War heute kurz davor nachzukaufen. Jedoch sehe ich hier erst in 5 Jahren einen Grund einzusteigen. Wenn mein Kaufkurs überschritten wird, werde ich verkaufen. Hätte ich damals mit meinem zu teuren Nachkauf meinen Erstkurs nicht versaut, wäre ich schon lange draußen. Mir ist es hier zu gefährlich für weitere Jahre.
Nevada Zinc hat sich zu einer empfindlichen Aktie entwickelt.
Weiß vielleicht jemand was die noch an Kapital besitzen? ?Wann war denn die letzte KE??? Die werden doch bestimmt bald mal frisches Kapital brauchen...Die bohrprogramme kosten doch ein Haufen Kohle und die Leute arbeiten auch nicht umsonst. ...Vielleicht warten viele deshalb ab ...Trotz guter Nachrichten geht es immer weiter runter...
Also 2016 haben sie sich 2 MIO CAD geholt (das Gute, ohne Warrants) Hier die Quelle (für alle auf der Webseite von NZN zu finden): Corporate presentation MARCH 2017 Siehe Seite 17 Wer sucht...der findet :-)
War leider absehbar, dass man Geld braucht, aber auf dem Niveau auch wieder interessant! Kohle sollte ausreichen um im Yukon richtig los zu legen mit Bohrungen und die Ressourcenschätzung auf dem Zink Projekt voranzutreiben, ich schaue ob ich bei Handelseröffnung paar abgreifen kann von schwachen Händen :D
Further to the recent price decline in zinc (and zinc company share prices) along with other metals I thought a quick update might be of help to let you know what we see in the news and behind the scenes.
Glencore has recently indicated they are not going to be re-starting their now idled operations in Australia or Peru. While Glencore anticipates slightly higher net zinc production for the year, most of that production increase relates to the higher ore grade at Antamina this year(as was planned in the mine plan). They do not appear to be indicating any intention of restarts in the foreseeable future.
A short note from Scotia this morning included the following note on Glencore:
Quit Worrying About Glencore’s Idled Zinc Capacity – The Company Has NO PLANS to Restart Suspended Operations!…: Yesterday, Glencore announced that it has no plans to restart its idled zinc mine capacity in Peru and Australia. The currently idled assets, Iscaycruz (Los Quenuales) and Lady Loretta are expected to remain on care and maintenance indefinitely. Glencore’s 2017 zinc production guidance is 1.19Mt ± 25kt. This is an increase of 9% on 2016 production. Why is it going up? The rise in production is primarily the result of Antamina moving into zinc-rich ore. Glencore’s 2017 share of zinc production from Antamina is estimated to be 116kt, 74% higher than 2016. Worth noting is that Glencore’s current Zn production guidance still in includes the Rosh Pinah and Perkoa mines which are in the process of being sold to Trevali Mining (TV-CN, SO, C$2.25, Orest Wowkodaw). If the sale is completed at the end of June (Scotia Mining Sales is under this assumption), the Glencore production forecast would be reduced by approximately 75kt.
On the chart below from Kitco it is apparent that the zinc inventories are tracking relentlessly from upper left to lower right and recently the trend to declining inventories is accelerating.
Of note also are that world Zinc inventories currently stand at a level down 22.8% this year to date and are down 25.6% year over year.
While the NZN share price has not been immune to the current pullback (currently trading around $0.34), we feel that once our financing initiative (Prospectus Financing) is finalized and we are in a position to restart operations in Yukon and Nevada, the market will again show more interest in our compelling gold and zinc projects.