GAMESA Rückenwind in Zahlen und Aufträgen

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23.11.15 12:32

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyJV Adwen verkauft 5MW offshore Modelle gut

die auf dem Typ von Gamesa beruht , Auch die 8MW AD 8-180 scheint schon geliefert worden zu sein

Six months after the offshore union of Areva and Gamesa, Adwen continues to market the two 5MW offshore models, as well as its more recently developed 8MW AD 8-180, started at Areva.Kavafyen pointed to the value of the AD 5-135 model and the experience that has already been gained through its installations — 600MW is operating in the German North Sea, and the model is to be installed at the 350MW Wikinger project in the Baltic Sea.

The AD 5-132 model, which originated at Gamesa, has a lighter nacelle mass, which may benefit some foundations, or floating models, he said....The trend for larger wind turbines is very strong and very fast, he said. This is based on cutting levelised cost of energy, as the larger models reduce infrastructure costs and bring a better yield. "The decision for an investor is an easy choice," he said.......  

23.11.15 12:35

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyGamesa stellte 3,3 MW vor auf der EWEA 2015

FRANCE: Only a month after the launch of the G126-2.5MW low-wind turbine, Gamesa has launched a 3.3MW machine for IEC class IIA sites.
The G132-3.3MW is the first variant of a new turbine platform from the Spanish manufacturer.

The new modular platform builds mechanically and electrically on Gamesa’s 2.0-2.5MW range, featuring a high-speed drivetrain that comprises a main shaft with two bearings, a three-stage gearbox and a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG).
"This drive concept has proven itself a reliable and efficient solution that has demonstrated its worth in over 10,000 2MW Gamesa turbines since 2002," ....  

23.11.15 12:39

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyGamesa beabsichtigt 100 MW Solar in Indien in 2015

27.11.15 11:56

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyGamesa 103 MW in USA mit Enbridge

The company will install 45 G97-2.1 MW and four G90-2.0 MW wind turbines at a wind farm being developed in the state of West Virginia  

04.12.15 21:02

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyBau einer Fabrik in Mexico mit 500 MW Kapazität

jährlich bis Ende 2016 in Puerto Altamira
Gamesa and the Mexican Electricity Board have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the fostering of wind power generation in Mexico by means of the co-development of wind energy projects.....
Against the backdrop of this agreement, and with the aim of contributing to the sector's technological and industrial development in Mexico, Gamesa, the number one OEM in this market, is planning to build a wind tower factory through Windar Renovables, the joint venture with the Daniel Alonso Group.

The factory will be located in Puerto Altamira, in the state of Tamaulipas, a high-potential wind region. Stretching 75,000m2, the centre will have enough capacity to manufacture 500 MW per year for the Mexican, US and Central American markets. The construction work is scheduled to begin in December and the factory should be up and running by the end of 2016......  

14.12.15 11:30

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyKlimaabkommen schiebt Windbauer an

Das Pariser Klimaabkommen hat die Aktien der europäischen Windturbinenbauer am Montag angeschoben. Nordex legten im TecDax in der Spitze um 4,8 Prozent zu und machten damit ihre Verluste vom Freitag mehr als wett. Vestas Wind und Gamesa rückten zeitweise um 3,1 und 2,2 Prozent vor. Auch die Aktien des Solartechnikkonzerns SMA Solar zogen im TecDax kräftig an und rückten um bis zu 6,1 Prozent vor.  

15.12.15 12:20

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyGamesa und Vestas bekommen Brasilien-Zertifizierun

Nach dem US-Technologiekonzern GE haben nun auch die beiden europäischen Windenergieanlagen-Hersteller Gamesa und Vestas die Anforderungen an die lokale Wertschöpfung in Brasilien erfüllt. Beide haben eine entsprechende Akkreditierung von der Brasilianischen Entwicklungsbank BNDES bekommen.

