Dieser Kommentar aus ragingbull trifft den Nagel auf den Kopf. In 2 Jahren wird Aplle einen Marktanteil von 30% in USA haben.
don't own options, and I am a long. And I also believe that this is true for the majority of those with money in the market. On this board, it is a silent majority because most of those who post here are a little more speculative in their investing strategy. Nothing wrong with that, of course. If they do it well, then the risk is worth the return.
However, speaking for the silent majority, let me tell you why most of us in the majority are stupid.
#1. We are Apple-phobic. We fear Intel and worship at the shrine of Microsoft. We hear people say that it is impossible for Apple to ever gain enough marketshare to contend with those two, so we assume that someday soon Apple will fall off the face of the earth. We do not understand anything about the industry itself. 4 out of every 5 statements we hear about the mac is that it's just not compatible with the rest of the world and is therefore not a viable purchasing option.
#2. We are timid to get in on a stock that has undergone a major run-up like AAPL has in the last 9 months. We look at the record and think, "Gosh -- I could have gotten in at 35 easily" or "well, I guess I missed out." We don't understand that a stock can triple and quadruple and still be undervalued.
I, of course, do not personally fit this category, but that is how a lot of my friends think. I can't get my investment club to buy some AAPL for my life, but they all oooh and aah at "what we could have made" if they had listened a year ago, or six months ago, or three months ago. Fortunately, I am not required to invest only with the club.
What this means for the rest of us long position people is that we can buy more and more and more. We can buy AAPL until it hurts, because when we cash it in a couple years from now, it will feel OH SO GOOD.