Die Medien erhalten am 18.12 eine ungeschwärtze Version des PWC Berichtes. Wer hätte das gedacht ? Steinhoff warnt daher die involvierten Personen wegen der Veröffentlichung der personenbezogenen Daten.
What personal information is contained in the PwC Report?
The PwC Report contains, amongst others, the following personal information of affected data
subjects -
• an individual's names, surnames, titles and positions held;
• a corporate's name and registration number,
• email addresses, physical addresses, postal addresses, telephone numbers, and other
contact details;
• letters, faxes, emails and other correspondence/s;
• signatories and/or counterparties to various agreements;
• financial information like remuneration and tax information;
• legal opinions, comments, statements, and/or other publications of internal and
external advisors; and
• personal information of witnesses to the accounting irregularities and persons who
were interviewed by PwC.
What happens after the PwC Report is disclosed?
The Media Parties are responsible for what they do with affected data subjects' personal
information. We have no control nor responsibility over the processing of personal information
by the Media Parties.