gepostet... Wenn das eintrifft, dann ist das ja der Hammer... Hört sich aber gut an... Darf ruhig so kommen... Wann kommen die News bezüglich der Produktion?
Post by sirenebekim :
Why can\'t it be 40 per share? There is only 3 billion o/s left, with the amount of gold there is estimated in just one mine, 100,000+ tons, what is that going to do to the pps? I\'m telling ya its going to be 40.00, forty-dollars-no-cent, or higher when all is said and done. it needs to get $120 billion in gold for it to be 40.00, based on current o/s. 100,000+ tons* 2000 lbs per ton,= 200,000,000 lbs *16 ounces per pound * 587.50= $1,880,000,000,000 / 3 billion outstanding= $626.67 per share. Uh oh, looks like 40 per share is realistic this is why i support these numbers, 626.67 per share.. It sounds crazy doesn\'t it?? I know I didn\'t believe it either, so I did more research into what is really in the PI\'s. The islands that they are mining on are known for being some of the biggest mines in the world. However, the recent goverment suppresion of opening these mines has rendered them useless to the modern world. The turmoil that exists in the PI\'s is incredible, with the new peoples army, the NPA, and the phillipino goverment struggling for power. I\'m not sure on the specifics, I haven\'t lived there. My judgement is only from what I can read on this damn computer. I really want to visit these mines, and visit the country to get a more personal perception of what is really going on "over there". However, from my research, it is very possible that a small country, such as the pi\'s, would pop out of nowhere with a publically traded company to sell all of their gold legit on the market when the price of gold is breaking records... Some say it will hit 2,000 per ounce, which is possible as turmoil throughout the world renders the paper format of currency less attractive to goverments, so they start to backstock gold boulion.
The geology of the country also supports the suggestion of large masses of gold viens. The mountain terrain resembles that of California. Consequently when all of the continents where together as one, the pi\'s line up with California.
Have you ever heard of philipino gold sources? They are known throughout the world for their gold. Do a google search and see what you come up with. I think that PAIM has really got something here. One day when I\'m rich from owning 250,000 shares at 6 or 7 hundo a pop, I\'ll look back on this board and smile
Post by sirenebekim : Mining The Philippines is one of the world’s most highly mineralized countries, with untapped mineral wealth estimated at more than $840 billion. Philippine copper, gold and chromite deposits are among the largest in the world. Other important minerals include nickel, silver, coal, gypsum, and sulfur. The Philippines also has significant deposits of clay, limestone, marble, silica, and phosphate. The discovery of natural gas reserves off Palawan Island has been brought on-line to generate electricity.
Despite its rich mineral deposits, the Philippine mining industry is just a fraction of what it was in the 1970s and 1980s when the country ranked among the ten leading gold and copper producers worldwide. Low metal prices, high production costs, and lack of investment in infrastructure have contributed to the industry’s overall decline. A December 2004 Supreme Court decision upheld the constitutionality of the 1995 Mining Act, thereby allowing up to 100% foreign-owned companies to invest in large-scale exploration, development, and utilization of minerals, oil and gas.