Um die Anforderungen zu erfüllen, werden Gamesa und Vestas Teile der Windkraftanlagen-Herstellung selbst in Brasilien durchführen und zudem vor allem lokale Zulieferer einbeziehen. Bei Gamesa geht es um die Anlagen des Typs G114-2.0 MW sowie um eine Variante dieser Turbine mit einer Leistung von 2,1 Megawatt (MW), bei Vestas geht es um den Turbinentyp V110-2.0 MW.

Gamesa und Vestas mit Fabriken in Brasilien
Gamesa wird zur Erfüllung der Anforderungen Camaçari mit der Produktion von Gondeln für Windenergieanlagen(WEA) beginnen. Erste Aufträge für Turbinen, deren Maschinenhäuser in Brasilien hergestellt werden, liegen bereits vor. Bei den Türmen du Rotorblättern setzt Gamesa auf Hersteller, die ebenfalls vor Ort in Brasilien produzieren.....

dies bedeutet ,dass Gamesa über die BNDES an günstige Kredite rankommt

15.12.15 12:26

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyGamesa Auftrag 130MW f. VW-Windpark in Mexiko

Gamesa berichtete zudem von einer Großbestellung aus Mexiko. Dort soll das spanische Unternehmen insgesamt 65 Anlagen des Typs G114-2.0 MW errichten. Volkswagen will mit dem erzeugten Windstrom die Automobil-Fabriken in Mexiko versorgen. Lieferung und Inbetriebnahme des 130-MW-Projektes in der Nähe der zentralmexikanischen Stadt Zacatecas sind 2016 vorgesehen.  

21.12.15 11:12

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyGamesa erwirbt 50% Anteil an span.NEM Solutions

Gamesa will share join ownership of the company 50/50 with train manufacturer CAF, which owned the data company with business advisory firm Tecnalia. Gamesa is acquiring Tecnalia's entire 15% stake in NEM and 35% from CAF.

NEM Solutions developed a platform called 'Aura', which analyses data points on machinery going through maintenance, said Gamesa. NEM collates data on wind and train operations.

"[This creates] a model that defines normal operating conditions for each piece of equipment. Based on this benchmark, it predicts the future performance of each machine, diagnosing precisely and proactively, using artificial intelligence, potential equipment incidents," Gamesa explained......  

29.12.15 16:57

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyGamesa m.Iberdrola 80MW in Costa Rica

30.12.15 13:58

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyErneuerbare Energien bescherten Gamesa Traumgewinn

..."Gamesa macht seine Hausaufgaben und weiß, wie man diese aufkeimende Branche reitet", sagte Aktienanalyst Miguel Sanchez von Mirabaud & Cie. in Madrid. "Ihre Finanzen sind solide mit einem starken Cashflow. In dieser Hinsicht ist sie das Gegenteil von Abengoa."
Gamesas Umsatz zieht an, da Spitzenpolitiker von US- Präsident Barack Obama bis zum indischen Premierminister Narendra Modi Anreize für die Nutzung sauberer Energien schaffen. Im November wies das Unternehmen für die ersten neun Monate eine Verdopplung des Gewinns aus, und Analysten rechnen mit einem Umsatzsprung von 23 Prozent in diesem Jahr....  

08.01.16 11:34

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyGamesa verkauft 24MW Windfarm in Polen

an Windflower, from the Israeli Sunflower group....bereits 700 MW in Polen installiert  

18.01.16 09:31

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyGamesa mit 2 Aufträgen für China 98MW

eine davon mit Spezialturbinen in 3400m Höhe

15 January 2016

The company has received two new orders for the supply of a total of 98 MW in China.
The first order entails the supply of 24 G90-2.0 MW turbines (48 MW) at the Cangfang wind farm, which is 3,400 metres above sea level.
The other encompasses delivery of another 50 MW for phase two of the Senjitu II complex.

