Hallo Forum again in Australia geht man davon aus, dass die nächste Woche wegweisend sein wird. Man rechnet damit, dass bereits nächste Woche grosse Investroren, sprich Fonds Manager, einsteigen könnten. Und dann könnte es schnell einmal einen Engpass an Papieren geben. Was dies für den kurs bedeuten wird, muss ich euch ja nicht erklären... 
Also ich werde am Montag morgen nachlegen.... hab ein gutes Bauchgefühl wie selten.... nachfolgend noch ein Snap aus dem australischen Hotcopper Forum. Die Jungs dort kennen sich in der Branche echt aus und deshalb gewichte ich die Aussagen im Forum hoch.... Auszug aus dem Hotcopper Forum vom 19.05.2007: "Based on the fact that UNDF have only explored 2.7 k's of the 37 odd k's of potential area and have concluded that there is possibly 800-1 bil iron ore in the 2.7 k's what will happen if the entire area is explored and they conclude there is more like 3 to 4 bil iron ore. I'm sure that big players will be snapping ( accumilating ) up the shares on monday and all the way through the week as the fund managers cannot miss out on such an opportunity. There are approximetly 700 mill shares owned by small players and this will dwindle down as more shares are accumilated by the big boys. Soon there will be a very limited amount of shares to buy then we will see sdl fly. If investors care to research they will find the camoroon area in africa is leaded with resource especially iron ore. George jones is equivelant to forrest of NIA , he is a major player in this field and will produce very significant results for this company. This week will be an interesting week."