Elementos LTD

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neuester Beitrag: 07.12.13 08:33
eröffnet am: 18.09.10 22:38 von: Wongi Anzahl Beiträge: 16
neuester Beitrag: 07.12.13 08:33 von: gradow Leser gesamt: 9300
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18.09.10 22:38

7 Postings, 5190 Tage WongiElementos LTD

gibt es zu dieser Firma schon Informationen ?! - Wenn ja bin ich ganz Ohr ^^

Zeitpunkt: 21.11.13 07:46
Aktion: Forumswechsel
Kommentar: Falsches Forum



20.09.10 15:44

2 Postings, 5141 Tage frankenstein1234Elementos



Elementos hat sich aus Orocobre "abgespalten"

,da sich Orocobre nun voll und ganz auf sein Lithiumgeschäft konzentrieren möchte...



Elementos Limited (ASX: ELT)



will made its debut on the Australian SecuritiesTotal applications for the offer substantially exceeded the $8.25 million upper

Elementos raising $8.25 million from the IPO;

The full over-allocation option of $2 million has been exercised, resulting in


The Orocobre Priority Offer was strongly supported by Orocobre shareholders;

shareholders, including retail and institutional investors.

Elementos will have a total of 54 million shares and 7 million unlisted options on issue.

At the offer price of 25 cents per share, Elementos will have a market capitalisation

of $13.5 million. Orocobre Limited will be Elementos’ largest shareholder with 21

million shares until it distributes them in-specie to its shareholders in 2010.

Elementos’ Managing Director, Corey Nolan, said, “The considerable support for the

IPO is a strong indication of the Company’s potential, and the confidence in the

team which has bought it to market”.

“Elementos has a collection of large-target exploration opportunities with the

potential to yield world class discoveries. These are located in mineral rich, attractive

geological settings in Argentina and Australia, with low sovereign risk. We have an

aggressive exploration program next year, and look forward to delivering positive

results” he said.

For more information, please contact:

Elementos’ share register now comprises approximately 500 new

Corey Nolan

Managing Director

Phone: +61 (7) 3871 3985



Projekte etc.sind auf eben obig genannter Homepage zu lesen..





Exchange (ASX) today, following its fully subscribed Initial Public Offering (IPO).

Trading in Elementos’ shares will commence at 10.30 AM A.D.S.T. (9.30 AM A.E.S.T.)

today on the ASX under the code ELT.

Elementos offered 33 million fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price 25 cents,

underwritten by Martin Place Securities Pty Ltd to $6.25 million.

Key highlights of the IPO included:

limit for the issue;

23 December 2009


10.02.11 21:52

47 Postings, 5022 Tage MarkDollarNeue Informationen

Hier mal was Aktuelles. Kann jemand Sachkundiges die Grafi erläutern?


Btw ich habe heute einen Brief von meinem Broker erhalten, dass es eine Kapitalerhöhung bei Elementos geben wird und ich als Aktionär Bezugsrechte genieße... Nehmt ihr diese war (Kaufpreis AUD 0,26)



15.02.11 19:13

4299 Postings, 5654 Tage KeyKeyJa, ich mache mit bei der Kapitalerhöhung

- Der Preis ist vergleichsweise günstig, nur habe ich leider "wenig" Bezugsrechte.
- Ich will die Firma, und damit auch Orocobre, weiterhin unterstützen.
- Rohstoffe sind vielversprechend. Ohne Rohstoffe geht in der Wirtschaft nichts voran.

Nur schade um die Gebühren, für die paar Bezugsrechte.
Aus o.g. Gründen sollte das aber nicht entscheident sein :-)

20.06.12 21:04

47 Postings, 5022 Tage MarkDollar...

Neben der Tatsache, dass die Aktie mit notierten 0,08 Austr.-$ zumindest bilanziell um 0.06 Austr.-$ unterbewertet ist, könnte auch der topaktuelle Bericht des Aktionärs (siehe unten) die Aktie bald beflügeln.


Meiner Ansicht eine tolle Investitionsgelegenheit.


09.11.13 07:49

147 Postings, 4779 Tage gradownews ,

dies ist aus einem anderen Forum ,
nur als kurze info , orig. Meldung kann abgerufen werden

Sehr geehrte Ressource-Investoren,
Sehr geehrte Aktionäre von Elementos Limited,

heute vermeldete Elementos Limited (ASX: ELT / WKN: A0YGFT - www.elementos.com.au) den erfolgreichen Abschluss einer Finanzierungsrunde im Rahmen einer Privatplatzierung mit einigen strategischen Investoren über insgesamt 1,3 Mio. AUD zu 2 AUD-Cents pro Aktie.

Richard Seville, ein Non-Executive Director von Elementos, wird im Rahmen einer ausserordentlichen Generalversammlung im Dezember 2013 eine Aktionärsgenehmigung für eine Platzierung über 0,15 Mio. AUD einholen (als Teil der 1,3 Mio. AUD). Der Restbetrag von 1,15 Mio. AUD fällt unter die 15%-Direktoren-Platzierungs-Kapazität (Listing Regel 7.1).

Zusätzlich haben eine Reihe weiterer Investoren Interesse an der Teilnahme an einer Privatplatzierung angemeldet. Hier könnten bis zum 9.November 2013 nochmals bis zu 0,3 Mio. AUD zusammenkommen.

Die neuen Finanzmittel werden hauptsächlich für die Umweltgenehmigungen der Entwässerung der Cleveland-Mine im Dezember 2013 verwendet sowie für für die vorläufige Machbarkeits-Studie, um die unterirdische Kupfer-Mine weiter zu entwickeln. Zudem fallen Kosten für den Kauf der restlichen 50% der Cleveland-Mine an und letztendlich werden auch Finanzmittel als Working-Capital benötigt.

Die heutige Pressemeldung im Original finden Sie unter folgendem Link: http://www.elementos.com.au/PDF/ASX_6No ... Growth.pdf

Für jegliche Fragen stehen wir Ihnen sehr gerne zur Verfügung!

