"The release of annual result will be ready soon, and the first week of June will be available also the Q1 result."
Aus einem anderen Forum am 22.05. von turnaroundstock:
"… we can update the Market.
Q1 in the week commencing 1st of June!
The Q1 is fantastic!"
Und diese offizielle Aussage von UPCO ist ja bekannt. Spätestens am 30.Mai oder auch eben früher soll der 2020 Finanzbericht kommen.
"The Company is working with its auditors to complete the audit of its financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2020 and anticipates that it will be in a good position to file its annual financial statements and managements' discussion and analysis, together with the related certifications, before May 30 th , 2021."