural gas, solar's decreasing cost over time will eventually make it a great solution. China has a lot of pollution -- clearly. Sixteen out of the world's 20 most polluted cities are Chinese.  It needs to reduce its dependence on coal, which currently makes up 79% of electricity generation.  China also needs to lessen its energy dependence so that Middle Eastern instability doesn't lead to its own instability. Solar helps solve all three problems.The Chinese government is committed to the solar sectorIn my opinion, the Chinese government is to the Chinese solar sector as Ben Bernanke was to the banks in 2009. Just as Mr. Bernanke did whatever he could to prop up banks and nurse them back to health, the Chinese government will do whatever it can to make national champions out of solar companies. Mr. Bernanke realized that if banks are healthy, the entire economy moves forward, moral hazard be thrown to the wind. The Chinese government realizes that if its leading solar companies are healthy and growing, its entire economy will do better.The higher the stock price for solar companies, the healthier the companies are. The healthier the companies, the faster they grow. The faster Chinese solar companies grow, the more innovation is produced and less pollution in the atmosphere. According to the World Bank, the total cost of air and water pollution in China is around 5.8% of GDP.  Renewable energy is a strategic sector for China, and the Chinese government is notorious for thinking long term. The Chinese government has already lowered VAT taxes, provided lower interest loans to solar companies, and banned increasing capacity for 2013. If it needs to do more, in my opinion, it will. The bottom lineWarren Buffett is famous for being a long-term investor. He buys quality stocks that benefit from secular trends and holds them forever. Mr.Buffett buys stocks of companies of which he is sure of future cash flows, even if the market may not be sure of them. If his stocks go down 40%, Mr. Buffett does not blink when others do. Solar companies are clearly different from what Mr. Buffett likes to buy. Solar companies are highly volatile growth stocks that do not have predictable cash flows. They do, however, have long-term trends going for them, and the Chinese sector leaders, JinkoSolar, Trina Solar, and  Canadian Solar all have great promise.With the Chinese government behind them, they will not go out of business. As solar costs come down, they will see increasing demand and healthier margins. As solar companies move more into providing distributed power solutions, the solar companies of the future are likely to be similar to the utility companies of today, both with sustainable cash flows that Mr. Buffett looks for.Despite the recent bearish conditions, I think the long-term thesis for the leading Chinese solar companies is still on track.

13.12.13 09:07

214 Postings, 4209 Tage -Sille-Wirtschaftsreformen in China

Die kommunistische Partei Chinas hat Wirtschaftsreformen entworfen, welche die Einmischung des Staates beschränken und Privatunternehmen eine wichtigere Rolle einräumen, heißt es in einem Bericht von IHS Inc. (Englewood, Colorado, USA).Laut "China's New Road Map for Accelerate Reform: An IHS View on the Third Plenum" könnte das den Spielraum für private Unternehmen der Energiewirtschaft vergrößern, in der Staatsunternehmen derzeit das Sagen haben. Auch die Energiepreise könnten auf eine marktwirtschaftliche Grundlage gestellt werden, bei der die Regierung nur wenig interveniert."Die Unterlagen der dritten Vollversammlung zeichnen das Bild eines Marktes, in dem alle Teilnehmer faire und gleiche Wettbewerbschancen in den Schlüssel-Industrien haben", sagte Brian Jackson von IHS."Das ist ein wichtiger Wendepunkt in einer Wirtschaft, in der der Staat – oft mit eigenen Unternehmen – eine große Rolle spielt, insbesondere in kapitalintensiven Sektoren wie Energie, Chemie und Bergbau.""Die Dokumente bestätigen die Rolle der staatseigenen Unternehmen zwar dort, wo es natürliche Monopole gibt, wie bei Gaspipelines oder der Stromübertragung. Die neuen Prinzipien könnten jedoch zu faireren Marktbedingungen für Privatunternehmen führen, wenn sie umgesetzt werden."Zu den bedeutenderen geplanten Änderungen zählen die Entflechtung von Monopolen und die Öffnung einiger Branchen für den Wettbewerb. Das ist laut IHS eine schwierige Aufgabe. Außerdem soll mehr Rücksicht auf die Umwelt genommen werden. Preiskontrollen sollen abgeschafft werdenBei den Reformvorschlägen kommt dem Energiesektor eine vorrangige Rolle zu. Die staatlichen Preisvorgaben für Gas-, Strom- und Ölprodukte sollen abgeschafft werden.IHS erwartet in den nächsten Monaten und Jahren konkrete Gesetzesvorschläge, die für alle Marktteilnehmer aus dem In- und Ausland gerechte Wettbewerbsbedingungen schaffen.  

