hat's begriffen und bringt es auf den Punkt:
Obviously investors did not like the Alif decision to use their accout recievables to invest in small innovators. Previously their account recievables was an area for concern for some investors. IMO ALIF is undervalued even if they don't collect a dime of their accuount recievables. I believe their expansion to android and overall smart phone and I-pad growth will increase earnings and therefore their share price. All there other aspects like accounts recievable, opus-M, augmented reality and these new investments as extras. Mark my words this stock will be over a dollar after earnings and probably 1.50 to 2 dollars in the next year or so.
Nach den kleineren Turbulenzen der vergangenen Tage schüttelt es jetzt die letzten "Zittrigen" raus, so dass wir nun in ruhigere Gewässer kommen sollten.