Beste Grüße,

Stefan Huber
Trion GmbH
Roadshows / Public Relations

10.11.13 15:06

147 Postings, 4779 Tage gradowkapitalbeschaffung

6 November 2013
Elementos Limited (ASX: ELT) (“Elementos” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce a capital raising to fund its advanced development activities for the Cleveland tin-copper and tungsten projects in Tasmania.
Capital Raising
The Company has completed a private placement to a number of strategic investors and secured firm commitments for $1.3 million at 2 cents per share. Richard Seville, a non-executive director of the Company, will seek shareholder approval for a placement of $0.15 million (part of the $1.3 million above) at an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) planned for December 2013. The balance of the placement being $1.15 million, falls within the Directors 15% placement capacity (Listing Rule 7.1).
In addition, a number of other investors have expressed interest in participating in the capital raising by providing up to an additional $0.3 million at 2 cents per share. The additional funding commitments are expected to be finalised by the 9 November 2013.
The new funds will be applied to completing:
 The environmental permitting process scheduled to be completed in December 2013 for the mine de-watering and tailings retreatment project;
 The pre-feasibility study to redevelop the underground tin-copper mine;
 Acquisition payments for the remaining 50% interest in the Cleveland project exploration license; and
 Corporate overheads and general working capital.
Cleveland’s Unique Competitive Advantages
The capital raising represents the first significant milestone since completing the merger with Rockwell Minerals Limited. The capital raised will provide a new platform for growth at a time when securing new funding is extremely difficult. The capital will be invested into advancing the Cleveland tin-copper project to the pre-feasibility study stage.
The Company believes that Cleveland has a number of distinctive competitive advantages that have the potential to reduce both the capital and operating costs, and the time to first production, including:
 The potential of an integrated development strategy, firstly processing the part of tailings resource whilst re-establishing the mine and additional infrastructure required to process the hard rock tin-copper resources;
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 Proven low-cost mining methodology with evidence of excellent mining conditions over nearly twenty years of production;
 Proven processing methodology, based on simple cassiterite mineralogy, including recovery into saleable tin and copper concentrates. Metallurgical performance has the potential to be significantly improved using modern-day cassiterite ore processing technologies;
 Substantial underground infrastructure in place including a decline four kilometres in length;
 Brownfield project site which minimises future environmental disturbances and the expected time to achieve environmental permitting; and
 Unique position in respect of development infrastructure including roads, power, water, labour and an export port.
Positive Tin Price Outlook
The advancement of the Cleveland project is occurring at a time of rising London Metal Exchange traded tin prices, and a positive future outlook. Tin prices have increased from approximately US$19,000 per tonne to US$23,000 per tonne since July 2013. The Company believes that there is significant potential for further upward price pressure in the foreseeable future, due to structural changes occurring in the supply of tin, including:
 Closure of the high-grade San Rafeal tin mine in Peru, expected in 2017/2018, which represents approximately 10% of the global tin supply;
 Declining supplies of tin concentrate supply from the Asian region, principally China and Indonesia, due to falling grades and environmental pressures;
 Restricted exports from Indonesia, a significant source of global tin supply (approximately 100,000 tonnes or quarter of the global tin supply), due to new rules imposed by the Government requiring tin to be traded on a local exchange prior to export; and
 Falling supply of tin from alluvial sources and the realisation that future supplies will need to come from lower-grade, higher cost, hard-rock supplies.
Monetisation of Elementos’ Non-Tin Assets
The Company is also making progress towards its objective of monetising the non-tin assets. These assets have the potential to add significant shareholder value, including:
 The Millenium joint venture with China Yunnan Copper (ASX:CYU) will commence a drilling program during November;
 Cleveland tungsten, where the Company has announced a significant exploration target (see ASX release, Cleveland Project Tungsten Potential, 29 October 2013), is being progressed with a work program aimed at commencing a scoping study later in 2014 and ultimately attracting a development partner;
 South American assets where the Company is in discussions with a number of parties in regard to the potential joint venture and/or sale; and
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 Selwyn Range in far north Queensland, where the Company has some indicative interest in forming a joint venture.
For more information please contact:
Calvin Treacy
Managing Director
Phone: +61 (7) 3221 7770
Email: admin@elementos.com.au
Elementos is an Australian, ASX-listed, diversified metals company, including Cleveland, an advanced stage tin-copper and tungsten project in Tasmania, together with a number of prospective copper and gold assets in South America and Australia.
Please visit us at www.elementos.  

19.11.13 07:22

147 Postings, 4779 Tage gradownews vom 19.11.2013

guten morgen
ist aktuell , steht auf der Homepage von elementos

PFS to determine optimal project configuration, and capital and operating costs.
• Cleveland project benefits from excellent supporting infrastructure, well understood mining and metallurgical characteristics, existing mine development in place and location at a brownfield project site
Elementos Limited (ASX: ELT) (“Elementos” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce an update on development activities at the Cleveland tin-copper project, including the commencement of a pre-feasibility study (“PFS”).
Cleveland Pre-Feasibility Study
The PFS will assess the near term development potential of the substantial, relatively shallow, in-ground tin-copper resources. The tin-copper resource is well-defined through more than 130,000 metres of drilling. Cleveland also has proven mining and metallurgy through more than 20 years of well-documented historical operations.
The PFS will also examine the feasibility of an integrated development strategy, firstly processing part of the tailings resource whilst re-establishing the mine, and the additional infrastructure required to process the hard rock tin-copper resources.
The PFS will be prepared by MiningOne and pitt&sherry who together have significant experience and expertise in all aspects of tin resource definition, mining, processing and local infrastructure. The PFS will focus on the fundamental variables that will determine the technical and economic viability of developing a standalone underground tin mine and processing facility, or an integrated facility at Cleveland.
The study will be based on a Mineral Resource derived from 2,040 historical diamond drill holes totalling about 130,000 metres, and more than 75,000 assay points for tin-copper, tungsten and selected other metals. The JORC Resource for the Cleveland mine, independently prepared by MiningOne, is summarised below.
Cleveland Mine Mineral Resource Estimate# - Cut-off grade 0.35% Sn
Tin grade %Sn
Copper grade %Cu
Tin _Eq Sn_Eq %
Tin Equivalent tonnes
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Key components of the PFS will include:
• Mine design;
• Geology and resource definition;
• Process design;
• Infrastructure including; road and port configurations; and power and water supply; and
• Project economics.
The PFS will identify the optimal project configuration, capital and operating costs, and the single go forward scenario for the feasibility study.
Additionally, the PFS will determine whether further drilling, geo-technical, metallurgical or other study work is required as part of the feasibility study process.
The study results are expected to be available by the second quarter calendar 2014.
The Company believes that the feasibility of developing a new operation to extract the unexploited Cleveland tin-copper deposits has a number of distinctive competitive advantages which will form the basis of a fast-tracked PFS:
• Proven low-cost mining methodology with evidence of excellent mining conditions;
• Proven processing methodology, based on simple cassiterite (SnO2) mineralogy, including recovery into saleable tin and copper concentrates. Metallurgical performance has the potential to be significantly improved using modern-day cassiterite ore processing technologies;
• Substantial underground infrastructure in place including a four kilometre length decline;
• Brownfield project site which minimises future environmental disturbances; and
• Uniquely positioned in respect of development infrastructure including roads, power, water, labour and export port.
Other Development Activities
The Company expects to complete the following activities at Cleveland by year-end, including:
• Tailings dam study - a fifteen hole sonic drilling program was recently completed on the tailings dam for geotechnical, environmental, metallurgical and resource investigation. The data will be used for permitting purposes, resource definition and the PFS;
• Environmental permitting for Cleveland mine dewatering and tailings reprocessing – a submission to the Tasmanian environmental protection agency of a Development Proposal and Environmental Management Plan in accordance to the guidelines issued in March 2012 is currently nearing completion. Tasmanian based pitt&sherry have been appointed principal environmental consultants to assist in the submission and associated work;
• LiDAR survey - integration of the Cleveland area LiDAR survey into the resource model will providing detailed surface topography including the
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location of haul roads, ventilation ducts, historic mining operations and portals; and
• Quantitative mineralogical analysis - a quantitative mineral analysis of the tin-copper tungsten lodes from historical drill core has been completed. The data will provide modern insights into the metallurgical characteristics of the various lodes for flow-sheet design as part of the PFS.
These programs of work, when completed, will provide supporting data to the PFS.
For more information, please contact:
Calvin Treacy
Managing Director
Phone: +61 (7) 3221 7770
Email: admin@elementos.com.au
Elementos is an Australian, ASX-listed, diversified metals company, including Cleveland, an advanced stage tin-copper and tungsten project in Tasmania, together with a number of prospective copper and gold assets in South America and Australia. Please visit us at www.elementos.com.au
Competent Person Statement
The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves at the Cleveland tin-copper and tungsten project, Tasmania, is based on information previously issued in the 18 April 2013 ASX Announcement by Elementos entitled “Cleveland Tin, Copper and Tungsten JORC Resources”. The information therein was based on “Cleveland Mine, Luina, Tasmania Mineral Resource Report for Rockwell Minerals Limited” compiled by Michael V. McKeown of Mining One Consultants, a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr McKeown is an employee of Mining One Consultants and its subsidiaries, and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which it is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Mr McKeown was responsible and supervised the preparation of the technical information in the 18 April 2013 release and has relevant experience and competence of the subject matter. Mr McKeown consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.
Tin Equivalent Calculations
The tin equivalency is calculated by the formula: Sn_Eq% = Sn% + Cu% / (tin price $25,000 / copper price $8,500). No metallurgical assumptions have been built into the resource estimate, although the company expects that the tin and copper will be recovered into concentrates in a modern concentrator. The Company notes that Cleveland was a historical mine operated by Aberfoyle Limited between 1968 and 1986. During the life of the Cleveland operations, 5.7 million tonnes of ore was mined and processed to produce to approximately 24,000 tonnes of tin and 10,000 tonnes of copper in concentrates. The historical life of mine tin and copper recoveries averaged 60% - best tin recovery 69% (1969 and 1973) - and copper 76% (1973). The Company believes that recoveries could be substantially improved using modern day tin processing technology. The tailings resource has been subject to a Rockwell scoping study and metallurgical test work which has demonstrated that tin and copper concentrates can be recovered.
The Company believes that all the metals included in the metal equivalent calculations have a reasonable potential to be recovered and it does not believe there are any factors that would result in metallurgical recoveries being materially lower than historically achieved.
For tin and copper resources, a tin equivalent grade was estimated from the tin and copper grades, assuming metal prices of  