18.01.16 09:35

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyNew solar order in India: 23 MW

Gamesa  has received a new order in India from renewable energy developer New Era Enviro for the development of 23 MW of solar power capacity across three projects located in the state of Telangana.

das dürfte der erste Solarauftrag in Indien sein, die Sparte wurde hier neu entwickelt  

19.01.16 19:29

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyGamesa hat 2 Aufträge in China über 98MW

Gamesa will install its specially designed low-air-density turbines at the 48MW Cangfang project in Yunnan, southern China.

The 24 G90-2MW turbines will be adapted to deal with the altitude and low temperatures, Gamesa said.

Turbine delivery is expected in May, with commissioning due before the end of 2016.

Senjitu II

Gamesa has also won a 50MW order from the Hebei Construction and Investment Group for the Senjitu II project in Hebei province, north-east China.

The order will supply 25 G97 2MW turbines to the second phase of the project, after Gamesa was contracted to supply the first phase in April.

The order is part of a 150MW supply agreement between Gamesa and Hebei Construction signed in September 2014.

hatte ich gestern schon gepostet und ist verschwunden sehr merkwürdig was hier  passiert  

19.01.16 19:30

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage Kickysorry

mein Fehler s.#738  

21.01.16 11:52

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage Kicky3 neue Aufträge in Indien insg.130MW

Gamesa is to supply three wind farms in India with a total of 130MW.
The Spanish manufacturer has two EPC contracts for projects with capacity of 50MW and 30MW and a third contract to supply 50MW at a third development.
The first EPC contract with an unnamed renewable energy company involves the installation of 25 G97 2.0MW turbines in Gujarat. The project is expected to be commissioned in September.
The second order with an unnamed power supplier is for 15 G97 2.0MW Class S units in Madhya Pradesh. It is slated for commissioning in the first quarter of this year.
Gamesa will also handle all of the infrastructure needed to install and operate the developments and provide operation and maintenance on a “long-term basis”.
The third contract is with an independent local operator and developer for the supply of 25 G97 2.0MW Class S units in Madhya Pradesh.
This project, which will also be maintained by Gamesa over the long-term, is due for commissioning in the first quarter of 2016.  

27.01.16 20:13

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage Kicky30 MW 15 x G97-2.0 MW in Indien

Renewable energy firm Gamesa India today said it has won an order from PTC Energy for development of 30 MW wind power project in Madhya Pradesh. "As per the new order, Gamesa will develop the entire infrastructure needed to operate the project with the supply, erection and commissioning of 15 units of G97-2.0 MW T104 wind turbines specially designed for low wind sites in India," it said.

Read more at:  

29.01.16 11:47

1767 Postings, 7927 Tage hhsjgmrwas denkt ihr wie weit der kurs

getrieben wird , denn siemens wird nicht viel mehr als 4,xx bis max 5 mrd
zahlen oder ???  

29.01.16 13:06

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickySiemens will Gamesa übernehmen +15% heute

Siemens hat einem Medienbericht zufolge Interesse am Kauf des spanischen Windturbinenherstellers Gamesa. Die Münchner hätten bereits die Deutsche Bank mandatiert, um die Möglichkeiten einer Übernahme auszuloten, berichtet der spanische Online-Dienst "El Confidencial" unter Berufung auf Kenner des Vorgangs.  

29.01.16 13:34

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickySiemens will auch die 20% von Iberdrola

hatte aber in letzter Zeit im Windgeschäft zu kämpfen
während Gamesa eigentlich international gut dasteht, vor allem mit den Werken  in Indien und Brasilien, auch die Auftrgslage ist gut

da fragt man sich schon, ob ihre Kriegskasse das hergibt.Allerdings ist die Deutsche Bank mit Verhandlungen beauftragt

unter 20 kriegen die meine nicht  

29.01.16 13:38

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyCommerzbank meint die passen gut zusammen

