Dgri will sich in der Finanzierung von zukünftigen weed Projekten stark machen. Na das klingt doch super. Bin gespannt wie sich das auf den Kurs auswirkt.
: google hat die entdeckung möglich gemacht
aus dem amis board.
DGRI hat bisher nichts von der existenz erwähnt.
Acquisitions and Joint Ventures
We represent publicly traded companies that want to invest in well positioned enterprises in both medical and recreational marijuana fields.
If you seek access to capital, send us an executive summary of your business plan. We are looking for projects now and have the ability to move quickly.
On March 20, 2014, the Board of Directors has authorized the release of a Press Release, concerning a new product, a copy of which, along with the underlying agreement, is attached hereto and made a part hereof.