A) verhalte ich micht nicht so als wäre DIA gescheitert....ich behaupte nur das sich die Ausgangslage verschlechtert hat. DIA hat sich zu 50% verkaufen müssen !! Oder wie bezeichnest du die Aufstockung auf 274 Mio. Aktien um GDL 50% zu überlassen ?
B) Ich habe spekuliert das dieses Placement zu Dumping-Konditionen eintritt. Und....sind 0,0117 jetzt der Kracher ? Ich habe spekuliert das durch die 50%-Klausel neue Aktien ausgegeben werden. Und....sind 274 Mio. Aktien nicht eine ordentliche Verwässerung ?
C) Natürlich ist es kein DAX-Wert. Aber wie ich vorher schon einmal schrieb....das Risiko sollte im Geschäftsmodell liegen....und nicht zusätzlich in den Rahmenbedingungen (kein Cash und als Ausweg eine Aktien-Druckmaschine)
D) Ich bin kein Messias.....nur jemand der die NEWS zerlegt hat in unbequeme Fragen. Und diese Fragen u. Vermutungen haben sich leider bewahrheitet !!
Und E) Noch ein Bonbon für dich und den Rest der hier lesenden Truppe:
Hi Franz,
I am sorry not to have gotten back to you sooner but with all of the changes I could say much. Now that the announcement is out I can tell you I am working with the new board and have invested further in the company and remain the largest shareholder.
After the Global Financial crisis I returned to Australia to wait for the diamond prices to return. During the next six months diamond prices fell and the situation in my private company was very bad. I had to take over from my partner and save my company. This meant I could not lead CKD. The board was not able to take up the slack and we were running out of finance. We put CKD into care and maintenance and began looking for a good outcome for our share holders. The other directors found a company called Gemstar that had a very good project but could not get it listed. Over the next year we negotiated a deal that would benefit both companies and their shareholders. Once CKD had the rights to the Palmietfontein pipe we handed over control to a new board who could take the company to the next level. I believe we have done that and over the next 6 months they will begin extensive work to add to the value of the company. I am no longer able to devote the time and needed to find the best solution for the shareholders, many of who are close friends. They realize I had done what I committed to do and prove the Plooysburg project, unfortunately it proved to be uneconomic.
I guess you know now that Jim is a short form of the formal name James. I go by both. I will continue to be involved as a consultant from the diamond side and to assist with advice on working in South Africa where I now have many friends. I enjoyed my time there and wonder what could have been if we had not the Global Financial Crisis. The project we were working on at the end of 2008 was very small put was proving profitable until the prices crashed. The diamond market is recovering and the future for a new project is very bright. Diamond exploration is one of the riskiest businesses in the world but the rewards could be great if Palmietfontain lives up to the potential.
James Lehman
Lost River Diamonds Pty. Ltd.