alles klar an deck? leider ist es denn ja nun gestern doch nochmal deutlich runtergegangen. aber das brauch auch keinen wirklich zu wundern. ich hoffe mal das wir heute mal wieder auf einen normalen markt treffen und nicht wieder auf so ein 3 mio teil. denn so ein 30 cent sprung hält doch viele normal aktionäre ab zu kaufen. denke ich mal.
so hab hier noch was aus dem WO, über den moly preis und mit moly veredelte eisen.
Moly Prices Still Firming Jan. 16/07
The moly market continued to firm, and many sellers believe that prices could rise further. “This is actually demand driven,” said one trader, “and I don’t see any change on the supply side.” Another trader predicted, “This is what we are going to see for the entire year. Prices are going to be volatile, but I don’t see any significant drops. The producers are well sold under contracts, and many of the mills would like to increase their contract purchases.” A major US mill reportedly bought two trucks of oxide last Friday at slightly below $25.00 per lb. At the same time, oxide sales were booked in Europe at $25.75 this week, and briquette sales were done at $25.85-25.95. Some traders said they had sold at $26.00. European mills bought FeMo at $62.30-62.50 per kg, and traders raised their prices to $63. Some traders may have been over- eager to hike prices, but they believe that there is more spot buying to be done and that replacement costs justify higher prices. A US mill in the market for two trucks of FeMo is believed to have paid in the high $27s per lb for one truck of FeMo. Producers reportedly have little FeMo to offer in the spot market. Meanwhile, there has been no further clarification about the Chinese quotas on exports of moly and FeMo scheduled to take effect on Mar. 1. Chinese suppliers have raised their FeMo prices to $62 per kg.