20.11.13 07:28

147 Postings, 4779 Tage gradowein kleiner blick in die zukunft

Tin Seen by Morgan Stanley as Best Base Metal Pick for 2014

By Glenys Sim - Nov 18, 2013 9:00 AM GMT+0100 .

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Tin is the top base metal pick for 2014 as increasing global demand outstrips supply, according to Morgan Stanley, which highlighted a decline in inventories and China’s role as a net importer.

“You’ve got recovering electronic demand for lead-free solder, you’ve got substantial reduction in inventory that’s taken place over the course of this year,” said Peter Richardson, Melbourne-based chief metals economist. “China is no longer self-sufficient in refined- or mined-tin production.”

Tin outperformed the five other main base metals traded on the London Metal Exchange this year as Indonesia imposed export curbs, exacerbating a global deficit. The rule changes in the world’s largest exporter have been highly disruptive for local producers, according to Richardson, who’s studied the tin market since 1987. Higher prices will increase costs for makers of electronics and packaging.

“It’s one of the few commodities where China’s gone from having a surplus that it exports to the world, to one where it imports,” Richardson said in an interview in Singapore on Nov. 15. “That import dependence is getting bigger as the Chinese tin-mine reserves run down.”

Tin for immediate delivery will average $22,845 a ton next year, Morgan Stanley said in a report on Oct. 7 in an outlook affirmed by Richardson. That compares with $22,203 on the LME so far this year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Three-month tin, which was at $22,900 at 3:59 p.m. in Singapore, declined 2.1 percent this year, less than losses in nickel, aluminum, copper, lead and zinc.

Favorite Long

A Macquarie Group Ltd. survey of more than 325 people at this year’s LME Week, held in London last month, listed tin as the respondents’ favorite so-called long position, along with lead. A long position is a bet on price gains.

Global demand will exceed supply through 2016, according to Morgan Stanley, which predicts a deficit of 100 metric tons next year after a 1,600-ton shortfall this year. China, the largest user and producer, has turned to importing metal as domestic mine reserves deplete, according to Richardson

20.11.13 07:34

147 Postings, 4779 Tage gradowCapital raising to fund next phase

20 November 2013
Elementos Limited (ASX: ELT) (“Elementos” or the “Company”) is pleased to advise that the capital raising previously announced on 6 November 2013, to fund its advanced development activities for the Cleveland tin-copper and tungsten projects in Tasmania, is now complete.
Capital Raising
The Company has completed a $1.67 million capital raising at 2 cents per share, incorporating:
• A 15% private placement (Listing Rule 7.1) of 69.4 million shares totalling $1.39 million to a number of strategic investors; and
• An additional private placement of 14.25 million shares totalling $0.28 million, which will be subject to shareholder approval at an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) planned for December 2013.
Richard Seville, a non-executive director of the Company, will seek shareholder approval for a placement of $150,000 (as part of the $0.28 million above) at the EGM.
The new funds will be applied to completing:
• The environmental permitting process scheduled to be completed in December 2013 for the mine de-watering and tailings retreatment project;
• The pre-feasibility study to redevelop the underground tin-copper mine;
• Acquisition payments for the remaining 50% interest in the Cleveland project exploration license; and
• Corporate overheads and general working capital.
For more information please contact:
Calvin Treacy
Managing Director
Phone: +61 (7) 3221 7770
Email: admin@elementos.com.au
Elementos is an Australian, ASX-listed, diversified metals company, including Cleveland, an advanced st  

