Hier die Antwort vom CFO:
Now I have read your annoucement of doing a share split 1: What is your intention about this? We have today anounced the Annual General Meeting of the company to be held on the 19th of February and suggested some changes that, according to the Norwegian Companies Act, needs to be approved by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting. As a foreign shareholder, you are unfortunately not able to vote as your shares are not held through a Norwegian VPS-account.
After this the share would be a pennystock. This could be attractive for new investors but also crucial for some because not everyone is investing in a pennystock.
"For EU-investors with EURO as currency, I agree that there is a risk of becoming a penny-stock at the current price level, however, we believe that the share price should increase further going forwards and hopefully avoid this scenario. For Norwegian investors, the share price is currently around 70-80 Norwegian Kroner and, in that sense, a split in 10 could be argued to be favourable. In addition, a split will lead to an increase in the number of shares from 12,4 million to 124 million, presumably making it more tradable. We don’t know the answer to these questions yet, but we believe this should be positive for the share price and thereby the value for our shareholders. "
Would it make more sense to do a 1:5 split?
"That could also have been a solution, but unfortunately too late to suggest at this stage!"
Also you are asking about a capital raise for „only“ 600.000 NOK, which is actually quite low. Why this less? Why not a capital raise for lets say 10 Million NOK?
"This item in the notice is related to the Annual General Meeting issuing a authorisation to the Board of Directors to issue new shares without calling for an Extraordinary General Meeting. This is a tool for the Board to act quickly if/when necessary. The authorisation lasts for approx. one year and will then need to be renewed. NOK 620 000 is equal to 50% of the company’s share capital and, according to the Norwegian Companies Act, this is the maximum that the General Meeting can approve. Based on this, the Board may issue as many as 6,2 million new shares (62 million shares after a split). On the todays shareprice this could mean a total of approximately NOK 500 million in new equity so, for our size, this definitely provides the Board with a powerful tool if necessary! "
What is your plan to finance with 600.000 NOK?
"We do not have any specific plans so this is only to provide the Board with a tool if it becomes necessary. Providing the Board with such authorisation is very common among Norwegian companies and, as explained above, the actual amount is much higher than NOK 620 000. "
Why not a share capital increase at a higher share price so you can get more money for less shares? "The nominal value of the shares, which makes the foundation for the share capital, is not linked to the price for potential new shares. As today, the share price is around NOK 80, but the nominal value of the share is only NOK 0,10. The rest is surplus capital/equity for the company. Trust me, we will always try to do any new share issues on the highest level possible!"
Für alle die ihr Englisch vor langer Zeit verwendet haben. Der Split wird wohl durchgeführt, um mehr norwegische Trader anzulocken, da die Aktie dort ja schon 80 NOK kostet und dort sogesehen "teuer" ist. Sie hoffen auch auf ein höheres Tradingvolumen. Sie sehen die Gefahr eines Pennystocks in Euro eher nicht, da sie hoffen das der Kurs weiter steigt und es so umgehen.
Also wird sie optisch attraktiver für den Heimatmarkt gemacht. Die Erlaubnis der Kapitalerhöhung wurde falsch verstanden. Sie können nach dem Split maximal 62 Millionen (620.000 NOK - nominal Wert einer Aktie ist nach dem Split 0.01 NOK -> 62 Millionen Aktien, die zum aktuellen Preis ausgegeben werden können) neue Aktien ausgeben. Dies würde eine Kapitalerhöhung im Wert von 50 Millionen Euro bedeuten (beim momentanen Preis). Es ist Standard so ein Tool zu bewilligen. Das bedeutet keine automatische Kapitalerhöhung, sondern nur die Möglichkeit eine machen zu können. Wäre natürlich für einen Ankerinvestor o.Ä. perfekt. Aber momentan schreibt er ja, dass sie keine spezifischen Pläne haben, was eine Kapitalerhöhung rechtfertigen würde.
Er versichert auch, dass sie eine Kapitalerhöhung zum höchsten Aktienpreis ausführen, sodass so wenige Aktien wie möglich ausgegeben werden müssen.
Für mich klingt das nach einem sehr guten Fahrplan. Finde es auch echt genial wie schnell die einem antworten, mal nah an dem Aktionär.
Ich habe auch noch nachgefragt, wann der Split stattfinden soll.