17252651\2 00601.0823.000/326111.000 09/13/2013 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF DELAWARE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x In re GENTA INCORPORATED, Debtor. : : : : : : : Chapter 7 Case No. 12-12269 (KG) Assignment and Cure Objection Deadline: September 23, 2013 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT AND CURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. On July 26, 2013, the United States Bankruptcy C ourt for the District of Delaware (the “Bankruptcy Court”) entered an order (the “Bid Procedures Order”) in the chapter 7 case of the above-captioned debtor (the “Debtor”) approving , among other things, the procedures for determining cure amounts related to the Trustee’s a ssumption and assignment of certain executory contracts, unexpired leases, and other ag reements (the “Assumed Contracts”) listed on the Assignment Schedule 1 annexed to this Notice as Exhibit A, in connection with the sale of substantially all of the Debtors’ assets (the “Bid Assets”). The Trustee will assume and assign the Assumed Contracts to the Stalking Horse Bidder or its designee under the bid procedures (the “Bid Procedures”) approved by the Bankruptcy Court and attached to the Bid Procedures Order as Annex 1. 2. The Trustee is informed that any and all default s (other than the filing of this chapter 7 case) and actual pecuniary losses under t he Assumed Contracts can be cured by the payment of the cure amounts listed on this Notice s ent to each Contract Counterparty. 3. Any Contract Counterparty that objects to (i) th e assignment of its Assumed Contract, (ii) the adequate assurance of the assign ee’s ability to perform, or (iii) the cure amount set forth in this Notice (each, an “Assignment and Cure Objection”), must file an objection no later than 10 days after this Notice is mailed to t he affected party, as indicated by the date noted on this Notice (the “Assignment and Cure Objection Deadline”). 4. Any Assignment and Cure Objection must (i) be in writing; (ii) conform to the applicable provisions of the Bankruptcy Rules and t he Local Rules for the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware; (iii ) state with particularity the legal and factual basis for the objection and the specific grounds th erefor and (iv) if challenging a cure amount, set 1 Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Not ice shall have the meanings as defined in the Bid P rocedures Order. Case 12-12269-KG Doc 140 Filed 09/13/13 Page 1 of 5 2 17252651\2 00601.0823.000/326111.000 09/13/2013 forth the prepetition cure amount being claimed by the objecting party with appropriate documentation in support thereof. 5. To be considered a timely Assignment and Cure Ob jection, the Assignment and Cure Objection must be filed with the Bankruptcy Co urt and served upon (i) George Miller, the chapter 7 trustee; (ii) counsel to the Trustee, Coz en O’Connor, 1201 N. Market Street, Suite 1001, Wilmington, DE 19801 (Attention: John T. Car roll, III); (iii) counsel to the Secured Agent, Ropes & Gray LLP, Prudential Tower, 800 Boyl ston Street, Boston, MA 02199-3600 (Attention: James M. Wilton); and (iv) the Office o f the United States Trustee for the District of Delaware, 884 King Street, Suite 2207, Lockbox 35, Wilmington, DE 19801 (collectively, the “Service Parties”) (collectively, the “Service Part ies”); so that it is actually received no later tha n 4:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) on the Assignme nt and Cure Objection Deadline. 6. If a Contract Counterparty files a timely Assign ment and Cure Objection and the parties are unable to consensually resolve the disp ute, a hearing on such Assignment and Cure Objection may be held prior to, at, or after the Sa le Hearing. 7. If a Contract Counterparty does not timely file and serve an Assignment and Cure Objection with respect to a Notice of Assignment an d Cure, such Contract Counterparty will be (i) forever barred from objecting to the assignment of their Assumed Contract to the proposed assignee; (ii) deemed to have waived all pre-closin g defaults and breaches under the Assumed Contracts; (iii) forever barred from objecting to t he proposed assignee’s adequate assurance of future performance; (iv) deemed to have consented, for all purposes, to, the assumption and assignment of their Assumed Contracts to the propos ed assignee; and (v) forever barred from objecting to the cure amount proposed in this Notic e. 8. If no objections to the assumption or assumption and assignment are received by the Assignment and Cure Objection Deadline, counsel for the Sellers may submit to the Court a certificate of no objection (the “Certificate of No Objection”) and, solely for Post-Closing Assumed Contracts, a form of order granting the req uested assumption and/or assignment of the Assumed Contracts, and serve the Certificate of No Objection on the counterparty to the Assumed Contracts. The order approving the assumpt ion and/or assignment of such Post- Closing Assumed Contracts may be entered by the Cou rt forty-eight (48) hours after the Certificate of No Objection is filed. The assumpti on and assignment of the Closing Date Contracts may be approved by the order approving th e Sale (the “Sale Order”). 9. If the Stalking Horse Bidder is the Successful B idder at the Auction, the Stalking Horse Bidder may designate additional contracts as “Assumed Contracts.” The Trustee will file separate schedule(s) with the Court in form and sub stance reasonably acceptable to the Stalking Horse Bidder, listing all the Assumed Contracts pro posed to be assumed and assigned pursuant to the Stalking Horse Agreement after the date the Sale Order is entered (the “Post-Closing Assumed Contracts”). Such schedule(s) of Post-Clos ing Assumed Contracts may be modified at the request of the Stalking Horse Bidder subject to the terms and conditions of the Stalking Horse Agreement. 10. Any Sale Order approving a sale to a Successful Bidder other than the Stalking Horse Bidder will address the procedures by which t he Trustee will assume and assign the Case 12-12269-KG Doc 140 Filed 09/13/13 Page 2 of 5 3 17252651\2 00601.0823.000/326111.000 09/13/2013 contracts to be assumed and assigned to a Successfu l Bidder that is not the Stalking Horse Bidder. 11. Copies of the Bid Procedures Order and other re levant documents can be found on the Bankruptcy Court’s website, www.deb.uscourts .gov; and are on file with the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court, Third Floor, 824 Market Street, W ilmington, Delaware 19801. 12. The Trustee’s decision to assume and assign the Assumed Contracts is subject to Bankruptcy Court approval and the Sale closing. Ac cordingly, absent such approval and closing, any of the Assumed Contracts shall not be deemed to be assumed and assigned, and shall in all respects be subject to further administration under the Bankruptcy Code. The inclusion of any document on the list of Assumed Contracts shall not constitute or be deemed a determination or admission by the Trustee or the Stalking Horse Bidd er that the document is, in fact, an executory contract or unexpired lease within the meaning of t he Bankruptcy Code (all rights with respect thereto being expressly reserved). Dated: September 13, 2013 Wilmington, Delaware Respectfully submitted, COZEN O’CONNOR /s/ John T. Carroll, III ____________________________ John T. Carroll, III (DE No. 4060) 1201 North Market Street Suite 1001 Wilmington, DE 19801 Telephone: (302) 295-2027 Facsimile: (302) 295-2013 jcarroll@cozen.com Counsel for the Trustee, George L. Miller Case 12-12269-KG Doc 140 Filed 09/13/13 Page 3 of 5 17252651\2 00601.0823.000/326111.000 09/13/2013 Exhibit A Assignment Schedule Case 12-12269-KG Doc 140 Filed 09/13/13 Page 4 of 5 17252651\2 00601.0823.000/326111.000 09/13/2013 Assignment Schedule Assumed Contract Contract Counterparty Cure Amount License Agreement with respect to DJ-927, between Daiichi Sankyo Company Ltd. and Genta Incorporated, dated March 7, 2008 Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited 5-1 Nihonbashi-honcho 3-Chorne, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8426 Japan $0.00 Case 12-12269-KG Doc 140 Filed 09/13/13 Page 5 of 5