29.11.13 04:47

147 Postings, 4779 Tage gradownews vom 29,11,2013

November 2013
Dear Shareholder,
This has been a year of significant change for your Company, transitioning from being an early-stage, South American based copper-gold explorer, to the developer of an advanced stage tin-copper and tungsten project in Tasmania.
Following the very short period since the completion of the merger with Rockwell Minerals Limited, the Company has made considerable progress towards achieving some of the objectives outlined at the time of the merger. Key milestones achieved include:
1. Restructure of the Cleveland Project Purchase Agreement
The Company has secured new option terms for acquiring the remaining 50% interest in Exploration Licence 7/2005, covering the historic Cleveland mine site.
The new contract terms require the payment of $50,000 per month, commencing in November 2013 until February 2015, for a total payment of $750,000. This compares to the previous terms requiring the payment of $700,000 by 31 December 2013.
The new contractual arrangement is of significant benefit to the Company at a time when raising new capital in the resources industry is extremely difficult. The additional time will allow the Company to focus its cash resources towards the advancement of the project, and defers transaction costs until 2015.
2. Commencement of the Cleveland Tin Pre-Feasibility Study
The Company has commenced its pre-feasibility study (“PFS”) to assess the near term development potential of the substantial, relatively shallow, in-ground tin-copper resources. The tin-copper resource is well-defined through more than 130,000 metres of drilling. Cleveland also has proven mining and metallurgy through more than 20 years of well-documented historical operations.
The PFS will also examine the feasibility of an integrated development strategy, firstly processing part of the tailings resource whilst re-establishing the mine, and the additional infrastructure required to process the hard rock tin-copper resources.
The PFS will be prepared by MiningOne and pitt&sherry who together have significant experience and expertise in all aspects of tin resource definition, mining, processing and local infrastructure. The PFS will focus on the fundamental variables that will determine the technical and economic viability of developing a standalone underground tin mine and processing facility, or an integrated facility at Cleveland.
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3. Continued Progress for the Cleveland Environmental Approval
The final step in our application for a tailings and mine dewatering environmental approval at the Cleveland site is progressing well, with a Development Proposal and Environmental Management Plan submission due for lodgement in December 2013. We believe that our advanced progress in the application is another differentiator for the Cleveland project and we look forward to working with all the stakeholders to implement a plan that is supported by all parties.
4. Defined an Exploration Target for the Cleveland Tungsten Potential
Independent consultants, MiningOne, have reported an Exploration Target for Foley’s tungsten zone at Cleveland. The Exploration Target was defined from 26 diamond drill holes totaling 6,796 metres.
Foley’s tungsten zone represents an exciting additional opportunity for the Company, and the potential of the tungsten deposit has not previously been recognised. Tungsten is a high-value metal, with supplies of tungsten outside of China, which controls approximately 84% of the market, difficult to secure. The Company will now commence a work program to study the development potential of the project.
5. Raised New Working Capital
The Company is very pleased to have recently completed a $1.67 million capital raising at 2 cents per share to fund our growth activities.
The Company is also making progress towards its objective of monetising the non-tin assets. These assets have the potential to add significant shareholder value, including:
• A recently formed joint venture agreement with Chinalco Yunnan Copper Resources Ltd (“CYU”) at the Millenium project in far north Queensland. CYU commenced a drilling program earlier this month targeting copper, cobalt and gold, and we are hopeful the results will bring value to the Company’s retained interest in the project;
• Our South American assets, where the Company is in discussions with a number of parties in regard to the potential joint venture and/or sale; and
• Selwyn Range in far north Queensland, where the Company has some indicative interest in forming a joint venture.
Despite the continued very difficult trading environment for junior resource companies, Elementos is extremely well positioned to continue advancing the Cleveland tin project towards development. The Rockwell Minerals Limited merger has given the company an exciting new vision, new people and new opportunities. With this new start, we are confident that we can build a robust and exciting company for our shareholders.
The new direction also comes at a time of rising London Metal Exchange traded tin prices, and a positive future outlook. Tin prices have increased from approximately US$19,000 per tonne to US$23,000 per tonne since July 2013. The Company believes that there is significant potential for further upward price pressure in the foreseeable future, due to structural changes occurring in the supply of tin, including:
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• Closure of the high-grade San Rafael tin mine in Peru, expected in 2017/2018, which represents approximately 10% of the global tin supply;
• Declining supplies of tin concentrate supply from the Asian region, principally China and Indonesia, due to falling grades and environmental pressures;
• Restricted exports from Indonesia, a significant source of global tin supply (approximately 100,000 tonnes or quarter of the global tin supply), due to new rules imposed by the Government requiring tin to be traded on a local exchange prior to export; and
• Falling supply of tin from alluvial sources and the realisation that future supplies will need to come from lower-grade, higher cost, hard-rock supplies.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of our shareholders for their continued support of our vision to establish Cleveland as one of the next new tin mining operations in Australia, and Elementos as a new force in the global tin industry.
Calvin Treacy
Managing Director
Phone: +61 (7) 3221 7770
Email: admin@elementos.com.au
Elementos is an Australian, ASX-listed, diversified metals company, including Cleveland, an advanced stage tin-copper and tungsten project in Tasmania, together with a number of prospective copper and gold assets in South America and Australia.
Please visit us at www.elementos  