13.12.13 09:45

4195 Postings, 7530 Tage MannemerPapier ist geduldig

Wir erleben ja gerade selbst was von großartigen Parteibeschlüssen zu halten ist. Warten wir ab was die chinesischen "Reformer" tatsächlich umsetzen bzw. umsetzen können und wie sich das in der Praxis auswirkt.  

13.12.13 17:11

214 Postings, 4209 Tage -Sille-kein Volumen heut

Werden wohl wieder im Minus landen.  

14.12.13 04:20

490 Postings, 4157 Tage goldfinger45kein grund zur trauer

Haben genug mit trina verdient. Geniessen wir erst mal die Feiertage. Im nächsten Jahr sieht rd dann kurstechnisch hoffentlich besser aus als zum jahresabschluss. Ich glaube an die Solarenergie Zukunft.  

15.12.13 18:47

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickySorgen wegen neuen Zielen in China

Trina Solar Limited (ADR) (NYSE:TSL) saw a rush of activity in its options pits yesterday, as the stock sold off amid concerning headlines out of China. By the time the dust settled, around 31,000 contracts had crossed the tape, nearly five times the average daily volume. ....

....On the charts, TSL has had a standout year, with the shares up roughly 180%. The equity shed almost 8% yesterday after reports indicated China wants extra gigawatts (GW) set aside for residential projects in its 2014 solar panel project, as opposed to the more profitable utility scale installations. However, Trina Solar Limited (ADR) (NYSE:TSL) found a foothold atop the $11.50 mark -- an area that served as support in September -- and has taken a solid bounce today. At last check, the stock was up 5.1% to trade at $12.16......  

16.12.13 09:54

490 Postings, 4157 Tage goldfinger45Koalitionsvertrag

und wieder sind die Karten neu gemischt. Die Ministerposten vergeben. Ein Grauen. Was soll diese Regierungszusammensetzung positives hervorbringen. Können wir uns ein alle vier Jahre wiederkehrendes Bäumchen wechel dich spiel freuen. Armes Deutschland

16.12.13 15:26

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage Kicky1MW-Solaranlage m 4032 Trina Solar Moduls

in Jordanien,demnächst errichtet von Phoenix Solar  

17.12.13 09:30

490 Postings, 4157 Tage goldfinger45@sille

ja ich weis was du mir sagen willst. Mir ging es ähnlich mit suntech. die solarwelt sieht aber jetzt ein wenig anders aus als zu gründerzeiten. wenn selbst das Morgenland jetzt schon mit dem Gedanken der Wüsteneroberung spielt, dann hat sind wir so glaube ich aus der projektphase ausgetreten. Meiner Meinung nach war die Erholungsphase einfach zu krass. Deswegen die extremen Rücksetzter an der ganzen solarfront. Mittlerweile hat sich die ganze Sache aber wieder beruhigt und wir klettern langsam aber stetig wieder Richtung norden.  

19.12.13 12:25

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyWhat to expect from Yingli and Trina

...We believe that the prices could remain stable or improve slightly next year due to higher demand, as well as the possibility of further capacity consolidation within the Chinese market.  According to NPD Solar Buzz, global solar demand could cross 50 GW (shipments in 2013 are estimated at 35 GW) next year as installations continue to rise in China as well as in other emerging solar markets.....

The Chinese government has indicated that it will not permit solar companies to build new manufacturing plants that are intended to "purely" expand capacity, meaning that companies that have been seeing healthy demand will likely have to acquire unused capacity from other manufacturers rather than building out new capacity.

