Zeitungsberichten in pueblo.
Konkret konnten sie keine Angaben machen, da sie den Zeitungsartikelnicht kannten. Ich habe dann die entsprechenden links zu den Artikel Inca gestern zur Verfügung gestellt. Sie haben sich bedankt. Es erfolgte konkret noch keineStellungnahme. Eventuell erhalte ich heute eine Antwort.
Desweiteren haben sie mir auf mein email eine allgemeine Stellungnahme geschickt, die ich hiermitveröffentlichen möchte.
I cannot comment about the article, as I am not familiar with the publication nor the report. I therefore have not read it. If you have a link or a copy of the article, please forward it to me so I can read it.
I am sure the some degree of corruption, or underground business is prevalent in Peru, as it is prevalent in many other if not all countries....it is ignorant to believe otherwise. It may even be a part of the same industry that Inca One is situated within. To this point, it is one reason that the government has instituted a formalization of this industry, as it was deprived of millions, some reports estimate even billions in lost revenue from taxes in this country for many years. I am sure it will not be cleared up overnight, but from what I know, the government seems intent on cleaning this industry up and the formalization process is evidence of this.
However, Inca One is definitely not involved in any illegal practices. From a pure business perspective, it would not be allowed to export its Dore if it could not have proper documentation of its suppliers and a clear chain of control of the raw material and where it was sourced. Furthermore, Inca One only conducts business with companies, suppliers and miners that have applied for or are permitted within the formalization structure and will not do business with other. This is a good point to understand...the formalization process actually clears up whom you should do business with -if they are not permitted or have no intention of completing the process, you just stay away from these entities or people - it's that simple. A further point is the that Inca One is also a public company it maintains it is held to higher standards and maintains a strict disclosure practice.
Lastly after being with the company for the better part of this year, I can say that management themselves are held to these higher standards, are ethical and their dealings are straightforward and honest. They are pure entrepreneurs and decent, hardworking business people. Any other comments are pure hearsay, and untruthful. Furthermore, it is slanderous and any written comments about Inca One conducting or participating willingly in such practice you mention are libelous.
Konstantine Tsakumis Investor Relations