Hey Joelu, weist du , dass Calypte mehr Tests in Ausland verkauft als Orasure?
Orasure does not perform much sales in the foreign market. In the last three months, all the Oraquick products (blood, saliva, etc.) only produced $230,000 in foreign revenue.
During this current quarter, it was revealed Calypte had sold half that amount during during the first 43 days of the quarter. (As of August 9th) (35,000 initial order Mineseekers, 100,000 tests to the UAE Over the Counter Market). And those are only the orders that were publicized. If the first 250,000 lot of tests gets shipped to Mineseeker before September 30th, Calypte will have outperformed the Orasure foreign market. Darned good, considering approvals just starting rolling in eight months ago.
So, when you hear the bashers bash Calypte and pump Orasure, ask the hard hitting questions....such as when one wrote there were approvals in Africa, ask them where? Ask them how much there has been in sales.
The truth is, Orasure sells primarily to a domestic market. Most of the funding to Orasure comes from the U.S. Government, not private clinics, hospitals, etc.
A good portion goes to Abbott to market at a higher rate to the consumer. They don\'t market very actively, at all and with their marketing strategy and their agreement with Abbott, Calypte will be able to undercut them in the U.S. once Calypte receives approval to their IDE expected to be filed late this year and early next year.
This is what the bashers don\'t want people to know...LOL!
From the SEC filing of the latest 10Q: The table below shows a breakdown of our total OraQuick® revenues (in thousands, except %) during the second quarter of 2006 and 2005.
Three Months Ended June 30, Customers 2006 2005 % Change Direct to U.S. Public Health $ 4,061 $ 2,229 82 % Abbott 2,090 939 123 SAMHSA — 1,719 (100 ) CDC 261 879 (70 ) International 230 371 (38 ) Direct to Hospitals — 203 (100 )
Total OraQuick® revenues $ 6,642 $ 6,340 5 %
Hauptsächlich verkaufen die in Amerika und über die Regierung
Wenn wir die Zulassung für Amerika haben, sind wir da auch noch besser
Im diesen sinne, hör auf mit deinen Scheißhausparolen