Naja nicht so gut, ca. 13% weniger Cäsiumerz zu verkaufen! Verkaufsvolumen nur noch 17,4Mio A-Dollar anstatt 20Mio A-Dollar prognostiziert. Aber ok, es waren alles nur Schätzungen! Korrekturen in die andere Richtung wären mir lieber gewesen. vis
Perth, Western Australia, 11 September 2019: Pioneer Resources Limited ("Pioneer" or the "Company" (ASX: PIO)) provides an update concerning a revision to the estimated saleable caesium inventory: Following discussions with caesium offtaker, Sinomine Specialty Fluids Limited (“SinomineSF”), Pioneer is exporting ‘high grade’ caesium bearing crushed pollucite ore (>10% caesium oxide content). The price of the material has been adjusted upwards to compensate Pioneer for not blending low grade material to target a blended grade of >8% caesium oxide. Sinomine has the right take the concomitant amount of low grade material (grading ~3.5% caesium oxide) that would otherwise have been blended to yield the blended grade of >8% caesium oxide at a later date. In addition, the parties plan to negotiate a price to sell the balance of low grade material, estimated to contain ~80 tonnes of caesium oxide. STOCKPILE RECONCILIATION REDUCES TONNES FOR EXPORT Stockpile drone survey volumes completed for material shipped prior to August and prior to September, when related to the weight of filled containers of pollucite ore for the same periods, shows that the factor used to convert the units of volume (m3) of stockpiles to units of weight (tonnes) should be lower than that previously used during the crushing process. A reconciliation review has concluded that, on average, the reported tonnes of stockpiled material is likely to have been over-estimated by approximately 15%. ORE SALES & SHIPMENT SCHEDULE Containerisation of the September shipment has commenced, with approximately 2,000t of high grade pollucite ore due to be shipped mid-September. Since 1 July 2019, US$2.8 million has been received by the Company, with a further US$2 million expected to be received between now and November for the remaining high grade ore. Pollucite ore sales from the Sinclair Mine are now expected to total A$17.4 million (January 2019 to November 2019), excluding any sales of low grade material, which is 13% less than previously estimated in the June 2019 Quarterly Activities Report (ASX release 31/07/2019).