February 16, 2012 Symbol: TSX.V-CKG NR2-2012 CHESAPEAKE GOLD ANNOUNCES NEW RESOURCE ESTIMATE FOR METATES Chesapeake Gold Corp (“Chesapeake”) is pleased to announce the results of a new NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate for its 100% owned Metates gold-silver project located in Durango State, Mexico. The resource estimate was prepared by Independent Mining Consultants (“IMC”) of Tucson, Arizona and incorporates 53 core holes totalling 23,500 meters completed by Chesapeake in 2011. The previous resource estimate for the Metates deposit was announced in April 2010 and was based on a gold equivalent cutoff grade of 0.40 g/t gold and assumed metal prices of $900 per ounce gold and $14 per ounce silver. The new resource is based on assumed metal prices of $1,200 per ounce gold and $24 per ounce silver and a cutoff grade of 0.35 g/t gold equivalent*. Key findings of the new mineral resource estimate are: • Measured and Indicated resources increase to 19.0 million ounces of gold, 519 million ounces of silver and 4.2 billion pounds of contained zinc, representing over 95% of the total mineral resource • Inferred resources of 800,000 ounces of gold, 21 million ounces of silver, and 130 million pounds of zinc • Measured and Indicated gold equivalent resources of 27.9 million ounces Based on a cut-off grade of 0.35 g/t gold equivalent the in-pit resources are as follows, broken down into sedimentary hosted and intrusive hosted mineralization: Metates Mineral Resource Resource Class Ktonnes Gold Eq. Gold Gold Silver Silver Zinc Zinc (g/t)* (g/t) (Koz) (g/t) (Koz) (%) (Mlbs) Measured 344,832 0.87 0.60 6,663 15.9 176,377 0.18 1,361 Intrusive Host 90,003 1.05 0.77 2,222 16.5 47,746 0.26 518 Sediment Host 254,829 0.81 0.54 4,441 15.7 128,631 0.15 843 Indicated 834,527 0.68 0.46 12,347 12.8 342,314 0.15 2,824 Intrusive Host 148,000 0.82 0.61 2,922 12.1 57,576 0.22 705 Sediment Host 686,527 0.65 0.43 9,425 12.9 284,738 0.14 2,119 Measured + Indicated 1,179,359 0.74 0.50 19,010 13.7 518,692 0.16 4,184 Intrusive Host 238,003 0.91 0.67 5,144 13.8 105,323 0.23 1,223 Sediment Host 941,356 0.69 0.46 13,866 13.7 413,369 0.14 2,962 Inferred 67,557 0.54 0.38 818 9.7 21,158 0.09 130 Intrusive Host 5,368 0.57 0.43 74 7.9 1,363 0.06 7 Sediment Host 62,189 0.54 0.37 744 9.9 19,795 0.09 123 *Gold equivalent grade is defined as gold (g/t) plus silver (g/t)/58.4 taking into account different metallurgical recoveries for gold and silver. Note: contained resources may not add due to rounding The Metates resource estimate is based upon 29,223 assay intervals and 229 diamond core drill holes totalling 86,700 meters. An updated geologic interpretation included 14 rock types and 10 structural domains. The resource estimate used inverse distance weighting methods to assign estimated gold, silver and zinc grades to blocks within the geologic domains. The average drill hole spacing throughout the resource area is approximately 75 meters. Block size for the geology and grade estimation modeling was 15 meters by 15 meters by 15 meters. Grade models were validated visually and the inverse distance resource estimates were compared with nearest neighbour models. Tonnage estimates incorporated 617 bulk density measurements to assign unique densities for the 14 different rock types defined in the geologic model. IMC classified the resource by applying a specific number of individual assay composites together with the average distance from the closest drill holes for each block. The mineral resource was estimated within the US$1,200 gold optimized pit shell (using a cut-off grade of 0.35 g/t gold equivalent) based on a large open pit delivering ore at the rate of 120,000 tonnes per day. The economic parameters and costs used to develop the pit shell are processing the ore via grinding, production of a flotation concentrate and oxidation of the concentrate followed by cyanidation to recover gold and silver. Assumed operating costs were US$1.50 per tonne for mining, and US$10.80 per tonne for processing, general and administrative. Estimated overall metal recoveries are 90% for gold and 77% for silver based on extensive metallurgical testing (see Chesapeake news release NR3-2011). Potential revenue from zinc recovery was not used in the economics to derive the resource. Mineralization that is within the block model but falling outside the pit shells is not reported in the resource estimate. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability and may include inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them and allow them to be classed as mineral reserves. The open pit associated with the resource measures 2,200 meters north-south, 1,900 meters east-west and about 650 meters in depth. The total material within this cone shell is 2.39 billion tonnes. Based on the results of the 2011 drill program, the deposit remains open to the northwest and southeast. The north and northeast extent of the deposit has been defined as drilling of the former Inferred classed resources in this area largely returned lower grade assays. The 2011 infill drill program supported an increase in the Measured + Indicated resources by 1.83 million ounces gold, 52.2 million ounces silver and 791 million pounds of zinc over the previous estimate. This resource estimate will form the basis for developing an engineered pit design that will be used to generate potential reserves as part of the upcoming pre-feasibility study (“PFS”). The design of the PFS pit will use a variable and higher cutoff grade than used for this resource estimate to optimize overall economic returns. The PFS pit will sequentially mine the higher grade intrusive hosted mineralization in the earlier years of operation before moving into the sediment hosted mineralization. Chesapeake’s 100% owned Metates project is one of the largest undeveloped gold-silver projects in the Americas. On a gold equivalent basis, Metates contains 27.9 million ounces in Measured + Indicated class material along with 1.2 million ounces in the Inferred class. The resource estimations were completed by Mike Hester, FAusIMM, of IMC, an independent qualified person (“Q.P.”) pursuant to NI43-101, who has reviewed and approved this release. Gary Parkison, CPG, Vice President Development for Chesapeake Gold and Metates Project Manager and a Q.P. has reviewed the technical information contained in this release. Chesapeake has in place a comprehensive quality assurance/quality control (“QA/QC”) program including standards, blanks and duplicate samples as well as check assays that form part of the sampling and assaying protocol. Core samples are cut with one-half of the core shipped directly to ALS Labs in Hermosillo, Mexico for sample preparation with the pulps subsequently sent to ALS Labs in Vancouver, Canada for gold fire assay and ICP analysis. The results of the QA/QC program have been reviewed by Jeff Jaacks, Ph.D, of Geochemical Applications International, Inc., an independent qualified person. For more information on Chesapeake and its Metates Project, please visit our website at www.chesapeakegold.com or contact investor relations at 604-731-1094. CHESAPEAKE GOLD CORP “P. Randy Reifel” P. Randy Reifel President Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts