By: thatmaybe 11 Sep 2003, 08:00 AM EDT Msg. 8286 of 8286 (This msg. is a reply to 8285 by skipper2108.) Jump to msg. #
REMEMBER, OCTOBER 20 is day 30. If I read JCROM's text correctly CALY will apply prior to that time. Once we're re-listed, the stock will immediately spike (IMHO)but more importantly, the company will draw more institutional investors. The outstanding shares and float are so low, any new money coming in will significant increase price. With that said, the ONLY news that is ultimately significant is CONTRACTS, SALES. Everything else is meaningless without it. They have to present (which they haven't as yet) a solid earnings base to legitimize the company. Thus, at this point, IMO, it's still a relatively high risk, but a risk worth taking. I've been here since 1999, and am almost as long as you could be with this company. Though I was a huge supporter of Nancy Katz, I was devastated and angry about the company winding down last April. There was no excuse for it given the product. But, it was run more like a public health non-profit agency, not a business. Now, it is clearly in the hands of very aggressive and hungry businessmen.