"It's a national shame. We've built a culture of impunity where mass theft has been normalised," it said.
Parks said the NPA was under-resourced with critical vacancies, but its leadership had promised much upon appointment and had thus far delivered little if anything at all.
"This is not the only case. Steinhoff has seen little movement yet Germany is acting! We simply cannot continue to condone a culture of corruption. If the leadership of the NPA has run out of ideas, then they should make way for those who are willing to declare war on crime and corruption," Parks said.
In a statement made public on Wednesday, Cosatu Limpopo expressed its disapproval of the incredibly lax punishments meted out by the legal system to individuals found guilty of significant crimes, such as corruption, describing it as a rot that must be eradicated from South African society.
Cosatu was reacting to a NPA statement regarding the plea bargaining, which was entered into with some of those the trade union called "criminals involved in the VBS shenanigans“.
Cosatu Limpopo Provincial Secretary Hangwani Mashao said this was alarming and evoked horror and disgust. "More so because Cosatu shop stewards lost their lives for blowing the whistle on corruption and were assassinated. Furthermore, some shop stewards and members were dismissed from their jobs for taking a stand against corruption.