The "Bezugsrechte" correspond to the quatity of shares, which currently are in your account (you didn't pay for them)! If you want to acquire one new share, you need two "Bezugsrechte". However, the intrinsic value of a "Bezugsrecht" is actually zero as long as the market price for ("old")shares is below 1,05€ (which is the price for one new share via making use of the "Bezugsrechte"). Thus, using the "Bezugsrechte" only makes sense, if the actual market price is above 1,05€/share. However, until the deadline, every "Bezugsrecht" still has an option value (like a common "call otion"), because the price per share on the spot market might rise above 1,05€ within the relevant time period.
Hence, you might whish to sell the "Bezugsrechte". But, please note that you can trade "Bezugsrechte" only at some stock exchanges (e.g. NOT at XETRA). Furthermore, in many cases you can't sell them via online brokerage. You have to give a written order, or at least via telefone!
Kind regards, Brocken