29.11.13 04:51

147 Postings, 4779 Tage gradownews mit google übersetzer

November 2013
Sehr geehrte Aktionäre ,
Dies war ein Jahr großer Veränderungen für Ihr Unternehmen , den Übergang entfernt, ein Frühstadium , Südamerika Basis Kupfer-Gold- Explorer, um die Entwickler von einem fortgeschrittenen Stadium Zinn-Kupfer- und Wolfram-Projekt in Tasmanien.
Nach der sehr kurzen Zeit seit dem Abschluss der Fusion mit Rockwell Minerals Limited hat das Unternehmen erhebliche Fortschritte im Hinblick auf einige der zu der Zeit der Fusion genannten Ziele gemacht . Wichtige Meilensteine ​​erreicht sind:
1 . Umstrukturierung des Cleveland -Projekt Kaufvertrag
Das Unternehmen hat neue Optionsbedingungen für den Erwerb der restlichen 50 % an der Explorationslizenz 7/2005 , Cleveland , der die historische Mine gesichert.
Die neuen Vertragsbedingungen bedürfen der Zahlung von $ 50.000 pro Monat , beginnend im November 2013 bis Februar 2015 für eine Gesamtzahlung von 750.000 $ . Im Vergleich zu den bisherigen Bedingungen die Zahlung von $ 700.000 zum 31. Dezember 2013 erforderlich .
Die neue vertragliche Vereinbarung ist von erheblichem Nutzen für die Gesellschaft zu einer Zeit als die Aufnahme neuen Kapitals in der Rohstoffindustrie ist äußerst schwierig. Die zusätzliche Zeit wird es der Gesellschaft, ihre liquiden Mittel für die Weiterentwicklung des Projekts zu konzentrieren, und verschiebt die Transaktionskosten bis 2015.
2 . Beginn des Cleveland Tin Pre-Feasibility Study
Die Gesellschaft hat ihre Vor-Machbarkeitsstudie ( " PFS " ) begonnen , um die kurzfristigen Entwicklungspotenzial der wesentliche , relativ flach , in-Boden- Zinn-Kupfer- Ressourcen zu beurteilen. Die Zinn-Kupfer- Ressource ist durch mehr als 130.000 Meter an Bohrungen gut definiert. Cleveland hat auch Bergbau und Hüttenwesen durch mehr als 20 Jahren von gut dokumentierten historischen Operationen bewährt.
Die PFS wird auch die Machbarkeit einer integrierten Entwicklungsstrategie , zum einen Verarbeitungsteil des Berge Ressource , während die Wiederherstellung der Mine und die erforderlich sind, um die Hard-Rock- Zinn-Kupfer- Ressourcen zu verarbeiten zusätzliche Infrastruktur .
Die PFS wird von MiningOne und pitt & Sherry , die gemeinsam erhebliche Erfahrung und Kompetenz in allen Aspekten der Ressourcendefinition Zinn -, Bergbau- , Verarbeitungs-und der lokalen Infrastruktur vorbereitet werden. Die PFS wird auf die grundlegenden Variablen, die die technische und wirtschaftliche Tragfähigkeit der Entwicklung einer eigenständigen U- Zinn-Mine und Verarbeitungsanlage oder eine integrierte Anlage in Cleveland bestimmen konzentrieren.
Seite 2 von 3
3 . Fortsetzung Fortschritt für die Cleveland Umwelt Zulassung
Der letzte Schritt in unserem Antrag auf eine Aufbereitungsrückstände und Minenentwässerungsumweltgenehmigungan der Cleveland -Website kommt gut voran , mit einem Vorschlag Entwicklung und Umweltmanagementplan für die Einreichung durch Abgabe im Dezember 2013 beginnen. Wir glauben, dass unsere fortschrittlichen Fortschritt in der Anwendung ist ein weiteres Unterscheidungsmerkmal für die Cleveland -Projekt und wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit allen Beteiligten , um einen Plan, der von allen Parteien unterstützt wird, zu implementieren.
4 . Definiert ein Explorationsziel für die Cleveland Tungsten Potential
Unabhängige Berater , MiningOne , haben ein Explorationsziel für Foley Wolfram Zone in Cleveland berichtet . Das Explorationsziel wurde von 26 Diamant- Bohrlöcher auf insgesamt 6.796 Metern definiert.
Foleys Wolfram- Zone stellt eine aufregende zusätzliche Chance für das Unternehmen , und das Potential der Wolfram-Lagerstätte wurde bisher nicht erkannt worden. Wolfram ist ein hochwertiges Metall , mit Lieferungen von Wolfram außerhalb Chinas , die etwa 84 % des Marktes kontrolliert , schwierig zu sichern. Das Unternehmen wird nun beginnen, ein Arbeitsprogramm , um das Entwicklungspotenzial des Projekts zu studieren.
5 . Raised New Working Capital
Das Unternehmen ist sehr erfreut, haben vor kurzem eine $ 1.670.000 Kapitalbeschaffung bei 2 Cent pro Aktie , um unsere Wachstumsaktivitäten zu finanzieren.
Die Gesellschaft ist auch Fortschritte im Hinblick auf das Ziel der Monetarisierung der nicht -Zinn- Assets. Diese Vermögenswerte haben das Potenzial, erhebliche Shareholder Value , einschließlich :
• Eine kürzlich gegründete Joint Venture mit Chinalco Yunnan Copper Resources Ltd ( " CYU ") bei der Millenium -Projekt in Norden von Queensland . CYU begann ein Bohrprogramm in diesem Monat Targeting Kupfer, Kobalt und Gold, und wir sind zuversichtlich, die Ergebnisse werden Wert beibehalten Interesse der Gesellschaft in das Projekt einbringen ;
• Unser südamerikanischen Vermögenswerte , wenn die Gesellschaft in Gesprächen mit einer Reihe von Parteien in Bezug auf den potenziellen Joint- Venture- und / oder Verkauf , und
• Selwyn Range im Norden von Queensland , wo das Unternehmen den ungefähren Interesse an der Bildung eines Joint Ventures .
Trotz der weiterhin sehr schwierigen Marktumfeld für Junior- Rohstoffunternehmen , ist Elementos extrem gut positioniert, um weiterhin Förderung der Cleveland- Zinn -Projekt zur Entwicklung. Die Rockwell Minerals Limited Fusion hat dem Unternehmen eine aufregende neue Vision , neue Leute und neue Chancen gegeben . Mit diesem neuen Anfang , wir sind zuversichtlich, dass wir eine solide und spannende Unternehmen für unsere Aktionäre zu schaffen .
Die neue Richtung kommt auch in einer Zeit der steigenden London Metal Exchange gehandelt Zinn Preise und eine positive Zukunftsaussichten . Tin Preise sind von ca. US $ 19.000 pro Tonne auf 23.000 US-Dollar pro Tonne seit Juli 2013 erhöht. Das Unternehmen glaubt, dass ein erhebliches Potenzial für weitere Preisdruck nach oben in absehbarer Zeit aufgrund der strukturellen Veränderungen in der Versorgung mit Zinn auftreten , einschließlich :
Seite 3 von 3
• Schließung der hochwertigen San Rafael Zinn-Mine in Peru, in 2017/2018 erwartet, was etwa 10 % des weltweiten Zinn Versorgung darstellt ;
• Rückläufige Lieferungen von Zinn Konzentratversorgung aus dem asiatischen Raum , vor allem China und Indonesien, aufgrund der sinkenden Sorten und Umweltbelastungen ;
• Eingeschränkte Exporte aus Indonesien, eine bedeutende Quelle der globalen Zinn Versorgung ( rund 100.000 Tonnen oder Viertel des weltweiten Zinn Versorgung) , aufgrund der neuen Regeln von der Regierung erfordern Zinn auf einem lokalen Austausch vor dem Export gehandelt werden verhängt , und
• Fallende Versorgung von Zinn aus alluvialen Quellen und die Erkenntnis, dass die künftige Versorgung muss von geringerer Qualität sind , höhere Kosten, Hard-Rock- Lieferungen .
Ich möchte meinen aufrichtigen Dank an alle unseren Aktionären für ihre kontinuierliche Unterstützung unserer Vision, Cleveland als eines der nächsten neuen Zinn Bergbau in Australien zu etablieren Ausdruck zu bringen, und Elementos als neue Kraft in der globalen Zinn -Industrie.
Calvin Treacy
Telefon: +61 (7) 3221 7770
E-Mail: admin@elementos.com.au
Elementos ist ein australischer , ASX börsennotierten , diversifizierten Metall- Unternehmen , darunter Cleveland, einem fortgeschrittenen Stadium Zinn-Kupfer- und Wolfram-Projekt in Tasmanien, zusammen mit einer Reihe von potenziellen Kupfer-und Goldanlagenin Südamerika und Australien.
Bitte besuchen Sie uns auf www.elementos