Increasing Focus On The Downstream Solar Space

While the solar panel business has become largely commoditized over the last few years, the solar project development business has been thriving. This so-called "downstream" business is benefiting from lower panel and equipment costs, which are  making solar power an increasingly viable alternative to conventional sources of energy. The downstream business has healthy margins compared to the panels business, since it involves providing value added services such, as design and construction, in addition to procuring equipment. For example, First Solar ( FSLR ), one of the world's largest solar companies, had gross margins of around 10% for its panel business in 2012, while the margins for its projects business stood at over 35%. Most Chinese solar companies, Trina Solar and Yingli included, have a relatively small presence in the solar projects business. As of 2012, Yingli Green Energy's systems business accounted for less than 2% of its overall revenues, and we estimate that projects account for a similar (or smaller) percentage of Trina Solar's overall revenues. We expect both companies to make deeper inroads into the downstream solar space in 2014 . Yingli has projects to the tune of around 130 MW for 2013, and we expect this to grow significantly in the next year. Trina Solar is estimated to have a development pipeline of over 500 megawatts ( MW ) currently, most of which is located in China.

Both companies have seen their margins rise continuously though 2013, aided by better pricing and higher utilization rates, which helped fixed-cost allocation. During Q3 2013, Yingli reported gross margins of around 14%, up from negative levels during the same quarter last year, while Trina saw its operating margins improve to around 15% from less than 1% a year ago. We believe that both companies will see stable to improving gross margins next year owing to continued high utilization rates, improving pricing conditions, and cost reduction initiatives. However, the potentially higher prices for polysilicon, a key raw material used in manufacturing polycrystalline panels, could pose a challenge to both companies. Prices for the commodity are just off their all-time lows and the growing demand for panels could result in higher pricing. According to a report by GTM Research, polysilicon prices could rise by as much as 25% next year.

Read more:

19.12.13 13:58

779 Postings, 5298 Tage BVB-89Trina Solar

Trina Solar to Supply 25 MW Modules to Bangchak Solar Energy Project in Thailand

13:20 19.12.13

PR Newswire

CHANGZHOU, China, Dec.19, 2013

CHANGZHOU, China, Dec.19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Trina Solar Limited ("Trina Solar" or the "Company"), a global leader in photovoltaic ("PV") modules, solutions, and services, today announced that it has been chosen as the sole supplier of 25 MW of modules to Phase III of the 75 MW Bangchak Solar Energy Project in Thailand. The project is owned by Bangchak Solar Energy (Nakhonratchasima) Co., Ltd. ("BSE-NMA") and Bangchak Solar Energy (Chaiyaphum 1) Co., Ltd. ("BSE-CPM1"), the subsidiaries of Bangchak Solar Energy co., Ltd. ("BSE") and will be constructed by Gunkul Engineering Public Company ("Gunkul"). Trina Solar is expected to commence shipment in late December.

"We are very pleased to collaborate with BSE, a leading solar power plant operator in Thailand," said Mr. Jifan Gao, chairman and CEO of Trina Solar. "This is a significant module supply contract for Trina Solar in Thailand and demonstrates our continued commitment to delivering on our strategy of market diversification."

Mr. Gao added, "Thailand is a leading emerging solar market in South East Asia. We look forward to growing our presence in Thailand's solar market in 2014 and to contributing to the realization of a more secure, clean and independent solar energy for Thailand."

"BSE is deeply committed to growing the number and the scale of solar power projects in Thailand to strengthen local economies and help defend against climate change," commented the management of Bangchak Solar Energy. "Trina Solar's excellent international track record combined with their high-efficiency panels, which are highly suited to Thailand's hot and humid climate, singled them out as our partner of choice."

"This solar project further supports Thailand's National Energy Policy Commission's new target of delivering 1,000 MW of solar power by 2014 and 2,000 MW of solar power through utility projects by 2021 incented by feed-in-tariffs for rooftop and community ground-mounted solar projects, signaling high-level support for Thailand's solar sector," added the management of Bangchak Solar Energy.