Gamesa hat derzeit einen Börsenwert von rund 4 Milliarden Euro. Das Unternehmen rechnete zuletzt für das abgelaufene Jahr mit einem Umsatz von 3,4 Milliarden Euro und einer operativen Marge (Ebit) von mindestens 8 Prozent. Siemens hat in seiner Sparte mit Erneuerbaren im Geschäftsjahr 2014/15 (Ende September) zuletzt knapp 5,7 Milliarden Euro Umsatz gemacht. Dabei erreichte Siemens die operative Zielmarge (Ebita) von 5 bis 8 Prozent in dem Geschäft wie auch im ersten Geschäftsquartal des laufenden Jahres nicht.
Nach Ansicht von Commerzbank-Analyst Ingo-Martin Schachel würden die beiden Unternehmen gut zusammenpassen. Zudem entstünde der weltweite Windkraftbranchenführer. Insbesondere bei Windkraftanlagen an Land („Onshore“) würde ein Zukauf Siemens beim Marktanteil nach vorne bringen, schrieb der Experte.

da frag ich mich, ob die Commerzbank nicht ein Kontraindikator ist, ich denke da nur an die hirnverbrannten Analysen für Vestas, von wegen Experte...ggg

29.01.16 13:44

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage Kickyund Bloomberg

Iberdrola holds 19.7 percent of Gamesa and has board seats
.....Siemens declined to comment. Gamesa said in a regulatory filing that it “regularly analyzes the different strategic options that are presented to the group” and that it’s made no decisions.
The two would have a combined installed wind capacity of 60 gigawatts, compared to 68 gigawatts for Vestas Wind Systems A/S, the industry’s largest manufacturer, based on 2014 data compiled by Bloomberg Intelligence.
Siemens leads in making machines designed for use offshore, while Gamesa specializes in onshore wind. They’d have about 15 percent of the global wind market together, bigger than Vestas’s 10 percent, and General Electric Co.’s 11 percent, according to BNEF.
The Spanish and German companies also complement each other in the markets they serve. Gamesa is strong in South America and India as well as being the biggest foreign supplier in China.  

29.01.16 13:48

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyGamesa hat bisher nichts ewntschieden

SPAIN: Gamesa brushes aside reports that Siemens is looking at a possible acquisition of the Spanish manufacturer, stating that it regularly considers strategic opportunities

Spanish media is reporting that Siemens group CEO Joe Kaeser is in talks with utility Iberdrola which has a controlling 19.7% share of its manufacturing counterpart.

In a note to Spain's financial regulator, the National Securities Market Commission, Gamesa said: "In relation to the news and rumours about a possible corporate transaction between Gamesa Corporation Technology and Siemens AG, we hereby inform you that, in the ordinary course of its activity, the company regularly analyses the various strategic opportunities presented for the group. "At the date of this communication it has not taken any decision and no agreement has materialised about," the statement said.  

29.01.16 13:53

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage KickyTechnisch gesehen kein gutes Match sagen Anlysten

"It opens up lost of markets [for Siemens]. Gamesa is strong in Mexico, Brazil, India and China and it is more competitive in low-wind sites," Karcanias said. Gamesa also has a strong and flexible supply chain allowing to offer a lower cost of energy, he added.

Gamesa also has a strong relationship with Iberdrola, one of the largest developers in the wind market, which would be attractive to Siemens. Should a takeover happen, Siemens would want to continue the relationship with Iberdola. In return, Iberdrola would want to maintain its connection to an established OEM, FTI said.

However, "it is not a perfect match technologically", noted Karcanias of Make Consult and it would not be a "natural consolidation" of turbine offerings.

FTI's senior director Feng Zhao said the possible takeover is a more of a "business opportunity" than a technological one as Gamesa is the second largest foreign OEM behind Vestas in China, the world's largest market.

Siemens has limited involvement in the Chinese wind market. It has a license agreement with local manufacturer Shanghai Electric but that will not help it gain market traction, Zhao said.....  

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