04.12.13 05:08

147 Postings, 4779 Tage gradownews vom 04-12-2013

Chinalco Yunnan Copper Resources Limited
ABN 29 070 859 522
Level 5, 10 Market Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
GPO Box 216
Brisbane QLD 4001
Tel: +61 7 3212 6204
Fax: +61 7 3212 6250
ASX Release 4 December 2013
Chinalco Yunnan Copper Resources Ltd (ASX: CYU)
• Identification of a new (and potentially large) mineralised system at Millenium
• Significant grades of copper, cobalt and gold intersected including:
o 5m @ 1.37% Cu, 0.37% Co and 0.5 g/t Au (Q001); and
o 19m @ 1.27% Cu, 0.38% Co and 0.7 g/t Au (including 6m @ 3.45% Cu, 0.32% Co and 2.0 g/t Au) (Q012)
• Initial drilling program completed within 6 weeks – on budget and on schedule.
Chinalco Yunnan Copper Resources Limited (CYU) has completed its initial exploration drilling program at the Millenium prospect in north-west Queensland and achieved results that were beyond expectations.
On 17 September 2013, CYU announced that it had entered into a farm-in agreement with Elementos Ltd (ASX: ELT) providing CYU with the right to explore for copper, gold and other minerals and ultimately earn a majority interest in the Millenium Project.
Millenium, situated near Cloncurry in the world-class Mt Isa Inlier in north-west Queensland, includes several Mining Leases which cover an area totalling 134 hectares. (See location map in Figure 1 below).
The initial exploration program involved the drilling of thirteen (13) reverse circulation (RC) drillholes designed to validate historic drill results from the 1970’s and early 1980’s. As a result of this program CYU has identified a large mineralised system with a strike length of 1200m which is still open both to the north and south. In addition, because the drillholes in this program were shallow (up to 150m in depth), the mineralisation remains open at depth.
Assay results have confirmed the previous high-grade intersections from the earlier programs and are highlighted by:
Q001: 23m @ 0.48% Cu and 0.16% Co from 16m including:
• 5m @ 1.37% Cu, 0.37% Co and 0.5 g/t Au
Q002: 1m @ 2.1% Cu from 45m
Q008: 5m @ 0.83% Cu, 0.20% Co and 0.3 g/t Au from 85m
Q009: 6m @ 0.62% Cu, 0.25% Co and 0.1 g/t Au from 124m
Q010: 20m @ 0.51% Cu, 0.19% Co and 0.1 g/t from 124m including:
• 2m @1.07% Cu, 0.21% Co and 0.2 g/t Au; and
• 8m @ 0.72% Cu, 0.21% Co and 0.2 g/t Au
Q011: 19m @ 0.58% Cu, 0.04% Co and 0.2 g/t Au from 159m including:
• 4m @ 0.71% Cu and 0.2 g/t Au;
• 3m @ 0.88% Cu and 0.3 g/t Au; and
• 3m @ 0.75% Cu and 0.2 g/t Au
Q012: 19m @ 1.27% Cu, 0.38% Co and 0.7 g/t Au from 29m including:
6m @ 3.45% Cu, 0.32% Co and 2.0 g/t Au
Q013: 34m @ 0.47% Cu, 0.08% Co and 0.2 g/t Au from 46m including:
15m @ 0.83% Cu, 0.15% Co and 0.4 g/t Au.
Figure 2 shows the location of the thirteen RC drillholes and the areas where this high grade mineralisation was intersected. Annexure A shows the full suite of assay results from this initial program, applying a cut-off grade of 1000ppm (0.1%) Cu.
As with CYU’s Elaine deposit and Mt Dockerill’s Kalman deposit, the Millenium mineralisation is interpreted to originate from deep crustal fluids migrating along major crustal structures.
CYU Managing Director, Paul Williams, said that the initial exploration program at Millenium was an excellent start to activities in the region. “After a full analysis of the results from the initial exploration program by our Mt Isa-based exploration team, it is likely that next year CYU will continue to develop its knowledge of this project with drilling likely to extend further to the west (with deeper drillholes), infill drilling between the existing drillhole locations, and drilling to test the mineralisation strike length along the potential 10km zone that lies within the CYU tenure package”.
On behalf of the Board
Paul Williams
Managing Director
+61 419 762 487
About CYU
Chinalco Yunnan Copper Resources Ltd (“CYU” or “Company”) is a resource exploration and development company with project interests in the Mt Isa region of north Queensland, Chile and northern Laos.
CYU’s largest shareholder is China Yunnan Copper (Australia) Investment and Development Co Ltd (“CYC”), owning 43% of the total issued shares in CYU. CYC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kunming-based Yunnan Copper Industry (Group) Co Ltd, which is the third largest producer of smelted copper product in China. In turn, Yunnan Copper Group is a subsidiary of Aluminium Corporation of China (Chinalco) which is the largest producer of aluminium product in China and the second largest world-wide. CYU has offices in Brisbane, Mt Isa and in Santiago. The Company is listed on the ASX under the symbol “CYU”.
Competent Person’s Statement
The information regarding exploration activities and information set out in this ASX Release is based on information compiled by Mr Trevor Leahey, a Competent Person, who is CYU’s Exploration Manager, a Chartered Professional Geologist and a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Leahey has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity that is being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr. Leahey consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.
Figure 1
(Location of the Millenium Mining Leases)
Figure 2
(Location of the 13 RC drillholes with high grade intersections highlighted)
Annexure A (Full assay results applying a 0.1% Cu cut-off grade)
Au ppm
Annexure A (Full assay results applying a 0.1% Cu cut-off grade)
Au ppm
Ag ppm
Co ppm