About Trina Solar Limited

Trina Solar Limited (NYSE:TSL) is a global leader in photovoltaic modules, solutions and services. Founded in 1997 as a PV system integrator, Trina Solar today drives smart energy together with installers, distributors, utilities and developers worldwide. The company's industry-shaping position is based on innovation excellence, superior product quality, vertically integrated capabilities and environmental stewardship. For more information, please visit

About Bangchak Solar Energy Co., Ltd. (BSE)

Bangchak Solar Energy Co., Ltd is 100% owned by the Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited (BCP). BSE and BCP jointly own Bangchak Solar Energy (Nakhonratchasima) Co., Ltd ("BSE-NMA") and Bangchak Solar Energy (Chaiyaphum 1) Co., Ltd ("BSE-CPM1"). BSE operates the 38 megawatt capacity Sunny Bangchak solar power plant project which is located at Amphoe Bang Pa-in in Ayutthaya province. The plant will promote Bang Pa-in as a learning center and Thailand's first tourist attraction for integrated alternative energy. The company plans to further invest in solar power generation projects to reach a target of over 118 megawatts operated by its subsidiary company. For more information, please visit:

About the Bangchak Petroleum Public Co., Ltd. (BCP)

The Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited is a Thai-based energy company, with operations in the Middle East, Asia and in its home market. The company also sells finished oil products through a network of over 1,100 service stations. The company's direct sales channel covers large and medium-scale consumers, including industrial plants, airlines, automobile companies, ocean liners, and construction businesses. Bangchak is firmly committed to the growth of renewable energy technologies, particularly solar power, which contributes to Thailand's energy security and supports the government's policy to promote renewable energy. For more information, please visit:

About Gunkul Engineering Public Company

Gunkul Group is a quality manufacturer and well-known supplier of electrical power and renewable energy systems. It offers a range of over 5,000 quality products to meet the needs of a wide variety of customers. The Company's products are produced by its subsidiary manufacturers as well as imported from well-known international manufacturers from the U.S.A., Germany, Japan, and China. The Company has also been recognized by customers in both the government and public sectors, covering Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), TOT Public Company Limited, Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), Siemens, Alstom, ABB, PTT, and SCG. For more information, please visit:  

20.12.13 18:05

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage Kicky48MW für 4 Solaranlagen in Frankreich

20.12.13 18:08

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage Kickyheutiger Kursverlauf ?

...Most major solar manufacturers expect China – along with Japan and the US – to account for most of their growth in coming years. But what’s got them a little worried is a draft proposal that will require two thirds of this growth to be from distributed systems.
The solar companies make higher margins, and bigger profits, from large scale installations, but it seems that the Chinese administration is worried about the potential transmissions issues and costs.
...that may disappoint some of the major manufacturers, who had big plans for utility-scale projects. These include GoldPoly (which had a pipeline of 1~3GW of large scale projects), Shunfeng (3GW), Hareon Solar (1~3GW), GCL (1GW), Jinko Solar (~300MW), JA Solar (~300MW), Trina Solar (500~800MW), and Yingli Solar (500~800MW). It is thought at 6-7GW of projects are already in development. Some Chinese solar stocks have taken a hit on the stock market in recent days as a result.

China currently has around 2GW of distributed solar PV, according to Bloomberg data, but wants to increase this ten-fold to 20GW by the end of 2015. That would require around 8GW to be installed in 2014, and another 10GW the following year.  

21.12.13 10:33

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage Kickysteigende Zinsen in China
   Regarding seasonal factors, banks have to pay extra reserves on their incremental deposits on the 5th, 15th, and 25th of each month, so liquidity demand typically escalates towards the end of each month. This trend is especially pronounced towards the end of each quarter, as banks rush to get more deposits to fulfill their regulatory requirements (including on loan/deposit ratios). In addition, liquidity demand at year-end is traditionally high.

But the PBoC has also been tight on liquidity, refraining from injecting cash in the last two weeks. China is trying to teach its banks to manage its own liquidity and force its corporations to lower debt.
wohl auch der Grund für die Kurse
Die PBOC will gerne ,dass die Kredite reduziert werden,lässt die Banken dann zappeln und greift kurz vorm Crash doch ein und stellt Geld zur Verfügung  

23.12.13 11:25

490 Postings, 4157 Tage goldfinger45dornröschenschlaf

scheint bald vorbei zu sein bei so vielen kuessenden Prinzen  

26.12.13 12:37

779 Postings, 5298 Tage BVB-89Trina Solar

Trina Solar Receives JIS Q 8901 Certification from TUV Rheinland

12:05 24.12.13

PR Newswire

CHANGZHOU, China, Dec. 24, 2013

CHANGZHOU, China, Dec. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Trina Solar Limited (NYSE: TSL) ("Trina Solar" or "the Company"), a global leader in photovoltaic modules, solutions and services, today announced that it has received JIS Q 8901 Certification from TUV Rheinland ("TUV").

