04.02.2008 12:07
League Publishing, Inc. (The League) (TLGP.PK) Appoints New Officers and Directors BEIJING, Feb. 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The League Publishing, (News) Inc. (TLGP - Pending new symbol change) is pleased to announce the appointment of the following officers and members of the Board of Directors:
CEO and President: Dongmei Jia Treasurer: Jinming Wang Secretary: Garr Winters
Dongmei Jia is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Hebei Haorizi Company Ltd. (Haorizi), while Jinming Wang is a key executive with the Company. Haorizi is a chain of convenience stores operating primarily in Hebei Province, China. Founded in 1998, the Company has grown with increasing momentum and success, with an emphasis on serving rural areas of China. This initiative is supported by a major commitment by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce to bring modern retailing to rural areas across China.
Today there are 1,600 franchise stores under the Haorizi banner - which translates to 'Good Life' in English. Current business plans call for the Company to expand to 4,000 stores by the end of 2008, with continued accelerated growth in the coming years.
Mr. Garr Winters has been selected as the new secretary of TLGP. Mr. Winters has recently stepped down at the end of his 12 month contract as CEO at MonArc Corporation (previously Esprit Financial Group), where he remains an officer of the Company as corporate Secretary. Mr. Winters is a semi-retired executive who is an officer or director to many other micro-cap companies. Mr. Winters played a pivotal role in bringing Good Life to the OTC market in the U.S. He has also been instrumental in orchestrating a special dividend in TLGP stock to MonArc shareholders as part of the sale of MonArc assets to TLGP.
Hans Jonas Pettersson, outgoing officer and director of the The League, has resigned effective January 27th, 2008.
In related news, the Company has previously elected a new transfer agent, Heritage Trust Company of Toronto, Canada, as of December 17th, 2007. The Company is pleased to announce that the corporate files are in the process of being transferred in accordance with this decision. This move will facilitate the coordination of the special stock dividend to EFGO shareholders.
Incoming CEO, Dongmei Jia, noted, "We are pleased to clear one of the last hurdles which had been slowing down our short-term progress in effecting this final transaction. I know that Mr. Winters has been working extremely hard on our behalf to execute such a complex series of mergers and acquisitions. It is fitting that we are celebrating our Chinese New Year this month, coinciding with Good Life now being well-positioned for growth on the Pink Sheets, PLC."
The Company has also retained the services of the Mina Mar Group (http://www.minamargroup.com/) for investor relations and additional consulting assistance regarding Corporate Affairs. Mina Mar's consulting services have been instrumental in the acquisition process to date.
About The League Publishing, Inc.
The League Publishing Inc. is a public company that has previously been focused within the broadcasting sector of Latin American television. It is in the process of completing an acquisition of MonArc Corporation, previously Esprit Financial Group, and Good Life Group.
About MonArc Corporation (Previously Esprit Financial Group - EFGO.PK)
MonArc (formerly Esprit Financial Group, Inc.) is a public company engaged in a diversified number of online sub prime financial services. These include: the Payday Loan Software division; Forex Trading; Advanced Electronic Funds Management; and Specialized Investment Banking and Financial Advisory Services. It recently acquired Good Life Group Limited in a reverse merger.
About Good Life Group Limited.
Good Life Group Limited operates a rapidly growing chain of franchised convenience stores based in Hebei Province, China. It employs advanced retail concepts such as e-commerce enabled POS/back office systems, and achieves significant economies of scale on the supply side of the business. It will be expanding geographically to neighboring Provinces, as well as offering a growing number of additional products and services, such as financial products, as it moves forward.
Das interessante dabei ist, dass The League Publishing, Inc. zuvor Latin Television war und im August ihre kompletten Assets an eine Frma namens Stratus Entertainment verkauften.
Somit bestand The League Publishing, Inc. nur noch aus einer leeren Boersnhülle, beinahe die gesamten Aktien (rund 40mil.) waren wohl in Managementbesitz, daher wurde TLGP auch noch im Februar bei rund 1$ gehandelt was einem fiktiven Marktwert von rund 40mil.$ entsprach.
Dann kam obige Meldung über den Managemetwechsel da auch zu diem Zeitpunkt eine Übernahme von EFGO durch TLGP stattfand (nätürlich über Aktientausch) bekam Haorizi kurzfristig auch die Marktbewertung von TLGP da ja noch beinahe keine Aktien von TLGP frei handlebar waren.
Um es kurz zu fassen wurden in eine leere Hülle mit einem fiktieven Marktwert von rund 40mil.$ die Assets aus EFGO (Haorizi) eingepflanzt ?
Durch die gleichzeitige Erhöhung der O/S steig der Marktwert natürlich nochmals dramatisch an.
Da diese Shares erst später handelbar waren hielt sich der Kus bis anfang April über 0,5 $. ?
Nun stellt sich die Frage, wurde eine weit weit überteuerte Boersenhülle übernommen um anschließend das eigene Unternehmen herrauszukaufen ?
Geschieht das geliche jetzt nochmals bei GLCC über Eng America corp. ?
Ist Eng America corp. etwa auch nur eine überteuerte leere Hülle ?
The show must go on, nächste Woche sind wir evtl. wieder etwas schlauer.