JORC Code, 2012 Edition – Table 1 – RC DRILLING - MILLENIUM - Nov 2013
Section 1 Sampling Techniques and Data
JORC Code explanation
Sampling techniques
• Nature and quality of sampling (eg cut channels, random chips, or specific specialised industry standard measurement tools appropriate to the minerals under investigation, such as down hole gamma sondes, or handheld XRF instruments, etc). These examples should not be taken as limiting the broad meaning of sampling.
• Include reference to measures taken to ensure sample representivity and the appropriate calibration of any measurement tools or systems used.
• Aspects of the determination of mineralisation that are Material to the Public Report.
• In cases where ‘industry standard’ work has been done this would be relatively simple (eg ‘reverse circulation drilling was used to obtain 1 m samples from which 3 kg was pulverised to produce a 30 g charge for fire assay’). In other cases more explanation may be required, such as where there is coarse gold that has inherent sampling problems. Unusual commodities or mineralisation types (eg submarine nodules) may warrant disclosure of detailed information.
• reverse circulation drilling was used to obtain 1 m samples from which 1 kg was pulverised to produce a primary pulp from which ICP (ALS MEICP-41) and fire assay (ALS AA25) analyses were completed
Drilling techniques
• Drill type (eg core, reverse circulation, open-hole hammer, rotary air blast, auger, Bangka, sonic, etc) and details (eg core diameter, triple or standard tube, depth of diamond tails, face-sampling bit or other type, whether core is oriented and if so, by what method, etc).
• Reverse Circulation drilling using face sampling bit; Schram 450 with 1100cfm 350psi and 700psi air.
Drill sample recovery
• Method of recording and assessing core and chip sample recoveries and results assessed.
• Measures taken to maximise sample recovery and ensure representative nature of the samples.
• Whether a relationship exists between sample recovery and grade and whether sample bias may have occurred due to preferential loss/gain of fine/coarse material.
• Sample recoveries noted on Log sheet
• Sample collected in cyclone prior to riffle splitting using triple-deck splitter
• No obvious relationship between sample recovery and grade
• Whether core and chip samples have been geologically and geotechnically logged to a level of detail to support appropriate Mineral Resource estimation, mining studies and metallurgical studies.
• Whether logging is qualitative or quantitative in nature. Core (or costean, channel, etc) photography.
• Washed chip samples logged on site using qualitative and descriptive terminology.
JORC Code explanation
• The total length and percentage of the relevant intersections logged.
Sub-sampling techniques and sample preparation
• If core, whether cut or sawn and whether quarter, half or all core taken.
• If non-core, whether riffled, tube sampled, rotary split, etc and whether sampled wet or dry.
• For all sample types, the nature, quality and appropriateness of the sample preparation technique.
• Quality control procedures adopted for all sub-sampling stages to maximise representivity of samples.
• Measures taken to ensure that the sampling is representative of the in situ material collected, including for instance results for field duplicate/second-half sampling.
• Whether sample sizes are appropriate to the grain size of the material being sampled.
• Riffle splitting of dry samples
• Sample preparation methods appropriate to exploration drilling
• Field Duplicate samples taken; awaiting analysis
Quality of assay data and laboratory tests
• The nature, quality and appropriateness of the assaying and laboratory procedures used and whether the technique is considered partial or total.
• For geophysical tools, spectrometers, handheld XRF instruments, etc, the parameters used in determining the analysis including instrument make and model, reading times, calibrations factors applied and their derivation, etc.
• Nature of quality control procedures adopted (eg standards, blanks, duplicates, external laboratory checks) and whether acceptable levels of accuracy (ie lack of bias) and precision have been established.
• Samples are hand delivered to the ALS laboratory in Mt Isa for sample preparation of fine crush, riffle split and pulverizing of 1kg to 85% < 75μm.
• Pulps are analyzed by using method code ME-ICP41, a 34 element determination using an aqua-regia digestion with ICP-AES determination and by fire assay for gold using a 30g charge (method code AA-25)
• GBM® Standards are inserted in the sample sequence at the rate of 1 per hole.
Verification of sampling and assaying
• The verification of significant intersections by either independent or alternative company personnel.
• The use of twinned holes.
• Documentation of primary data, data entry procedures, data verification, data storage (physical and electronic) protocols.
• Discuss any adjustment to assay data.
• No independent verification required at this stage
• Laboratory CSV files are merged with drillhole data files using unique sample numbers as the key.
• No adjustments made to assay data
Location of data points
• Accuracy and quality of surveys used to locate drill holes (collar and down-hole surveys), trenches, mine workings and other locations used in Mineral Resource estimation.
• Specification of the grid system used.
• Quality and adequacy of topographic control.
• Samples are located using handheld GPS receivers.
• UTM projection GDA94 Zone 54
• Topographic control from handheld GPS survey using local differential control.
Data spacing and distribution
• Data spacing for reporting of Exploration Results.
• Whether the data spacing and distribution is sufficient to establish the degree of geological and grade continuity appropriate for the Mineral
• Phase 1 exploration drilling at nominal 100m section spacing and 50m toe spacing.
• Too early for resource estimation
JORC Code explanation
Resource and Ore Reserve estimation procedure(s) and classifications applied.
• Whether sample compositing has been applied.
• No compositing has been applied.
Orientation of data in relation to geological structure
• Whether the orientation of sampling achieves unbiased sampling of possible structures and the extent to which this is known, considering the deposit type.
• If the relationship between the drilling orientation and the orientation of key mineralised structures is considered to have introduced a sampling bias, this should be assessed and reported if material.
• Drill sections are transverse to the strike of the outcrop.
• No bias is believed to be introduced by the sampling method.
Sample security
• The measures taken to ensure sample security.
• Samples are hand delivered by CYU staff to the ALS laboratory in Mount Isa
Audits or reviews
• The results of any audits or reviews of sampling techniques and data.
• Internal review of methodology is undertaken regularly by senior company personnel.
Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results
JORC Code explanation
Mineral tenement and land tenure status
• Type, reference name/number, location and ownership including agreements or material issues with third parties such as joint ventures, partnerships, overriding royalties, native title interests, historical sites, wilderness or national park and environmental settings.
• The security of the tenure held at the time of reporting along with any known impediments to obtaining a licence to operate in the area.
• The Quamby Project consists of +1,000km2 under Earn-In agreements with Altona Mining Ltd and Elementos Ltd.
• There are no known impediments to exploration in the current area of operations.
Exploration done by other parties
• Acknowledgment and appraisal of exploration by other parties.
• The RC drill program was designed to validate drilling results from the 1970’s and early 1980’s. The program successfully validated previous exploration results and identified a (potentially) large mineral system.
• Deposit type, geological setting and style of mineralisation.
• The Millenium mineralization occurs within a splay to the Quamby Fault. The Quamby Fault is the northern extension of the Pilgrim Fault which is a major crustal suture separating the Wonga and Quamby-Malbon sub-provinces of the Mount Isa craton. Mineralization is believed to be related to deep crustal fluids that have migrated along this suture. Other deposits in comparable locations include CYU’s Elaine Deposit and Mt Dockerell Mining’s Kalman Deposit.
JORC Code explanation
Drill hole Information
• A summary of all information material to the understanding of the exploration results including a tabulation of the following information for all Material drill holes:
o easting and northing of the drill hole collar
o elevation or RL (Reduced Level – elevation above sea level in metres) of the drill hole collar
o dip and azimuth of the hole
o down hole length and interception depth
o hole length.
• If the exclusion of this information is justified on the basis that the information is not Material and this exclusion does not detract from the understanding of the report, the Competent Person should clearly explain why this is the case.
Collar Az
Collar D
Data aggregation methods
• In reporting Exploration Results, weighting averaging techniques, maximum and/or minimum grade truncations (eg cutting of high grades) and cut-off grades are usually Material and should be stated.
• Where aggregate intercepts incorporate short lengths of high grade results and longer lengths of low grade results, the procedure used for such aggregation should be stated and some typical examples of such aggregations should be shown in detail.
• The assumptions used for any reporting of metal equivalent values should be clearly stated.
• Summary intersections are length weighted averages of assay data using nominal 1000ppmCu or 500ppmCo cutoffs as appropriate.
Relationship between mineralisation widths and intercept lengths
• These relationships are particularly important in the reporting of Exploration Results.
• If the geometry of the mineralisation with respect to the drill hole angle is known, its nature should be reported.
• If it is not known and only the down hole lengths are reported, there should be a clear statement to this effect (eg ‘down hole length, true width not known’).
• There is currently insufficient drilling to fully understand the geometry of the mineralization. Drillholes are believed to be transverse to mineral trends.
• Appropriate maps and sections (with scales) and tabulations of intercepts should be included for any significant discovery being reported These should include, but not be limited to a plan view of drill hole collar locations and appropriate sectional views.
• Drill plan, typical section and long section included in discussion
JORC Code explanation
Balanced reporting
• Where comprehensive reporting of all Exploration Results is not practicable, representative reporting of both low and high grades and/or widths should be practiced to avoid misleading reporting of Exploration Results.
• Summary Intercepts attached
Other substantive exploration data
• Other exploration data, if meaningful and material, should be reported including (but not limited to): geological observations; geophysical survey results; geochemical survey results; bulk samples – size and method of treatment; metallurgical test results; bulk density, groundwater, geotechnical and rock characteristics; potential deleterious or contaminating substances.
• Geological mapping in progress.
Further work
• The nature and scale of planned further work (eg tests for lateral extensions or depth extensions or large-scale step-out drilling).
• Diagrams clearly highlighting the areas of possible extensions, including the main geological interpretations and future drilling areas, provided this information is not commercially sensitive.
• Phase 2 drilling along strike and down-dip is planned for 2014.

