oth Capital reiterated their buy rating on shares of Palatin Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:PTN) in a report published on Friday. The brokerage currently has a $4.00 target price on the biopharmaceutical company’s stock.
Separately, Zacks Investment Research lowered shares of Palatin Technologies from a buy rating to a hold rating in a research report on Tuesday, July 5th.
Shares of Palatin Technologies (NYSE:PTN) opened at 0.5428 on Friday. The company has a 50-day moving average of $0.56 and a 200 day moving average of $0.52. Palatin Technologies has a 12-month low of $0.36 and a 12-month high of $0.94. The firm’s market capitalization is $36.93 million.
A hedge fund recently raised its stake in Palatin Technologies stock. Vanguard Group Inc. boosted its position in Palatin Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:PTN) by 1.2% during the second quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 1,578,758 shares of the biopharmaceutical company’s stock after buying an additional 19,300 shares during the period. Vanguard Group Inc. owned approximately 2.32% of Palatin Technologies worth $696,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.