The JIS Q 8901 standard was established in February 2012 with the aim of encouraging the wider adoption of PV power generating systems in the Japanese market through promoting product reliability and user protection. This standard sets out reliability assurance requirements for design, production and performance for terrestrial photovoltaic modules.

Ms. Wei Zhou, Vice President of Quality at Trina Solar, said: "TUV is the global market leader in independent testing and certification for the solar PV industry. The JIS Q 8901 certification from TUV demonstrates that Trina Solar's superior quality management system ensures the highest standards of reliability in our products for the Japanese market. We expect that our full compliance with these strict standards will further accelerate our growth and expansion in the Japanese market."  

27.12.13 17:28

4195 Postings, 7530 Tage MannemerDie strahlende Perle

...leuchtet derzeit aber ziemlich schwach. Bin gespannt was der Januar bringt.  

27.12.13 20:10

214 Postings, 4209 Tage -Sille-Was ich mich auch schon

Eine Weile frage wann die das 50MW Kraftwerk verkaufen wollen.  

30.12.13 12:26

490 Postings, 4157 Tage goldfinger45positive nachrichten

PR Newswire

Changzhou, China, 30. Dezember 2013

Changzhou, China, 30. Dezember 2013 / PRNewswire / - Trina Solar Limited , ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der Photovoltaik ( "PV" )-Module , Lösungen und Dienstleistungen , gab heute bekannt , dass eine Investitionsrahmenvereinbarung mit der lokalen Regierung Autorität der Präfektur Turpan geschlossen wurde , um ein 1-GW- Freiflächen-Solarkraftwerk -Projekt in Westchina Xinjiang Region unterzeichnungsreif entwickeln zu dürfen.

Im Rahmen der Vereinbarung werden die Solarkraftwerke in Höhe von insgesamt 1 GW in mehreren Phasen über vier Jahre ab Anfang 2014 gebaut werden. Der Beginn jeder Phase der Entwicklung ist an bestimmten Bedingungen geknüpft, einschließlich der Genehmigungen der lokalen Regierung und State Grid . Die ersten beiden Phasen des Projektes , mit installierten Leistung von 300 MW geplant und abgeschlossen werden mit  Netzanschluss bis Ende 2014 , vorbehaltlich der Erhalt der erforderlichen Genehmigungen . Nach Erhalt der Genehmigung für die Phase eins , wird Trina Solar auch in den Bau einer PV- Modulproduktion in der Gegend investieren um Module der Solarkraftwerke zu liefern.

" Trina Solar Position als globaler Branchenführer PV macht uns zum idealen Partner für dieses spannende neue Projekt, das nach Fertigstellung ist das größte Solarkraftwerk -Projekt in Xinjiang sein wird ", sagte Jifan Gao , Chairman und CEO von Trina Solar . " Reichlich Land und SolarressourcenXinjiang Turpan machen ihn zu einem idealen Standort für dieses Projekt. "

Herr Gao fügte hinzu: " Die Solaranlagen sorgen für eine stabile Versorgung mit sauberer Energie und die Zuverlässigkeit der Stromversorgung wird für die umliegenden Regionen verbessert. Zugleich wird die Modulproduktion auch Arbeitsplätze schaffen und das Wachstum der lokalen Wirtschaft stimulieren . Wir freuen uns darauf, in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den lokalen Behörden, die für die Phase eins im ersten Quartal 2014 beginnen notwendigen Bedingungen zu erfüllen. "

Frohes neues Jahr mit Solar.


30.12.13 12:38

214 Postings, 4209 Tage -Sille-na bitte geht doch Trina

30.12.13 12:40

490 Postings, 4157 Tage goldfinger45@-Sille-

den Tag darf man bei Trina nicht vor dem Abend loben ......wie du weist :-( Aber vielleicht bekommen wir ja doch noch einen versöhnlichen Jahresabschluss der unsere Wunden dann wieder heilen lässt.  

30.12.13 12:42

3138 Postings, 4710 Tage cango2011Einfach genial diese Trina!

Go go go...  

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