05.12.13 04:48

147 Postings, 4779 Tage gradow05-12-2013

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NANCE VIDEO: Calvin Treacy, MD von Elementos Limited (ASX: ELT) - Stellt Zinn und Wolfram Industrie-Wachstum Metals bei Investorium.tv
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Elementos Limited (ASX: ELT)
Elementos Limited (ASX: ELT)
Calvin Treacy, MD präsentiert Zinn und Wolfram Industrie-Wachstum Metals bei Investorium.tv
Brisbane, 5. Dezember 2013 (ABN Newswire) - Calvin Treacy, MD von Elementos ( ASX: ELT ) - Stellt Zinn und Wolfram Industrie-Wachstum Metals bei Investorium.tv Herrn Treacy ist ein erfahrener Manager und Regisseur mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung in der Bergbau Industrie, er hat einen starken Track Record der Gründung und wachsenden Unternehmen. . Seine Rollen sind vor COO und CEO-Positionen, Direktor der AMIRA International, gehört und er ist derzeit ein Director von mehreren nicht börsennotierten Unternehmen , um die Video-Präsentation zu sehen, besuchen Sie bitte: http://www.abnnewswire.net/press/en/76299/ elementos

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Über Elementos Begrenzte Elementos ist ein australischer, ASX börsennotierten, diversifizierten Metall-Unternehmen, darunter Cleveland, einem fortgeschrittenen Stadium Zinn-Kupfer-und Wolfram-Projekt in Tasmanien, zusammen mit einer Reihe von potenziellen Kupfer-und Goldanlagen in Südamerika und Australien.


07.12.13 08:33

147 Postings, 4779 Tage gradowausblick 2014

2014 wird ein Wendepunkt für den Rohstoffsektor

Gastautor: Björn Junker

Die Experten von ETF Securities sind der Ansicht, dass eine hohe Nachfrage aus China und den USA 2014 die Rohstoffpreise steigen lassen wird. Kupfer, Blei sowie Platin und Palladium sind dabei die Favoriten der Analysten.

ETF Securities glaubt zudem, dass die jüngst negative Stimmung in Bezug auf Gold „übertrieben” ist und geht davon aus, dass die physische Nachfrage angesichts des niedrigen Goldpreises, eine sinkende Produktion und ein geringeres Recyclingvolumen weiteres Abwärtsrisiko begrenzen.

Wie die Experten weiter ausführten, sei der Rohstoffsektor 2013 zum dritten Mal in Folge schlechter gelaufen als die Aktienmärkte in der entwickelten Welt – nachdem es zuvor zehn Jahre in Folge anders herum gewesen sei. Das langsamere Wirtschaftswachstum in China, Sorgen, dass die US-Notenbank ihr Stimulusprogramm reduzieren könnte sowie die Erwartung eines steigenden Angebots seien die wichtigsten Faktoren, die den Sektor belasten würden, so ETF Securities weiter.

Doch die Firma erwartet 2014 eine Besserung des Klimas für Rohstoffe und bezeichnet das kommende Jahr als „Umschwungsjahr” für diese Anlageklasse. Zumal nach Ansicht von Nicholas Brooks, Leiter des Bereichs Research und Investmentstrategie bei ETF Securities, die Anpassung des chinesischen Wirtschaftswachstums von Raten von 10 bis 12% auf nachhaltigere 7 bis 8% nun großenteils in den Marktpreisen enthalten sein sollte.

Die Preise hätten sich außerdem größtenteils an die zu erwartende Ausweitung des Angebots bei einer Reihe wichtiger Rohstoffe angepasst, so Brooks. ETF Securities glaube, dass die Märkte die Neigung der Zentralbanken der sich entwickelnden Wirtschaften, Wachstum zu unterstützen, unterschätzen. Ein gesundes Nachfragewachstum in den USA und China, Enttäuschungen bei den derzeit äußerst optimistischen Annahmen in Bezug auf Angebotssteigerungen bei den wichtigsten Rohstoffen und eine anhaltend hohe globale Liquidität dürften den Experten zufolge die Rohstoffpreise 2014 stützen.

Die größten Risiken für dieses Szenario seien nach Aussage von Brooks enttäuschende Wachstumszahlen aus den USA und China, eine aggressivere Abkehr von der lockeren Geldpolitik der Fed als erwartet, ein einschneidend negatives finanzielles Ereignis oder ein stärkeres Angebotswachstum als derzeit prognostiziert werde.

Das seien reale Risiken, so ETF Securities, die beobachtet werden müssten, doch sei man insgesamt bullish für die breiten Rohstoffmärkte.

Auch die negative Stimmung in Bezug auf Gold halten die Experten für übertrieben. Der Goldpreis sollte eine Rallye hinlegen, falls das US-Wirtschaftswachstum enttäuscht und biete so eine gute Absicherung dagegen, dass sich die optimistische Konsensprognose für das Wirtschaftswachstum als falsch herausstellt.

Gold und Silber seien durch die Erwartung eines steigenden Wirtschaftswachstums eingeschränkt worden, hätten aber Unterstützung in der physischen Nachfrage gefunden, so ETF Securities. Diese sei weiterhin hoch, reiche aber nicht aus, um die negative Stimmung im Investmentbereich auszugleichen.

Taktisch orientierte Anleger hätten angesichts des stärkeren US-Dollars und in Erwartung steigender Zinsen Gold verkauft, was sich auch noch fortsetzen werde. Man glaube aber, dass die starke physische Nachfragereaktion auf die niedrigen Preise – ähnlich der in der ersten Hälfte 2013 – zusammen mit einer niedrigeren Goldproduktion und einem niedrigeren Angebot auf dem Goldrecycling das Abwärtspotenzial begrenzen werde.

Hinweis: Die hier angebotenen Artikel stellen keine Kauf- bzw. Verkaufsempfehlungen dar, weder explizit noch implizit sind sie als Zusicherung etwaiger Kursentwicklungen zu verstehen. Die GOLDINVEST Media GmbH und ihre Autoren schließen jede Haftung diesbezüglich aus. Die Artikel und Berichte dienen ausschließlich der Information der Leser und stellen keine wie immer geartete Handlungsaufforderung dar. Zwischen der GOLDINVEST Media GmbH und den Lesern dieser Artikel entsteht keinerlei Vertrags- und/oder Beratungsverhältnis, da sich unsere Artikel lediglich auf das jeweilige Unternehmen, nicht aber auf die Anlageentscheidung, beziehen. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass Partner, Autoren und Mitarbeiter der GOLDINVEST Media GmbH Aktien der jeweils angesprochenen Unternehmen halten oder halten können und somit ein möglicher Interessenkonflikt besteht. Wir können nicht ausschließen, dass andere Börsenbriefe, Medien oder Research-Firmen die von uns empfohlenen Werte im gleichen Zeitraum besprechen. Daher kann es in diesem Zeitraum zur symmetrischen Informations- und Meinungsgenerierung kommen.



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